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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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These tests are taken in those areas in which there is no population.

True some people overestimate their destruction power but if it is dropped in any big city its destruction will be more than we think.

A city like Karachi, Chennai etc would take at least 7 accurately dispersed nukes of 50 kT for annihilation.
Ziaul Haq's radicalization legacy still clinging to Pakistan.

What finally lead Pakistan path to radicalization was the loss of east pakistan(psychological) and the soviets entering afghanistan.
loss of east Pakistan was a psychological loss only way to get rid of it is to acquire Afghanistan just my view.
the zia-gulf arab relationship is still very much here today gulf arabs in general are racist toward dark skin people and other arabs. in their eyes your just a worker to them.

I have never been treated as "just a worker" over here, in fact I have been treated pretty damn well thank God. Anyway the problem is that in Pakistan, the only identity the people are told they have is "Muslim". This has lead to an identity crisis & a severe desperation for Muslim unity.
I have never been treated as "just a worker" over here, in fact I have been treated pretty damn well thank God. Anyway the problem is that in Pakistan, the only identity the people are told they have is "Muslim". This has lead to an identity crisis & a severe desperation for Muslim unity.

Here you go another statement from a Pakistani living in KSA. Still people keep mumbling about "Arabs treat Pakistanis like slaves" to plant hate.
I don't think Common Arabs like Indians. Even i have received harsh comment from them for being a citizen of Bangladesh, an india friendly country! They will provide financial and moral assistance to Pakistan. No doubt.
Here you go another statement from a Pakistani living in KSA. Still people keep mumbling about "Arabs treat Pakistanis like slaves" to plant hate.

Like you said, this is just an attempt to get us to fight each other. Personally I have always gotten good or special treatment whenever I met most Gulf Arabs or other nationalities whether in Saudi Arabia or while I was abroad, thank God. :)
What finally lead Pakistan path to radicalization was the loss of east pakistan(psychological) and the soviets entering afghanistan.
loss of east Pakistan was a psychological loss only way to get rid of it is to acquire Afghanistan just my view.

East Pakistan was one of the causes of radicalization. After 1971 debacle all the references from Pakistan's pre-Islamic past were removed from history books and Hindus were portrayed as enemy, Now Pakistan history started with Muhammad bin Qasim. After Ziaul Haq came, Pakistan went towards more radicalization and attacks on Shias increased many folds which is still going on.
A city like Karachi, Chennai etc would take at least 7 accurately dispersed nukes of 50 kT for annihilation.

7 will be needed for complete infrastructure destruction but keep in mind only one 50 kt nuclear bomb can kill almost all of its inhabitants through diseases it will spread.
East Pakistan did cause radicalization. After 1971 debacle all the references from Pakistan's pre-Islamic past were removed from history books and Hindus were portrayed as enemy, Now Pakistan history started with Muhammad bin Qasim. After Ziaul Haq came, Pakistan went towards more radicalization and attacks on Shias increased many folds which is still going on.

Frankly speaking, Mohammed bin Qasim's goal of invading India was to secure a profitable trade route to the east. The intent was purely for business purposes.

How ironic to learn he is being elevated as a "liberator".:rolleyes:
Well we don't have to speculate. Just look what happened in the KArgil war?

Saudi Arabia refused to help Nawaz Sharif and told him to withdraw to the LoC.

The point is who will be the aggressor. If Pakistan will be the aggressor as we saw in Kargil, then no one will stand with you, Not even China forget Arab countries.

Infact, in the 1965 and 71 wars, it was the US that helped Pakistan more than any other Arab country. The Jordanian fighrters were trasnferred under US watch and so were the Iranian fighter jets.
The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971

Moreover, the recent situation post 2008 and the Pakistanisation of Al Qaeda and its affiliates and groups like LeT getting close to the Al Qaeda ideology has made the Arabs, particularly Gulf Arabs wary of Pakistan and its intelligence services. You can see the same play out in other GCC countries with for example refusal by GCC countries for something as simple as deferring oil payments or get discounted oil which was quite routine a decade ago.

Most interesting of all is the views expressed in wikileak cables and see what the UAE, Saudis, Omanis e.t.c. have to say about Pakistan
Just to give you an idea, in this particular Wikileaked cable, the Saudis explain how they think 10 times before talking to the ISI
The Hindu : News / International : “We think 10 times before approaching ISI”

You also have cases were the Pakistani Mil /ISI have withdrawn landing rights for UAE in Balochistan for example because the UAE had passed this facility on to the Americans and was used as a base for drones. From wikileaks we know that atleast the DG ISI believes that UAE alongwith India and Russia is partially responsible for funding the Baloch insurgency. It doesn't mean it is true, but atleast this is what the DG ISI wants the parliament and the people of Pakistan to believe
MPs told Russia, India and UAE involved in Baloch insurgency – The Express Tribune

The most interesting and frank discussion I found was of the Omani no.2. aka Crown prince on Pakistan.
Cable Viewer


¶6. (S) Oman is encouraging India to engage in the region diplomatically and politically. He said that as Iran wants to be seen as a regional power, Oman wants a balance of power and sees India possibly as that balance. India does not need to present a military presence, according to Sayyid Fahd, a political presence will do. He termed India as a reliable country and a reliable partner, and that India would contribute to regional stability and security.


¶7. (S) Sayyid Fahd said that Pakistan is quite a different issue. It is a large country "with so many fanatics." The social fabric and the cultural fabric are under real threat and Pakistan needs help, both material and psychological support from its friends. He continued, noting that the situation spreads beyond Pakistan's borders, citing the problem in Great Britain, with its substantial Pakistani population. Sorting out who is a fanatic, and who is
not, "is a big problem." It doesn't stop there, he noted, it spreads throughout Europe, as these Pakistanis are British, with freedom of travel.
All these developments are related to the last 4-5 years and indicates the GCC a slow withdrawing from Pakistan and if Pakistan gets closer to Iran as it has been doing for the past 2-3 years, you can expect even more visible changes in policy. The biggest fear for the GCC would be Pakistan somehow aligning with Iran and China to form an axis of its own. And this is what atleast some in Saudi Arabia are writing about
Editorial: Consolidating ties - Arab News

Infact, in any future war, its what China and US do that would matter the most rather than what Arab countries do. Keep in mind that it has been the US that has been putting pressure on India to not initiate military action wether it was mumbai attacks or the 2001 parliament attacks. Even in Kargil, it was the US that worked out a face saving withdrawal for Pakistan. China of course provides weapons and nuclear tech to Pakistan and will be an important factor.

The Arabs will be neutral like they have been in the past 60 year when they were outright leaning towards Pakistan. So now when they actually have more stakes with an Indian relationship, the dynamics will stay neutral. And if Pakistan is the aggressor, the "moral support" will also not be there for Pakistan as we saw in Kargil.

This might sound unpalatable but this is the reality and what is happening in the real world.
7 will be needed for complete infrastructure destruction but keep in mind only one 50 kt nuclear bomb can kill almost all of its inhabitants through diseases it will spread.

No, it will not. The radiation aftereffects are confined to a relatively small area, contrary to that believed by most. The estimate of 7 which I gave was after taking into account the after effects. If you want complete infrastructure annihilation, you would require at least 15.

I would suggest you use nukemap and see for yourselves.
Frankly speaking, Mohammed bin Qasim's goal of invading India was to secure a profitable trade route to the east. The intent was purely for business purposes.

How ironic to learn he is being elevated as a "liberator".:rolleyes:

Oh so not only do you hate present day Arabs but Ancient times Arabs as well. Thanks for the info buddy.
Besides it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out. Saudi Arabia is still helping Pakistan military most recent is this:


WOW that is the same plane on the cover pic of this site.
East Pakistan was one of the causes of radicalization. After 1971 debacle all the references from Pakistan's pre-Islamic past were removed from history books and Hindus were portrayed as enemy, Now Pakistan history started with Muhammad bin Qasim. After Ziaul Haq came, Pakistan went towards more radicalization and attacks on Shias increased many folds which is still going on.

If I lost land, 1/3 of military and part of my economy then I would be in a humiliated state it also ended pakistan dominance in south asia. If pakistan was smart it would protect it's shia's and use them as a link to improve relations with Iran. also Pakistan will eventually need to have a union with afghanistan.

Who do you think AEC manufactured those Radars for??
Saudi Advanced Electronics Company signs deal

Lets be seriously now in another pakistan-india war saudi arabia at most will only offer money Pakistan needs Iran as China there is no substitute to that now.
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