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Why US would want india whole?

Guys calm down China won't fight a war,China has never escalated when the opposition stood it's ground in the last 40 years ,there is a reason for it .Dig deep you will get the answer .CCP is fine as long as it is in power
I doubt it will be a long and sluggish war. The war or more or less go like this ... below is an excellent post from a poster in another forum detailing what the initial stages of the war would likely look like if India attacked first (which is the more likely scenario). Once air supremacy is achieved, there would be virtually no chance for India to retain its defensive positions along the LAC as they would be under constant air and artillery attack 24/7.

I think this is a sign that China is getting serious and not just putting on a show. There would be little need to deploy JH7s otherwise, as they are very much the unglamorous workhorses of the PLAAF.

If the PLAAF was flexing for the cameras, they would be sent J16s. JH7s are for getting the job done while at the same time not placing anything too precious at higher risk.

As for air supremacy, well I don’t think the PLAAF will venture into Indian airspace in the event of combat, at least to start with.

The Chinese will focus on defence over Chinese airspace with fighters and SAMs complimenting each other while strikers and bombers spam cruise missiles form deep within Chinese airspace at Indian air bases, ground based early warning radar and other high value targets.

That puts the IAF in the impossible position of having to either pull back from most of its northern bases for fear of being obliterated on the ground, and gifting air dominance to China with a bow on top; or having to fight against overwhelming odds to try to get at Chinese bombers and strikers in Chinese airspace protected by layers of SAMs, AAA and having to fight through PLAAF fighter cap, which will almost certainly include J20s vectoring in from outside Tibet.

Forcing the IAF to fight over Tibet initially serves Chinese interests in multiple domains:
- it places the IAF at maximum disadvantage and allows the PLAAF to operate with home field advantage, which will more than offset any numerical and payload advantages the Indians enjoy due to geography.
- politically, it makes India the indisputable aggressor
- it makes it harder for India to BS away their losses as the Chinese would have actual physical evidence of shot down IAF planes and captured pilots.

Once China has cut the IAF down to size and reduced its northern air bases to rubble (via ballistic/cruise missile and air attacks), the PLAAF could then counter-attack into Indian airspace and take the fight to them and start to systematically destroy the helpless IA ground forces and any dual use pieces of infrastructure it feels necessary.

At that point it would not need to even fight very hard to achieve and maintain air dominance over huge sways of northern India.

agreed that is one scenario, another could be India does the same thing and uses its limited but potent capability to use the bhmose to attack Chinese ground positions eventually forcing the PLAAF to take losses in aggressive actions. India will be supplied by the west and if this last more than 3 months it will Begin to drain their economies! My strategic view is that this a strategy to make the Asians powers fight and weaken them all in one large swoop. This happened in the Iran Iraq and the yogoslavia war where just enough was done to create smaller much more manageable countries

Let us be very clear,

It was not the west that made CCP to try and venture into ladakh,
Why blame someone else when it's the CCP that tried to change status quo.

After all, India has been resisting to join any alliance with West as well Quad..
All CCP had to do was respect status quo,
alas, it's their own doing - China has lost India for ever. Things will never be the same.

CCP ensured that China has lost the second biggest market in the world for land it will never get...
So, why blame the west for China's misadventure?

well the west is trying to lock China in the north China sea, japan, Korea, india and Australia are part of the western naval alliance. who suggested to India that they should build a road to dbo. Who provided arms and confidence to India to make these moves.

who changed the Indian political dynamic from a centrist very thoughtful leadership from people like Vajpai and advani, Indra Gandhi etc to a chai wala! These leaders played all sides in the Cold War and help break up their enemy (Pakistan) into two.

so let’s not be this naive

Guys calm down China won't fight a war,China has never escalated when the opposition stood it's ground in the last 40 years ,there is a reason for it .Dig deep you will get the answer .CCP is fine as long as it is in power

ah this is more of the same keep ones head in the sand mentality that allowed for the 1962 Indian loss, the Kargil loss and most recently the reclamation of 200kms of Chinese territory Galwan and other spots.

what I wanted to highlight in my post was all of us are strong, all of us have blood on our hands, all of us are being disingenuous to our people. Why can’t we see that this conflict between us will have no winners in Asia and only losers. The biggest losers will be our people who will lose blood and treasure!

really why can’t we accept the current potions as the current land, aim to resolve these issues over the next 100 years. Disengage militarily and work with each other to foster trade as becoming economically stronger will help all our people.

Why does India need to be part of a western coalition, why not use trade to build all our economies ? Why not have security and Saftey for all and keep our fights on the cricket and hockey fields ?

I have been pondering this question for a little while,

why would The west want India whole? From this perspective the best thing that can happen is a war between China, India and Pakistan.

a war like this would reduce all of their enemies in one go. It will significantly weaken China,

it will break India into smaller countries and without the weight of the Chinese jougernaut Pakistan a debt ridden economy will force it to break into smaller countries resulting into bite sized manageable countries focused on producing money but none strong enough to stand up. The perfect factories!


Why do you assume that West wants India as a single country?

West has been the biggest supporter of all freedom movements in India from Kashmir to Khalistan to Tamil elam.
well the west is trying to lock China in the north China sea, japan, Korea, india and Australia. Then who suggested to India that they should build a road to dbo. Who provided arms and a little confidence to India to make these moves.

who changed the Indian political dynamic from a centrist very thoughtful leadership from people like Vajpai and advani, Indra Gandhi etc to a chai wala! These people played all sides in the Cold War and help break up their enemy (Pakistan) into two.

so let’s not be this naive

What India does inside India
What Indian politicians do in India internally

have nothing to do with China,

Not sure why China would have to even start objecting to DBO?
It's like India objecting to roads in Tibet...

India will eventually open an embassy in Taiwan,
recognize free Tibet..

just wait and watch.
Why do you assume that West wants India as a single country?

West has been the biggest supporter of all freedom movements in India from Kashmir to Khalistan to Tamil elam.

My whole premises is that the west wants India, China and Pakistan to be smaller more manageable countries

we all should work together to foster trade so we all grow leaps and bounds
What India does inside India
What Indian politicians do in India internally

have nothing to do with China,

Not sure why China would have to even start objecting to DBO?
It's like India objecting to roads in Tibet...

India will eventually open an embassy in Taiwan,
recognize free Tibet..

just wait and watch.

with respect did not understand your logic? Can you please unpack this a bit more

denuclearisation of Pakistan which is only Muslim country with nuclear weapons is major agenda of u.s against Pakistan and Pakistan is already smaller country so attempting to break it to much smaller region not benefit u.s but for china and india they might want to divide them to smaller regions
My whole premises is that the west wants India, China and Pakistan to be smaller more manageable countries

we all should work together to foster trade so we all grow leaps and bounds

West only wants to balkanize India not Pakistan or China.
I disagree, the west would want all the bigger countries of the region to become smaller and manageable

Yes but the only country that will be balkanized is India because it will be defeated by China and Pakistan.
agreed that is one scenario, another could be India does the same thing and uses its limited but potent capability to use the bhmose to attack Chinese ground positions eventually forcing the PLAAF to take losses in aggressive actions. India will be supplied by the west and if this last more than 3 months it will Begin to drain their economies! My strategic view is that this a strategy to make the Asians powers fight and weaken them all in one large swoop. This happened in the Iran Iraq and the yogoslavia war where just enough was done to create smaller much more manageable countries

well the west is trying to lock China in the north China sea, japan, Korea, india and Australia are part of the western naval alliance. who suggested to India that they should build a road to dbo. Who provided arms and confidence to India to make these moves.

who changed the Indian political dynamic from a centrist very thoughtful leadership from people like Vajpai and advani, Indra Gandhi etc to a chai wala! These leaders played all sides in the Cold War and help break up their enemy (Pakistan) into two.

so let’s not be this naive

ah this is more of the same keep ones head in the sand mentality that allowed for the 1962 Indian loss, the Kargil loss and most recently the reclamation of 200kms of Chinese territory Galwan and other spots.

what I wanted to highlight in my post was all of us are strong, all of us have blood on our hands, all of us are being disingenuous to our people. Why can’t we see that this conflict between us will have no winners in Asia and only losers. The biggest losers will be our people who will lose blood and treasure!

really why can’t we accept the current potions as the current land, aim to resolve these issues over the next 100 years. Disengage militarily and work with each other to foster trade as becoming economically stronger will help all our people.

Why does India need to be part of a western coalition, why not use trade to build all our economies ? Why not have security and Saftey for all and keep our fights on the cricket and hockey fields ?

This is the worst case scenario, which is if the IAF decides to launch a first strike. Sure the Indians can also strike at Chinese positions but given the overwhelming Chinese firepower edge in both quantity and quality and complete Chinese air dominance, there is simply no way for India to win here. The Chinese would not settle for an offensive unless the PLAAF has gained complete air supremacy and the Indian defensives could be neutralized via air strikes. Any Chinese offensive without these objectives achieved would as you say render very high casualties. Unlike 1962, the war will be decided in the air, with ground offensives only being secondary, much like the Gulf War. If the Chinese launch the first strike, then the Indians would be at an even greater disadvantage because their forward air bases would be completely knocked out due to a lack of an integrated Indian air defense network. This would in turn weaken any Indian air incursions into Tibet.
US only wants to use India for its own geopolitical and national interest vis via China/Pakistan. US will keep India in check by giving Pakistan weapons and brownie points as well.

It is not in the US interest to have an economically strong India. US realized that they made China into a super power that is now challenging their world dominance. US policy makers wont let that happen again twice with a rising India. That is why tariffs have also been levied on India. Long term if India's economic, military, or political influence even remotely challenges the US you will see them abonden India in a heartbeat.

The US deep state are master manipulators
US only wants to use India for its own geopolitical and national interest vis via China/Pakistan. US will keep India in check by giving Pakistan weapons and brownie points as well.

It is not in the US interest to have an economically strong India. US realized that they made China into a super power that is now challenging their world dominance. US policy makers wont let that happen again twice with a rising India. That is why tariffs have also been levied on India. Long term if India's economic, military, or political influence even remotely challenges the US you will see them abonden India in a heartbeat.

The US deep state are master manipulators
The US prevented one of their closest allies, Japan, from achieving economic dominance through the same tactics applied to China today ... they will definitely prevent India from doing the same, although I doubt India will ever be able to challenge US economic dominance like Japan.
More context ?

China produces cheaper factories, a China broken down can still produce what the west needs but would lose its military expansionist dreams

The west needs their ageist workforce from factories to take on new work so the lower tear of society will take back their back office work from India and rejuvenate their red neck/ blue collared workforce

a smaller India and Pakistan can be used to produce food supplies low end and textiles. Again the threat to western economies will be minimalistic if there are say province sized countries competing to keep products going to the west
1. Pakistan sits on trillions of tons of gold safely tucked away in its mountains that it can utilize at will and pay off is debt...until them, let the west live in a fool's paradise happily not worrying about Pakistan thinking they have us controlled in their so called debt trap.
2. a hot war between China & india would likely go nuclear but given the dismal indian performance against a 6 times smaller Pakistan in recent years, pretty sure that China would turn india into smoldering ashes even before india get a single missile to fire at China. even if india's line ballistic missile sub manages to launch any missiles (which it won't), those missiles will likely get intercepted in in the higher altitudes if not in space.
3. a hot conventional war will only be used to tire the indian military war machine while the real fractures to india's sovereignty will come from the many internal rebellions against the indian state (including but not limited to Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland & khalistan) that are now fully ISI & CCP backed, funded & armed.

conclusion: india will fall apart while China & Pakistan wouldn't get a single scratch.
Guys calm down China won't fight a war,China has never escalated when the opposition stood it's ground in the last 40 years ,there is a reason for it .Dig deep you will get the answer .CCP is fine as long as it is in power
wrong. read China's mind carefully & you'll realize that it now decided to show the would that it is more than capable of militarily asserting itself against whoever decides to confront it. then they volunteered india to be made an dreadful example of.
wrong. read China's mind carefully & you'll realize that it now decided to show the would that it is more than capable of militarily asserting itself against whoever decides to confront it. then they volunteered india to be made an dreadful example of.
Find one example from last 40 years ,even if it's China fighting a small rebel group when they put up a fight outside ,last time they left the posts and ran
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