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Why US would want india whole?

this was not on/good these are soldiers of another country who fought and died for their country bravely. They followed orders and paid the Ultimate price for it. Disrespecting their bravery is bellow our discourse as Muslims.

bay yar...:hitwall: okay fine, FINE! I'll delete it! :happy:
yeah you sold aksaichin after you begged them to give arunqchql pradesh back during negotiations. your not exactly helping your case here!:lol:
Please know something before blabbering, China pulled back from the places which they claim as theirs ,why would you vacate the land if it's theirs.thats what Chinese did in 62 .
Please know something before blabbering, China pulled back from the places which they claim as theirs ,why would you vacate the land if it's theirs.thats what Chinese did in 62 .

not really the chines leader (forget his name) moved his troops back 20 kms as part of one sided effort for peace. They actually were 20 kms further inside liberated territory. At the time China was not a power and they had issues with Russia. They were worried about possible overstetching their lines of supply. India for her part completely lost this war.

The easiest way to check my facts is you pointing out how many kilometers of Chinese territory has India taken by force in the last 80 years

Please know something before blabbering, China pulled back from the places which they claim as theirs ,why would you vacate the land if it's theirs.thats what Chinese did in 62 .
indian policy defined below:
act like a tough guy & get into a confrontation.

if sh!t geta kicked outta you then fall into the enemy's feat and play of their sympathies.

once the enemy feels sorry for you then quietly negotiate a settlement.

once the enemy withdraws after giving you a warning, look around to make sure he's gone.

once he's gone then get up and act like a tough guy again by saying "daikha? apun nay bhagaa diya saalay ko"!

:lol: why you peepal such comadeez? :lol:
not really the chines leader (forget his name) moved his troops back 20 kms as part of one sided effort for peace. They actually were 20 kms further inside liberated territory. At the time China was not a power and they had issues with Russia. They were worried about possible overstetching their lines of supply. India for her part completely lost this war.

The easiest way to check my facts is you pointing out how many kilometers of Chinese territory has India taken by force in the last 80 years

Yes definitely China has occupied out land .other wise we won't be having border settlement talks with China for so many years .Chinese offered aksaichin for arunachal Pradesh for settlement of border.

In 62 they withdrew from all the places they claim as theirs because India started mobilizing it's forces and world powers started taking interest and started supporting India.
Yes definitely China has occupied out land .other wise we won't be having border settlement talks with China for so many years .Chinese offered aksaichin for arunachal Pradesh for settlement of border.

In 62 they withdrew from all the places they claim as theirs because India started mobilizing it's forces and world powers started taking interest and started supporting India.

They withdrew 20kms and are still there and the new normal will stay aswell. This will lead to an eventual war within 5 years and we will all lose.......my prediction is this winter or next spring. Why can’t modi negotiate with Pakistan and end this humiliation. Why can’t the people of South Asia be rich and prosperous.

my opinion of a happy death is one due to old age while living a happy long life with my kids and family

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