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Why US would want india whole?

This makes no sense at all. The only country which will be weakened after this war would be India. Unless you take nuclear war into account, which in that case all three countries would be drastically weakened. But as far as I can tell, the only country that is going to be broken apart is India in a conventional conflict.
dreams. Get up. its morning.
This makes no sense at all. The only country which will be weakened after this war would be India. Unless you take nuclear war into account, which in that case all three countries would be drastically weakened. But as far as I can tell, the only country that is going to be broken apart is India in a conventional conflict.

..and what is the basis of your statement....or is it just assumption based on biased notions?
This is the truth ... the Indians know it, which is why they are waiting the Chinese out on this one rather than attacking or using other forceful measures.

you know nothing of international affairs and diplomacy mate.....the way you have concluded about India...Can you not say same against China where US is sitting and is blatantly supporting Taiwan (which China considers as it's part)??...You always choose to look one side of picture
It's easy when you out number snd the opposition is not expecting and unarmed,what happened after the incident .They wont fight,you guys were cheerleading them during doklam incident more than 2 years ago,the incident is not even in Indian claim ,still the construction has not started.thats the reality.
erm, reality is quite the koi opposite cuz india can even handle a nation 6 time smaller in size with or without being armed, how can it handle a bigger force even if they are unarmed. If they we armed, you'd might as well just hoist the "welcome to China" banner yourselves! :lol:
you know nothing of international affairs and diplomacy mate.....the way you have concluded about India...Can you not say same against China where US is sitting and is blatantly supporting Taiwan (which China considers as it's part)??...You always choose to look one side of picture

China vs USA, on Chinese soil would be a one side incident. The Chinese would win! Chinese fighting abroad away from their land borders would be a different story.

the premise of the this topic is that India , China and Pakistan would all get badly affected by entering a long conventional war. They would break up in smaller countries. The west because of MAD would not allow the use of nuclear weapons so rest assured those are out Incase of a tri party war. In an India - Pakistan conflict the paksiatni arsenal will be used if more than 100 km of Pakistani territory is lost. A small part of a small thing is still small.

erm, reality is quite the koi opposite cuz india can even handle a nation 6 time smaller in size with or without being armed, how can it handle a bigger force even if they are unarmed. If they we armed, you'd might as well just hoist the "welcome to China" banner yourselves! :lol:
Cheerleading is fine but after finding one incident when China has escalated when the opposition has stood the ground .
Cheerleading is fine but after finding one incident when China has escalated when the opposition has stood the ground .

As long as “standing ground” means China liberating 200 kms of their territory and India waiting to let them take the rest, than you are absolutely correct.

we must all remember that India had wrongly patrolled these areas for 58 years they have now moved 3 kms behind from this location in anticipation for the Chinese taking back the rest of their territory. :china:
As long as “standing ground” means China liberating 200 kms of their territory and India waiting to let them take the rest, than you are absolutely correct.

we must all remember that India had wrongly patrolled these areas for 58 years they have now moved 3 kms behind from this location in anticipation for the Chinese taking back the rest of their territory. :china:

Is that so?
Are you sure we agreed to status quo?

Gobar Times is begging us every day for it,
CCP is begging us every day for it,

but we have not agreed, so, can you please wait few months before you start jumping with joy.

India has basically been shoving boot after boot in CCP economically,
have you ever wondered why CCP has not reacted to all the economic hits from India?

In fact China sitting on the border for few months is extremely good for India for a number of reasons.
Don't worry though, they will vacate as they have always done.
Is that so?
Are you sure we agreed to status quo?

Gobar Times is begging us every day for it,
CCP is begging us every day for it,

but we have not agreed, so, can you please wait few months before you start jumping with joy.

India has basically been shoving boot after boot in CCP economically,
have you ever wondered why CCP has not reacted to all the economic hits from India?

In fact China sitting on the border for few months is extremely good for India for a number of reasons.
Don't worry though, they will vacate as they have always done.
Indian Delusions, at least Pakistan knows it can not conquer India without a powerful ally

Indian Delusions, at least Pakistan knows it can not conquer India without a powerful ally


We are not here to conquer China or liberate Tibet,
unlike CCP, we are not delusional.

What's happening in LOC is fluid & eventually Chinese will move back.
You can take it as a fact here,
I have been pondering this question for a little while,

why would The west want India whole? From this perspective the best thing that can happen is a war between China, India and Pakistan.

a war like this would reduce all of their enemies in one go. It will significantly weaken China,

it will break India into smaller countries and without the weight of the Chinese jougernaut Pakistan a debt ridden economy will force it to break into smaller countries resulting into bite sized manageable countries focused on producing money but none strong enough to stand up. The perfect factories!


West is master of divide and rule, China just trying to be new west.
We are not here to conquer China or liberate Tibet,
unlike CCP, we are not delusional.

What's happening in LOC is fluid & eventually Chinese will move back.
You can take it as a fact here,

Well they haven’t since 1962. The withdrawal a few years back was mutual so the Chinese could deploy more troops. TheY let India violate the 1996 accord. So there is little chance for Chinese to move back. They will probably liberate more Chinese land

Well they haven’t since 1962. The withdrawal a few years back was mutual so the Chinese could deploy more troops. TheY let India violate the 1996 accord. So there is little chance for Chinese to move back. They will probably liberate more Chinese land


Regarding 1962, you are true.
Although BJP makes tall claims, we will probably never get back that land, unless CCP bungles big time - which they are on the verge of doing now.

The Status ante of current fiasco though, will happen.

Regarding Chinese liberating more land, it's as silly as Indians chest thumping and boasting of liberating Tibet.
Don't be desperate ,now substance 1962 from 2020 and tell me the answer ,how many years it is.

Even in 1962 they pulled back and called for unilateral ceasefire when India was reinforcing.

Common mate one incident from last 40 years atleast one were they defended a post while on a UN mission .
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