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Pakistan opposes creation of new permanent seats at UNSC

Exactly, the Pakistani obsession with India is hilarious. Even while they have a civil war ongoing, they still find the time to try and block our aspirations.

Pretty normal though they were never going to support India being on the UNSC, it was the same when we signed the nuclear deal with USA they said it was discriminatory and wanted the same deal but USA were never going to agree to that.

India is getting a more voting rights on the IMF too and this will increase if we continue to improve our economy we will have more of a say on the global stage. Nobody can stop us 'if' we continue on the path of growth because money talks and bullshit walks.
We are nuclear state,because we wanted to become one and we did, we did not sign the NPT, because it was discriminatory.

The NPT "discriminates" against all non-P5 members in the world; it doesn't single India out. But that's the price to pay to prevent unchecked proliferation. Do you think Myanmar or the Philippines or Azerbaijan have a right to nuclear weapons, because refusing them would be "discriminatory"?
We represent 1/6th of the human population

This is a good point. It's too bad your friend with the anti-semitic avatar didn't bring it up.
We started Non aligned movement and over 117 nations followed our suit.

NAM was founded by many countries, including Ghana and Myanmar. I don't think it entitles a country to the permanent UNSC status.
We did not sign the NPT , Pakistan and Israel followed us., the world's sole super power amended its constitution to accommodate us as the only Non NPT nuclear state. 9 members of Nuclear suppliers group ignored NPT to sign civillian nuclear deal with us.

This is factually true. But it has no bearing on the original argument, that India should have a UNSC seat because it's a nuclear power, which it became by flouting the NPT.
UNSC veto power is a "joke power".

But its still better to have it, rather than being at the mercy of it.

The G-4 knows this, that's why they want it.

The problem is that no P5 member will accept the G-4 as a whole, China for instance will veto Japan's entry (with the support of countries like Russia and South Korea). Whereas other G-4 members will find opposition from many quarters, Germany's inclusion for instance would give Europe three permanent seats, which is unpalatable to many.

India is opposed by Pakistan, and India also regularly opposes the USA on matters like Iran and Russia.

Brazil is the least contentious, but they are opposed by many nations in Latin America who would prefer a collective representation.

Whichever way you look at it, any reform proposal that involves the entry of the entire G-4 as a whole, will find opposition from every angle.

They would be much more successful if they made individual bids.

Wrong about Iran, India has never gone against UN resolutions on Iran.
Wrong about Iran, India has never gone against UN resolutions on Iran.

I didn't say against the UN, I said against the USA, who wanted everyone to cut off oil imports from Iran.

India is diplomatically close to both Russia and Iran. Who are almost always aligned against the USA.
One seat for 1.8 Billion Muslims please. We are sick and tired of not having a say in a chamber that decides which Muslim nation to bomb next.

not sure the UN works on a religious basis lol might as well have a seat for Buddhist then
The UNSC needs to be amended/reform, Times have changed a lot since the P5 countries emerged victorious. Britain and France especially are no longer colonial/world powers like they used to be in the past, so i think they should support the inclusion of others countries in the group. But to be honest, i don't think this will ever happen any time soon. All the P5 countries might give verbal support to some countries, but they will never allow it to actually materialize because this will dilute their influence and say in the world. As someone else mentioned here, No one wants to create more equal powers and reduce its own influence. That is unfortunately how Geo politics works. So i think India, Brazil, Germany and especially Japan(China will never ever ever allow them to join) should forget about this issue and focus on other more pressing needs, because the UNSC reform will not happen anytime soon. The P5 have too much to loose if it happens.
As for India, i don't even understand why they are so keen to join, since they were voted as a non permanent member in 2011, but in worlds pressing issues/hot spots, they always abstain. So whats the difference of not been a member then if you can take a stand on major world issues/always try to be so called 'neutral'? India thinks it can keep playing the west and east together, But it should know that our governments in the west are not fools, they do take note and notice every action India takes on critical issues against the west. You cant expect to be an ally to Russia and side with them on core issues affecting the west and expect to be allies with the west as well. It comes a time when you have to choose sides. else in times when you may need help, no one will come to your aid/support, because you have been trying to play all sides and have caused suspicion/caution among those you are playing with. In geo politics, You cant eat your cake and have it. Will be interesting to see India's standing relation to the U.S , CHINA AND RUSSIA in the coming decade.
Personally i would like to see Germany in, They have largely atone for their past sins, are a responsible power, large and stable country with a big economy and positive world influence. However Europe already has 2 members, so its unlikely Germany will ever be included.
no one wants to dilute his own power by creating more equals, not US, not China.
no one wants to hurt yindu ego by telling yindoos the truth, though, not US, not China.

so yindoos like you will always have to wait but always get to tell yourselves the wait will inevitably be over.

poor yindoos...

It doesn't matter,once more and more of the % of the world economy shifts to these countries,if u don't take us in....ur council itself will become irrelevant.See just about every member supports our stand.Give it another 10-15 yrs at the most..we won't even have to ask for it..they'll ask us.

Except it's not if China has anything to say about it. Pakistan's opinion in this, I'll be honest, doesn't hold much weight. All Pakistan is doing is towing China's line, and we all know China's opinion on this matter.

Also, I think abolishing the current setup of the UNSC is for the best. It's current setup gives to much power to the P-5, and is a black mark on the democratic nature of the UN. When you have only 5 members with veto power, you run into problems. I think there should be a voting system for the election of the P-5 every few years, so as to reflect the reality on the ground. This way, everyone has an equal shot, even India.

Like i said,despite chinese objections..in abt 15 yrs our economy will be big enough along with also those of germany,brazil,japan that if u keep us out..ur essentially cutting off a major part of the world economy..so UNSC would then become a farce.Votes alone will mean nothing if doesn't have economic and military muscle behind it.

Not gonna happen on my watch, Amigo.......:enjoy: :pakistan:

Your watch isn't going to last forever,amigo.:-)
Good - the entity to the east, with it's vast legions of malnourished - has no place on the security council - Excellent to keep them in their place.
Pakistan seems really pissed since it's not in the running and therefore putting a spoke in the wheel especially to prevent India from getting a permanent seat in the UNSC. Their jealousy knows no bounds! :-)

Grapes are pretty sour, what?
One seat for 1.8 Billion Muslims please. We are sick and tired of not having a say in a chamber that decides which Muslim nation to bomb next.
Why you guys are so obsessed with religion, you keep bringing it every where
UNSC seat for Muslims
In Israel Palestine issue you look at it as Jews vs Muslims
If America targets terrorists you say America/Christains is against Muslims

I have never heard people saying that Vietnam war was war against Buddhists
Neither Sri lankans nor Indians say that the LTTE conflict is between Buddhists and Hindus
One seat for 1.8 Billion Muslims please. We are sick and tired of not having a say in a chamber that decides which Muslim nation to bomb next.

It will take a LOT more than saying "please" to get this seat you ask for here.
it is obvious that pakistan will oppose anything in which india will get some benefit... commonly known as pakistan's jealous on india...
A game played by both sides, so why are yall crying when we do it.

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