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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

Which question genius?

MB are supported by the US. What more do you want? They have failed everywhere. They are a political cult that has now been behind terrorist attacks against Egyptians. Their supporters murdered you Shia Muslims and your most influential Egyptian cleric in broad daylight while Morsi did nothing. They are a absolute failure. I know plenty of people that are sympathizing with that cult and all of them are idiots expect few.

They are also stirring trouble up in our region and shaking hands with the rawafid.

Keep them away from the holy lands. For all I care they can rule your country in the meantime.
You are afraid that the days of your ruling family is coming to an end. The MB provides an alternative to corrupt Sunni Arab leaders.

I think that explains the cognitive dissonance amongst Arabians.
You are afraid that the days of your ruling family is coming to an end. The MB provides an alternative to corrupt Sunni Arab leaders.

I think that explains the cognitive dissonance amongst Arabians.

I could not care less about leaders. Leaders come and go but we stay true to our values and we do not accept political cults. Simple as that.

Our leader is Prophet Muhammad (saws). The eternal and most popular and greatest leader in human history and human being whose name is the most widespread name in the world.

Besides don't worry about us. The GCC is the most developed, rich and stable area of the Muslim world and only growing on all fronts. Nothing can stop us.

Also nobody is, has or will ever be in a position to teach us about Islam.

Just know that the MB supporters consider you as heretics as do most Muslims and Arabs. That will never change. Especially you heretics that follow the fake wannabe-Arab pagan Grand Ayatollah Mullah's and their so-called system.
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40% my a$$.... I don't consider Mullahs law or sharia law civilian honestly.

What are you talking about? No one was speaking about laws we're speaking of corruption in the Egyptian military. They control a big portion of the economy.

so you support thier actions in sainai ?

Whose actions in sinai?

if this was true then why did the people were in the streets protesting in larger numbers tha anti mubark protests ? the army acted after the people were in the streets demanding the army to act

They weren't in largest numbers, I was in Egypt during the time it was over exaggerated. And now the same people are complaining about Egypt's current state of affairs a few months later.
Seeing my Muslim brothers fight each other makes me so sad.

Al Muslim akhul Muslim.

An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action

Islam made us brothers, Islam gave us respect and Islam gave us wealth.

Islam made us a single nation, why are fighting each other over land, politics wealth and so called national interests ????

It was a Islam that conquered Constantinople, It Islam that conquered Palestine, It was Islam that conquered Al-Andalus, not a Turk, a Kurd or An Arab !!!

We all know what happened when we abandoned Islam. where is that mighty Caliphate who's roar made the whole Europe shake with fear ???

Where is that Caliphate whose cavalry used to hunt the franks at one corner of the world while crushing hindus at another ???

Where is that Caliphate of Qurtuba which had a library in every single house at a time when the church was executing scientists ???

I'd like to remind you of one more thing,

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. 3:103 Al Qur'an

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @xenon54 @Kaan @Hazzy997 @BLACKEAGLE @DESERT FIGHTER
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Two choices:

A- democratic party supported by people
B- murderous military dictator massacring his own people

It's easy to see why some countries support choice (A), and other countries support choice (B)
So Pakistan should support Taiwan over China? :lol:
Turkish mosques
You are stupid, when the state is a candidate for membership in the European Union, this means that it has signed some agreements with the European Union, anyway ; generally with the mentality of the Turks, it will not work.

now stop off topic posts

EU is not our priority we will join supah duper arab leage :lol:
Seeing my Muslim brothers fight each other makes me so sad.

Al Muslim akhul Muslim.

I'd like to remind you of one more thing,

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. 3:103 Al Qur'an

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @xenon54 @Kaan @Hazzy997 @BLACKEAGLE @DESERT FIGHTER

You have one side which interests align with those of Islam and one who's interests lie with divided globalist agenda.
Is that an agreement to supporting a terrorist organization in the Arab world like the MB.

Before the coup SA supported them too.. i remember when all your scholars went Cairo giving speeches supporting Morsi.. but you betray them soon after that.
Before the coup SA supported them too.. i remember when all your scholars went Cairo giving speeches supporting Morsi.. but you betray them soon after that.

KSA never supported MB. Nice try. Whatever we did we did it for our fellow Egyptian Arab and Semitic brothers whom we share blood, culture, religion and language with. Even dialect when it comes to us Hijazis. We have Egyptian blood and vice versa.

MB is a political organization. We have no allegiance to it nor do we plan to have one. Our allegiance is to our neighbors Egypt and its people most of all.

That's it.

The Egyptian people removed the MB not KSA.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @agentny17

What Arab propaganda man? Islam is Islam. I bet there is no difference between our and your Quraan. You also believe in Sahih Sunnah just like us. So....

Islam is Islam but understanding differs.

KSA never supported MB

yes they did.. a simple search on youtube will show you that one speech.. we all know your scholars wont dare anything without kings approval.

Nice try. Whatever we did we did it for our fellow Egyptian Arab and Semitic brothers whom we share blood, culture, religion and language with. Even dialect when it comes to us Hijazis. We have Egyptian blood and vice versa.

Nice try for you too.. When it comes to history, culture, religion and even blood we know and the Egyptian people knows that we share much more than you do with them.. in fact you do not consider them true arabs that's what i remember you had said in the past so dont even try.

MB is a political organization. We have no allegiance to it nor do we plan to have one. Our allegiance is to our neighbors Egypt and its people most of all.

All political organisations are a threat to your monarchy today mb tomorrow some other at one point Turkey and Egypt will become friends again and you will be at odds with them that time.
So Pakistan should support Taiwan over China? :lol:

Contrary to Western propaganda, the vast majority of Chinese people are happy with their form of government. In fact, many people in "democratic" (i.e. media-controlled) countries would rather have a better standard of living than an illusory "democracy" where the real control lies with a handful of media moguls.


Nothing more to add. Anyway keep crying and spreading nonsense. The Turkish supported MB is gone and now most Egyptians have a very negative view of your government while they are grateful to KSA. Just look at the Egyptian members here or more importantly the Egyptian public.

We are once again on the right side of history.
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