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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

@Arabian Legend

So you're basicly saying this thread is for bashing Turkey, we cannot bring anything else related to subject ?

You expect answer, you get your answer and still repeat same thing, Turkey does not interferes in Egypt, cricitizing or disliking does not means interfering, and at this point you say we cannot say Saudi Arabia is interfering, because that thread is about Turkey o_O

"Terrorist organization" according to Saudi Arabia and Egyptian military, sweet, care to explain what have they done ? like resisting military coup ? criticizing backward tribal monarchies ?

You're not even half of al-Hasani, seriously, give up :D
You expect answer, you get your answer and still repeat same thing, Turkey does not interferes in Egypt, cricitizing or disliking does not means interfering, and at this point you say we cannot say Saudi Arabia is interfering, because that thread is about Turkey o_O
Most funny part is that Turkey dindnt do anything except of criticizing the coup while KSA is giving millions to Egyptian military.
And this funny guy is talking about meddling in internal issues...
Arab League, despite the membership of all Arab states (including the most powerful one Egypt), is a toothless joke organization that has no say in international or even regional affairs. lol

That has not nothing to do with the discussion.

@Arabian Legend

So you're basicly saying this thread is for bashing Turkey, we cannot bring anything else related to subject ?

You expect answer, you get your answer and still repeat same thing, Turkey does not interferes in Egypt, cricitizing or disliking does not means interfering, and at this point you say we cannot say Saudi Arabia is interfering, because that thread is about Turkey o_O

"Terrorist organization" according to Saudi Arabia and Egyptian military, sweet, care to explain what have they done ? like resisting military coup ? criticizing backward tribal monarchies ?

You're not even half of al-Hasani, seriously, give up :D

Whatever Egypt says or do is a matter of internal issue not Turkey. Get that equation first then big mouth all you want. Turkey has no right to pock a nose into others internal issues. Turkey is not Egypt nor Egypt is Turkey.

So the question now, Why does Turkey support the MB. I need an answer !
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Oh criticizing an illegal coup is "poking nose into internal affairs" but saying legally elected party of a country is terrorist and paying money to military coup is not ? are you incapable of thinking or what ?
@Targon allready gave a good answer are you incapable of reading or what?
Oh criticizing an illegal coup is "poking nose into internal affairs" but saying legally elected party of a country is terrorist and paying money to military coup is not ? are you incapable of thinking or what ?

My Q was crystal clear but your brains capacity are so limited that you could answer it.

Again, Why does Turkey support the MB?
Are you trying to force us into use bad words so we could be banned ? :D how many times should I repeat the same answer, I started to think that you don't understand English at all.
The reason why Turkey supported the MB was because it was democratically elected and because they seemed warm towards Turkey before this whole mess started in egypt. @Arabian Legend let me ask you a question: Why does Saudi Arabia support a secular military dictatorship over a democratically elected islamic party? Aren't you guys supposed to be religious or something?
BTW i like your signature can you provide me a link?
Based on my experience since May 2013, I've read his post. You don't get my sarcasm do you? :sarcastic:

Anyway, Arabian Legend needs answer... it's because he was democratically elected giving the legitimite right to have relationship all over the world. Only to Egypt and KSA, it's under a "terrorist organization" hence why they like to spew hate.

Turkish coups in the past had many civilian deaths too. Once even a democratically chosen president (if that is the correct term), Adnan Menderes, was hanged as a result of the coup. Perhaps Turkish coups were not that bloody compared to Egyptian coups, so you could be right in that sense.
Really they killed civilians? Sorry I didn't know that.
The reason why Turkey supported the MB was because it was democratically elected and because they seemed warm towards Turkey before this whole mess started in egypt. @Arabian Legend let me ask you a question: Why does Saudi Arabia support a secular military dictatorship over a democratically elected islamic party? Aren't you guys supposed to be religious or something?

Egypt has accused the MB of conducting terrorist activities in Egypt and the whole world witnessed what happened in Egypt while Turkey chose to finance and support the MB despite Egypt accusation. Is not that a form of interference?

Also who said the military of Egypt is following a form of secularism? Turkey itself is a secular country. Don't not throw stones when living in a house made of glass.

You are clearly looking for another Turkish Arab Flamewar, does it hurt that much?
Is it hard for you to answer the simple Q !
İ have a good question in return.

Why are these Arabs not crying when we interfere in the internal matters of Syria? Why are they not telling us to send all the refugees back to their death in Syria, since Turkey should not interfere in internal matters?

Why are the Turks treating the Syrian refugees much much better than their "Arabian brothers"? Arab imternal affairs? What a joke :).

The biggest enemy of an Arab is another Arab.
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