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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

Hmmm why would Turkey an actual democracy

support a party that won 5 democratic elections in a row

as opposed to the same military slime who have ruled Egypt like kings for 50 years

:wacko::wacko::wacko: its a tough one???

Turkey has no right to interfere in others internal issue. What happens in Egypt is a matter of the Egyptian people not Turkey.
Why is Turkey supporting the MB? Is Turkey dreaming of establishing another Ottomans Empire after it got defended once again?
its better then supporting a murderous military dictatorship or any monarchs perhaps thats why?
got a question for you.
after interacting with saudis for a while i realized one thing and i just want ask
why do saudi support their governments policies and decisions blindly?
KSA is interfering as well. In fact KSA is interfering much more than Turkey, because Turkey has merely exchanged words.
KSA on the other hand have given billions of dollars to sustain the new leadership.
Some call it aid, but it is legitimate to question whether its genuine aid or just interference to revert back to the old order.

KSA even went extra mile and branded the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, when in reality the MB is a broad social and political group that have a significant base of support.
KSA reserve the right to brand anyone whatever they wish, but I wonder if it was so smart of them. Its a very risky political move. :disagree:

Anyway I will only say that no country should interfere in Egypt. Let them work it out for themselves.
Besides, we dont know where this new government is going or if it will be able to overcome the challenges that existed during Mubarak.

As Egyptians are very rebellious and political people, Egypt could easily implode in mass protests in the future. Maybe not now, or even soon but few years down the line. No one knows. Egypt is in movement.
Its not wise to lay down all your bets...
I like Turkey, they are a smart country, a bit liberal for my tastes but rightly admired

the Turks had a overbearing military for many decades so they understood what Egypt was facing

it wasn't even about liking or disliking the M.B it was about breaking the hold of the military/elite/state upon the people

The M.B were imperfect, it didn't matter if you liked or disliked them

What mattered was that they completed their term as Egypts first democratic government and a legal transition to the next democratic government occurred with the people free to choose whoever

This would set Egypt on a proper path to democracy

instead idiot liberal secular types refused to work with the government and thrn complained at every turn at every decision made

allowing the military and state to instigate a plan to overthrow the elected government and not even go back to square one but square zero

You talk about the will of the egyptian people but the egyptians can't even voted for the party that won 5 elections in a row, with new rules in place to only allow approved candidates

im sorry but egyptians are stupid
its better then supporting a murderous military dictatorship or any monarchs perhaps thats why?

That is not a legitimate reason for the reason I mentioned. Turkey has no right to finance and support the MB politically.

got a question for you.
after interacting with saudis for a while i realized one thing and i just want ask
why do saudi support their governments policies and decisions blindly?

This thread is about Turkey not Saudi Arabia. If you have any Q feel free to open a thread about it and will gladly response you.
I like Turkey, they are a smart country, a bit liberal for my tastes but rightly admired

the Turks had a overbearing military for many decades so they understood what Egypt was facing

it wasn't even about liking or disliking the M.B it was about breaking the hold of the military/elite/state upon the people

The M.B were imperfect, it didn't matter if you liked or disliked them

What mattered was that they completed their term as Egypts first democratic government and a legal transition to the next democratic government occurred with the people free to choose whoever

This would set Egypt on a proper path to democracy

instead idiot liberal secular types refused to work with the government and thrn complained at every turn at every decision made

allowing the military and state to instigate a plan to overthrow the elected government and not even go back to square one but square zero

You talk about the will of the egyptian people but the egyptians can't even voted for the party that won 5 elections in a row, with new rules in place to only allow approved candidates

im sorry but egyptians are stupid

This Egypt topic seem like a matter of great personal importance to you. As you always comment passionately on related threads about it.
May I ask why?

Not trying to be a smartass or anything, I am genuinly curious.
KSA is interfering as well. In fact KSA is interfering much more than Turkey, because Turkey has merely exchanged words.
KSA on the other hand have given billions of dollars to sustain the new leadership.
Some call it aid, but it is legitimate to question whether its genuine aid or just interference to revert back to the old order.

KSA even went extra mile and branded the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, when in reality the MB is a broad social and political group that have a significant base of support.
KSA reserve the right to brand anyone whatever they wish, but I wonder if it was so smart of them. Its a very risky political move. :disagree:

Anyway I will only say that no country should interfere in Egypt. Let them work it out for themselves.
Besides, we dont know where this new government is going or if it will be able to overcome the challenges that existed during Mubarak.

As Egyptians are very rebellious and political people, Egypt could easily implode in mass protests in the future. Maybe not now, or even soon but few years down the line. No one knows. Egypt is in movement.
Its not wise to lay down all your bets...

From a geopolitical prospective, Egypt is the largest populous and military strongest country in the Arab world. Weak Egypt means weak Saudi Arabia externally not internally. Giving aids to Egypt to sustain its economical situation is not a form of interference.
Giving aids to Egypt to sustain its economical situation is not a form of interference.

Thats a matter of opinion. Why was not this kind of huge aid given to Egypt when ruled by Muslim Brotherhood?
I'll tell you why. Because Muslim Brotherhood is a political organization that threatens the legitimacy of Al Saud's absolute monarchy.
So its not entirely about aiding the Egyptian economy, its also about aiding and sustain the new military government.

Anyway you can view it as aid. Probably most Egyptians think it is a benign aid package, and are greatful for it. No doubt.
But there are those who view it as a form of interference to influence events in Egypt, and it is legitimate to make such argument.
This Egypt topic seem like a matter of great personal importance to you. As you always comment passionately on related threads about it.
May I ask why?

Not trying to be a smartass or anything, I am genuinly curious.

Im a muslim and want our muslim world to be powerful and successful, thst includes all muslims regardless of branch of islam

that includes iran, egypt, Turkey, Nigeria you name it

but ee can't do so without effective government but instead of effective government we have idiot kings, dictators, corrupt politicians the same worthless scum who rule foreve, rape our countries of their resources, grow rich and live in palaces whilst ordinary muslims suffer

Brother this is a topic we need to get passionate about

The onset of democracy will be difficult and messy

but like the nation's before us who took this path the benefits are clear

Until we shed these animals the Muslim world will remain as it is

In Pakistan recently we had our first transition from one government to another, the PPP were useless but our democratic transition happened, the PMLN are also useless but a damn site better then the ppp

If we stay on things path then indhallsh our people will lesrn to punish useless politicians and elect on merit

this is the only way forward for the Muslim world
Thats a matter of opinion. Why was not this kind of huge aid given to Egypt when ruled by Muslim Brotherhood?

I'll tell you why. Because Muslim Brotherhood is a political organization that threatens the legitimacy of Al Saud's absolute monarchy.

Maybe you are not aware of it but Saudi Arabia and other GCC states decision to give Egypt around $12b was during the MB era !

So its not entirely about aiding the Egyptian economy, its also about aiding and sustain the new military government.

Anyway you can view it as aid. Probably most Egyptians think it is a benign aid package, and are greatful for it. No doubt.
But there are those who view it as a form of interference to influence events in Egypt, and it is legitimate to make such argument.

Most Egyptian according to who !? The aids given as a response to the US suspension of military aids to Egypt as well as to help Egypt stand on feet economically.
Who do you support?

1) Through Democracy > MB controls nothing but themselves?

2) Through military coup > junta commited crimes?

Simple answer.

Just because you are a Saudi where your country have been tackling MB members there.

Oh, Saudi Arabia is heavily involved with the situation in the Middle East especially Syria, you can't compare them to Turkey who only help Syrian refugees, discussing Palestinian affairs and critic against the Egypt coup. That's double standard.

And at least Turkey doesn't do it through aggressively unlike Saudi who send weapons/funds to juntas, militants and others for their interest.
AKP has MB kind of mentality.

Also AKP has not interfered Egypt, all they have done was talking, unlike Saudis, please even kids can see the idea behind the Saudi moves, your fat king just wants to protect his throne and have dominating hand in sectarian disputes.
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