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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

This is my field


Jinnah understood the populations of South Asia needed separation

He understood there were deep-seated animosities

He understood there were historical emnity

He understood their would be DISASTER if these populations did not separate

He envisioned
A Muslim state where Indian Muslims could breath free and express their Islamic identity from cradle to grave
From government to school
In EVERY sphere of life
A Nation encompassing the history, culture of 1000 year muslim presence in South Asia

Also he understood
The Hindus required a similar state where they could express their hindu identity

And whilst you were at it, why deny Sikhs or xtians or other minorities


Partition was brutal but it was necessary and if done properly it could have been peace for South Asia

So what stopped it???


First they occupied Kashmir a Muslim majority state, that rather then make Partition a full stop, created endless emnity and conflict with Pakistan

Before that they refused to understand JINNAH

Their ONE INDIA policy is the basis of the problems in India
The idea that one secular India could be a unifying force for all these different people is DISASTER

What's happening today in India is because populations that SHOULD have separated 70 years ago, through lack of foresight are forced to live ontop of each other the emnity, poison, hatred never gets a chance to heal
The wound festers and it's becoming infected
Why Indians are stupid enough to think mass rape, murder of each other is better than Partition is unfathomable

So it's not just Pakistani, Hindus hate it's their own Indian Muslims because those Muslims and even other minorities are a block to their Hindu expression of the Hindu state JINNAH ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD THEY NEEDED

But they don't have a Hindu nation, they have India and India is supposed to be a secular state for all Indians so as that Hindu identity seeks to stretch itself and glorify itself it sees hundreds of millions Indian Muslims as a counter and block and as these populations express their own religious and cultural identity in a goldfish bowl the poison in India is pouring out both against Pakistan and Indian Muslims

In Pakistan we are a overwhelming muslim majority state
That expresses our Islamic identity in all facets of life

Whilst we may hate Hindus and Indians they are out of sight, out of mind and this allows us to be more calm about the animosity
If it wasn't for Indian stupidity in Kashmir it would be even less of a issue in Pakistan

But India is drowning in its self created disaster, the hate and toxicity is overflowing
The curse of the one india policy will lead to DISASTER within India just like Jinnah predicted
These Indian animals are just salivating at the thought of murdering and raping each other

The MONSTROUS face of Indians is barely concealed at the moment

And we should all thank JINNAH and a heavily armed and defended Pakistan for our salvation
If only our lefty liberals and ethnic types truly understood
I used to be like these libtards (minus the burger bacha accent). Then I realised the error of my ways. India and Indians have journeyed too far into the abyss of self-loathing and simply cannot be corrected. Destruction will ultimately set India free. There is no peace and reconciliation with such a collection of snakes, scorpions and rats. Detente is the only option in the absence of war.
You see the eastern half of Pakistan neatly separated from Gangu Lands...there is also a speration between upper and lower Indus valley
U gotta stick to the topic of discussion...if u hop around...then it's not really a discussion/debate.

The point u were making is that Gujarat somehow is Gangu related...despite the fact that Ganges and Ganges plains are quite far removed physically...while Indus is right there...it literally borders it. Then u brought up sphere of influence...and now u have jumped topics again about east Pakistan...too many tangents and no coherent discussion...

But I'll address it and hope u come back to ur earlier argument...
...with what u wrote above...an argument can be made that among one of the reasons East Pakistan became Bangladesh...was bcuz it differed greatly...culturally and linguistically from the west Pakistan...
...perhaps lingering differences between Sindhus and Gangus...that managed to remain despite thousands of years of contact and intermingling...
...and though I have no solid proof to show that...kind of hard to pull on a string through time and show such a relation...
But modern day Bangladesh has been historically part of the gangetic plain...and thus on one side(west Pak) there were Sindhus and on the other(east Pak) were Gangus.
It's because India doesn't covet any Pakistani territory. And Pakistani society doesn't have enemies in it's midst like India has in the form of SOME Muslims. Bawa will tell you.

Invalid reason.

A vast desert however works as natural barrier between these two civilizations

Which desert?
Just look at Indian media: TV, news programs, movies, dramas, newpapers, magazines all portray an intrinsic hate for Pakistan, even supposedly impartial commentators and journalists will colour their reports to make Pakistan look as bad a possible albeit in a very clever way, particularly to fool the rest of the world. India today stands for con, a conman that has eluded the world's criticism because it had a good brand name built by the British over 300 years, managed to portray itself as a secular but spiritual & democratic country which was a con, with a massive market for western goods, that allowed western world to overlook the con.

India from the beginning hated Pakistan, all it's actions were designed to undermine the new state but now it has the confidence of doing so much more openly. Pakistan unravelled India, half the Muslims escaped, so the majoritan revenge would be half, and now those Muslims that fell for the con are the new Jews, the next ones to be burned alive. The pogroms have been ignored, the concentration camps have been ignored, but can the world really ignore the new holocaust...?
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Indians frankly just generally loath the idea of Pakistan. To most Indians, when you speak of Pakistanis they will describe a bearded terrorist so immersed in Islam that nothing else matters. And given half the chance most Indians will openly declare that they wish that the entire of Pakistan could be wiped off the map. When I speak of Indians I make no distinction between Indians of different religions. If anything unites Indians then it's certainly their disgust and loathing of Pakistan and it's existence
Indians frankly just generally loath the idea of Pakistan. To most Indians, when you speak of Pakistanis they will describe a bearded terrorist so immersed in Islam that nothing else matters. And given half the chance most Indians will openly declare that they wish that the entire of Pakistan could be wiped off the map. When I speak of Indians I make no distinction between Indians of different religions. If anything unites Indians then it's certainly their disgust and loathing of Pakistan and it's existence

Which means that indianism is like sikhism. They have NO culture, identity, heritage or sense of self. The ONLY thing that keeps them going is their abnormal, obsessive hatred of Pakistan and Pakistanis.

PS One thing Pakistanis need to be wary of is indian Muslims. They hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than indian hindus and sikhs.
Which means that indianism is like sikhism. They have NO culture, identity, heritage or sense of self. The ONLY thing that keeps them going is their abnormal, obsessive hatred of Pakistan and Pakistanis.

I didn't mention their culture. Different discussion for a different day. Put a bunch of Indians fighting each other on every issue and then mention Pakistan ..it unifies them like glue
Which means that indianism is like sikhism. They have NO culture, identity, heritage or sense of self. The ONLY thing that keeps them going is their abnormal, obsessive hatred of Pakistan and Pakistanis.

PS One thing Pakistanis need to be wary of is indian Muslims. They hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than indian hindus and sikhs.

I didn't mention their culture. Different discussion for a different day. Put a bunch of Indians fighting each other on every issue and then mention Pakistan ..it unifies them like glue


Put us in crisis, any crisis, and we bond together.

Remove the crisis, and we love playing politics and our million fracture cleave planes.

We remain one because we have always been one. Its that simple.
Indians frankly just generally loath the idea of Pakistan. To most Indians, when you speak of Pakistanis they will describe a bearded terrorist so immersed in Islam that nothing else matters. And given half the chance most Indians will openly declare that they wish that the entire of Pakistan could be wiped off the map. When I speak of Indians I make no distinction between Indians of different religions. If anything unites Indians then it's certainly their disgust and loathing of Pakistan and it's existence

As I said in another thread earlier today, I being an Indian I have no automatic hatred of Pakistan and there are quite a few like me. As an example, Pakistani TV serials found good acceptance in India.
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I feel that this is such an important video at this time. There is so much hostility and tension between India and Pakistan at the moment due to issues with Kashmir and a long difficult history. There seems to be a lot of propaganda and negativity

TBH I couldn't care less if indians hate us or not. The point is they can't do jack about it. As long as it stays that way then it's all good.
Thar thal and rajhistan separates east indic tropics from the semi arid punjabi and sindhi topography. then there's a marshy terrain further down south

Yes, but the Northern parts of Indus and Ganga vales have no such barrier.
As I said in another thread earlier today, I being an Indian I have no automatic hatred of Pakistan and there are quite a few like me. As an example, Pakistani TV serials found good acceptance in India.

Watching Pakistani tv makes you an admirer of Pakistan ? Lol

You sound like my father in law who in one breath says he has nothing against Pakistanis since his son is married to one but when with his fellow Indian Muslims doesn't hesitate to call Pakistanis "suaras"
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