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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

Look up his ancestry NorthWest Bro
I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that he was of Gujarati ancestry...Gujarat borders Sindh(historically the borders of both have varied...parts of modern day Gujarat have been with modern day Sindh and vice versa).

Ganges(and the ancient settlements that came about around it) is much far northeast.

However if u have something(credible) that shows otherwise...I'm all ears.
India and Pakistan, common people of the both countries, don't hate but its a naturel output and opinions because people watch and listen on new channels and so called experts who barks on a daily basis against each other.
But Gangadesh starts from the Rann of Kutch itself...those heavenly salt flats making a perfect border between the Great Indus Race and the Glorious Gangu Race....Jinnah is one of the greatest prides of the Gangu Nation
When humans shifted from hunter gatherer societies to agriculture...that is what allowed a few(relatively speaking) to feed a lot. It was no more of each family or tribe having to hunt/forage for themselves. That's when ppl were able to specialize in other trades like smiths, tailors, traders, etc. With this trade arose economies that could then be centralized under a system and taxed to raise armies for the protection and/or expansion...
...in any case I'm getting carried away...the point is agriculture enabled the rise of civilizations...and in those early days agriculture required fertile land and a source of water(hence rivers).

Generally these early civilizations arose around river basins...be it around the Nile, Euphrates, Yellow River, Indus, etc...u can't use modern day borders to redefine them.
Generally these early civilizations arose around river basins...be it around the Nile, Euphrates, Yellow River, Indus, etc...u can't use modern day borders to redefine them.

Why the civilization didn't arouse and flourished around the great Ganges...why no mention of Ganges valley civilization as you read a lot about Indus valley civilization.

They still have aboriginal traits and tenor....

The reason this thread point is validated...civilization evolves, and at times it dies down.
English speaking Pakistanis.

1% of the population covered.

You see you have proven in just a little sentence, how misguided those young people were about India and Indians.
You are obnoxious little piece of crap. The Indians need to learn how to respect people of other nations.

You probably have noticed, their English and Accents were way better than you Indians.
At least they didn't use "only" at the end of almost every sentence like the stupid Indians.
Why the civilization didn't arouse and flourished around the great Ganges...why no mention of Ganges valley civilization as you read a lot about Indus valley civilization.

They still have aboriginal traits and tenor....

The reason this thread point is validated...civilization evolves.
Actually settlements arose around many rivers...some small some big...only a few turned into behemoths like IVC, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and the ones in the new world like Mayans, Inca, and Aztecs.

The behemoths(I'm just using it for identification purposes) left a mark...that can be dug up...the remnants of structures, pottery, written records, etc. The smaller ones came and went...erased by the endless march of time...not erased in the sense that no proof exists(many settlements are found in many parts of the world away from these behemoths)...
...they are erased in the sense that we don't know much about them. Things like how they came about, what causes their downfall, culture, language, etc.
...I'm speaking in general of course. For these things to survive...and make a mark large enough to survive the decay of time...a civilization has to exist and flourish for hundreds of years.
Pakistan has lost its nationalism. Your posts tell a sorry state. The pro hindutva policies have ruined this land of ours. Hope nationalism is revived and a ferocious reply is given to india

good day.
Well said bro your posts are spot on.
Sooner or later we have to fight a decisive war with india but people in Pakistan still have some delusion.
We cannot be friend with the people who always think of our destruction.
But Gangadesh starts from the Rann of Kutch itself...those heavenly salt flats making a perfect border between the Great Indus Race and the Glorious Gangu Race....Jinnah is one of the greatest prides of the Gangu Nation

Sure but every river basin has it's sphere of influence

Not sure exactly what u r showing through this map...even if we were to use sphere of influence as a justification...still modern day Gujarat(being right next to Sindh) should have been under the sphere of influence of Indus ppl...
Bcuz Ganga(and the plains where ppl settled) is much far removed geographically(practically north/Northwest of modern day India)...so I don't see exactly how Gujarat could have been under the sphere of influence of Gangus.
If I hurt someone who has tehzeeb on this thread I would like to say sorry

If I hurt someone who does not have tehzeeb on this thread, that's ok.

How Ironic and strange is this...you all can say all the nasty things about Pakistan, Muslims and still the thread point is validated, will be proven more.

I agree some/more Indians do have Tahzeeb...the reason I added 'Are Pakistanis more civilized' and not Pakistanis are certainly more civilized...

Another Irony...there was a thread on an article 'Pakistanis are more happier than Indians, ranks 70th compared to 140th for India in world happiness ranking'...

I added the reason India rank is getting lower every year is because Pakistan ranks higher in world happiness index...India rank will rise if Pakistan rank is lowered in world happiness index...Ironic!!!
Pakistan has lost its nationalism. Your posts tell a sorry state. The pro hindutva policies have ruined this land of ours. Hope nationalism is revived and a ferocious reply is given to india

good day.

I think what he is trying to say is that while we can definitely block out hindutva media in Pakistan, we need not to be consumed with hate as much as the Indians. As one Indian member said here, any action has a opposite reaction. They'll be getting a taste of that opposite reaction soon enough.
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