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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

As a Pakistani citizen I have right to ask my govt to ban everything indian and hindutva in nature.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Can't negate it...if we don't hear the voices and see the optics from their, their thinking process how can we plan and execute operations.

Or I have enough tahzeeb to not claim that I have tahzeeb.

This is fine...saying others don't have it says something else, unless their own people.
We have an Islamic identity. Zakat is obliged on us (not only monetary) and Rahma (Mercy) is a key factor of our religion. Charity is part of our DNA and even the non religious Pakistani are involved in that.

I have a picture from my late Dada from 1978 where he eats on the floor with beggars whilst him wearing a fancy western suit. Laughing and talking to them like family. Last time I visited Lahore in 2015 I saw a random Teenager feeding a disabled person with his own hands (putting food into his mouth). Just like that.

After that I really knew: This country is alive and protected by the almighty for its generous people even though it has so many internal and external problems!

Generosity makes you humble and kind and that’s the reason why most of the Pakistani out there have no issues with other people, including Indians.

Great post...greater future.

I should add generosity and love for have-nots...in addition to Tahzeeb and Tamaddun as the forte of Pakistanis...and it should only increase with passing time.

It all adds up here...the less hatred the better even to your sworn enemies.
This is fine...saying others don't have it says something else, unless their own people.

If you notice, not once have I claimed tazheeb and not once have I said that somebody does not have tehzeeb.
As a Pakistani citizen I have right to ask my govt to ban everything indian and hindutva in nature. As this country hurts Pakistan. Like renaming cities, colonies from hindu names to muslim names. Prosecuting hindutva supporters in Pakistani media, civil organizations and in general public. Its only fair.

Im a free man. Theres no law against feeling something. If I dont want to buy something from an indian hindu, nobody can stop me its my choice.

Indian hindu hypocrisy should be exposed in middle east and elsewhere. How they treat muslims in india, they should be treated the same in muslim majority countries. Its only fair.
I don't know when you last visited Pakistan but these are not acceptable here. You can have your own opinions but actually discriminating on someone who has done no crime is not acceptable anywhere and most places a crime. Try that in Canada.

In middle east if you say or post something anti Islam they will take action, if you don't and follow the law you can stay in peace. This is in our religion as well and taught by the Prophet PBUH.
If Indian leaders behave discriminately it does not mean we should do in same as this is what differentiates us from them, they will answer for their crimes in Akhrat. Importance of Hakuk al Ibaad is often overlooked, that is obligations to fellow humans (Muslim and non Muslim) and even animals. Punishment for people who dis regard Hakook ul Ibad is harsh no matter how pious in religious affairs they are.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Can't negate it...if we don't hear the voices and see the optics from their, their thinking process how can we plan and execute operations.

I dont know philosophy. I only know that watching hindu movies isnt going to help plan operations.

My opnion, hindutva is the enemy always has been always will be. indians should always be viewed and seen as anti muslim and anti Pakistan no other definition should be there.

No communication with them is even better.
are you allowed to voice your views about parsi persecution in India?

shed some light on Hindu versus Parsi problems in India

it's a mob masquerading as a nation

Lol yes man.

Ask any Indian if Parsis are the silent types.
I don't know when you last visited Pakistan but these are not acceptable here. You can have your own opinions but actually discriminating on someone who has done no crime is not acceptable anywhere and most places a crime. Try that in Canada.

In middle east if you say or post something anti Islam they will take action, if you don't and follow the law you can stay in peace. This is in our religion as well and taught by the Prophet PBUH.
If Indian leaders behave discriminately it does not mean we should do in same as this is what differentiates us from them, they will answer for their crimes in Akhrat. Importance of Hakuk al Ibaad is often overlooked, that is obligations to fellow humans (Muslim and non Muslim) and even animals. Punishment for people who dis regard Hakook ul Ibad is harsh no matter how pious in religious affairs they are.

Another humane and great post....one good gesture leads to another.

Good deeds are contagious...it all adds up.

Humans are born to love and not to hate, empathy comes naturally to them. Hatred is taught to them through mind indoctrination...

Punishment for people who dis regard Hakook ul Ibad is harsh no matter how pious in religious affairs they are.
I don't know when you last visited Pakistan but these are not acceptable here. You can have your own opinions but actually discriminating on someone who has done no crime is not acceptable anywhere and most places a crime. Try that in Canada.

In middle east if you say or post something anti Islam they will take action, if you don't and follow the law you can stay in peace. This is in our religion as well and taught by the Prophet PBUH.
If Indian leaders behave discriminately it does not mean we should do in same as this is what differentiates us from them, they will answer for their crimes in Akhrat. Importance of Hakuk al Ibaad is often overlooked, that is obligations to fellow humans (Muslim and non Muslim) and even animals. Punishment for people who dis regard Hakook ul Ibad is harsh no matter how pious in religious affairs they are.

Dont worry about me here. Please identify and prosecute hindutva supporters in Pakistani society. This has nothing to do with discrimination. Prosecute pro india hindutva groups thats it. View indian hindutva as an enemy as they do you. simple - not hard to understand. Where is discrimination here?

If someone attacks you, you have the religious right to return the favor. This gandhism is not actually our foray.

View indian hindutva as an enemy - hows that discrimination?
I dont know philosophy. I only know that watching hindu movies isnt going to help plan operations.

My opnion, hindutva is the enemy always has been always will be. indians should always be viewed and seen as anti muslim and anti Pakistan no other definition should be there.

No communication with them is even better.

Yes they are the enemies...more so for their own Muslim demographics...so this hatred is coming full circle to them, a more radicalized Hinduism will see the rise of a more radical Islam there in India...

This is what hatred do...it burns your own house down. So need to keep this in check and unbridled hatred you see in India should not take the center stage in Pakistan.
Yes they are the enemies...more so for their own Muslim demographics...so this hatred is coming full circle to them, a more radicalized Hinduism will see the rise of a more radical Islam there in India...

This is what hatred do...it burns your own house down. So need to keep this in check and unbridled hatred you see in India should not take the center stage in Pakistan.

Pakistan has lost its nationalism. Your posts tell a sorry state. The pro hindutva policies have ruined this land of ours. Hope nationalism is revived and a ferocious reply is given to india

good day.
It's because India doesn't covet any Pakistani territory. And Pakistani society doesn't have enemies in it's midst like India has in the form of SOME Muslims. Bawa will tell you.

Wrong on so many levels...not even gonna bother to spoon feed u the basic facts.
A very Chad like über Handsome Gangu gentleman created that country-------->naturally it would be civilized
Gangu? U sure? The dude was born in Sindh(Karachi)...does that ring a bell? Sindh/Sindhu/Indus(IVC)/India...all these terms originate from that.

The term Gangu(at least the way it is used on PDF) is derived to describe the ppl who lived east of the IVC...ganga basin and the rest. In short no he is not Gangu...he is Sindhu.
Wrong on so many levels...not even gonna bother to spoon feed u the basic facts.

Gangu? U sure? The dude was born in Sindh(Karachi)...does that ring a bell? Sindh/Sindhu/Indus(IVC)/India...all these terms originate from that.

The term Gangu(at least the way it is used on PDF) is derived to describe the ppl who lived east of the IVC...ganga basin and the rest. In short no he is not Gangu...he is Sindhu.

Look up his ancestry NorthWest Bro

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