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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

But Gangadesh starts from the Rann of Kutch itself...those heavenly salt flats making a perfect border between the Great Indus Race and the Glorious Gangu Race....Jinnah is one of the greatest prides of the Gangu Nation
Not putting up with this nonsensical trolling and flame bait Last warning.

Your original post that started this has been edited.
Agreed - There's no comparison between the Pakistani views on PDF vs the outright filth you see on Bharat Ratshit and other Indian forums, and in fact now all over social media.

This is certainly a more civilized forum, even with some vitriol spewed from both sides, the discussion is relatively healthy compared to dissing and cussing all the time as in Indian media. Many Indian members contribution is good.

As for Indian forums, they are drowning in their own filth of hatred and animosity...same can be said of the mainstream media, and media is a reflection of the society, they all love this xenophobia against Muslims...Pakistan has taken a backseat.

This hatred add fuel to the Sanghs, firebrand or not. They need it badly...

All the liberal progressive Indians have gone helter-skelter or to some neutral forum like this.
I know this may sound harsh, but i'll give myself the liberty to for once. With a population like cockroaches, they mass swarm Pakistani content on social media and spam those with their ignorant unwanted comments. They think they sound "smart" and "cool" when in reality, they stay true to what they are, cockroaches.

I really wish they'd just leave us the f#ck alone, so i can search about Pakistan online and not have to look at hoards of hindi self feel good propaganda all the time. Pakistanis by a large margin are alot more civilized than Indians, i just wish we didn't have them as our neighbors or had anything to do with them at all. There is also no point in arguing against a Indian either, their hypocrisy can be caught and smacked right back onto their filthy faces yet they still choose to remain ignorant unless it's to save their a**es from the consequences.
I know this may sound harsh, but i'll give myself the liberty to for once. With a population like cockroaches, they mass swarm Pakistani content on social media and spam those with their ignorant unwanted comments. They think they sound "smart" and "cool" when in reality, they stay true to what they are, cockroaches.

I really wish they'd just leave us the f#ck alone, so i can search about Pakistan online and not have to look at hoards of hindi self feel good propaganda all the time. Pakistanis by a large margin are alot more civilized than Indians, i just wish we didn't have them as our neighbors or had anything to do with them at all. There is also no point in arguing against a Indian either, their hypocrisy can be caught and smacked right back onto their filthy faces yet they still choose to be ignorant unless it's to save their a**es from the consequences.

EXACTLY! I wish the same.
I know this may sound harsh, but i'll give myself the liberty to for once. With a population like cockroaches, they mass swarm Pakistani content on social media and spam those with their ignorant unwanted comments. They think they sound "smart" and "cool" when in reality, they stay true to what they are, cockroaches.

I really wish they'd just leave us the f#ck alone, so i can search about Pakistan online and not have to look at hoards of hindi self feel good propaganda all the time. Pakistanis by a large margin are alot more civilized than Indians, i just wish we didn't have them as our neighbors or had anything to do with them at all. There is also no point in arguing against a Indian either, their hypocrisy can be caught and smacked right back onto their filthy faces yet they still choose to remain ignorant unless it's to save their a**es from the consequences.
Yep! Almost every major Pakistani news/current affairs site will have a hoard of Indian trolls descend and spew filth in the comments section. This isn't new either, I pointed this out years ago.
Yep! Almost every major Pakistani news/current affairs site will have a hoard of Indian trolls descend and spew filth in the comments section. This isn't new either, I pointed this out years ago.

Yet as you guys here demonstrated recently post 370, it's ridiculously easy for you to bring us to a grinding halt.
I know this may sound harsh, but i'll give myself the liberty to for once. With a population like cockroaches, they mass swarm Pakistani content on social media and spam those with their ignorant unwanted comments. They think they sound "smart" and "cool" when in reality, they stay true to what they are, cockroaches.

Given that India is an enemy as perceived here...and same thought about Pakistan by India.

Shouldn't we be happy and relived that our perceived enemy is drowning in the hatred and vitriol, I will be very concerned with a very sophisticated, learned, knowledgeable enemy...the more Hindutva low brow hatred the better.

Earlier Congress days of a secular, modernist, liberal, tolerant India was far more damaging to Pakistan with world perceiving Pakistan as the anti-thesis of India...a country drowned in radicalism....both India and Pakistan perception was wrong to western world though.

So with now the fake thin veneer of secularism, tolerance, pluralism all gone and an ultra nationalist, extremist Hindutva govt. in place in India, Pakistan should be happier and content...the current Hindu mob ruling India has many heads but no brains...they have exposed the intrinsic hate and vitriol earlier hidden to the world.

Pakistan would rather dread and fear a sophisticated and pragmatic enemy, a sage and intelligent foe...than the current Bharat.
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Yet as you guys here demonstrated recently post 370, it's ridiculously easy for you to bring us to a grinding halt.
The forum leadership and staff here have a much less tolerant approach to certain things.

The Dawn (for example) comments moderating staff appears to have a different approach.

Go further with the comments sections of non-Pakistani sites (covering Pakistan) and it's even worse.
Quite simple, actually, we've to separate the people from the government. I think the people of Pakistan and India share many things; therefore, that area should be separated from what their government does. The government of India deserves every bit of antagonism that we're showing. The other side needs to learn the same and I think it's just being a decent human being not to wish death and destruction of any kind on a fellow human being.

What I keep asking Indian members is that the human cost of what is being done in Kashmir, should not be OK for anyone who agree that in the end they are human beings and their maltreatment should not be OK because whatever their politics are.

Just my take, thanks!

I feel that this is such an important video at this time. There is so much hostility and tension between India and Pakistan at the moment due to issues with Kashmir and a long difficult history. There seems to be a lot of propaganda and negativity

I think the people of Pakistan and India share many things; therefore, that area should be separated from what their government does.
Like I said, the litmus test of an Indian having basic human decency is that they would agree on the basic principle (leave aside the specifics of how) of allowing millions of residents of J&K to vote in a plebiscite to choose between India, Pakistan or independence.

Any Indian that cannot even agree to this basic principle has no basic human decency.

How many Indians on this forum or those that you've (or other Pakistanis) have interacted with online share this basic human value?
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