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Why PDF Mods are sleeping?

P.S. It sadness me that no one is contributing to Anciet Tech thread... not evey my dear Pajee!

Sir Jee: The ancient Vedic and pre-Vedic inventions and discoveries, you are revealing in your posts, are so stunning that, in a way, they have thoroughly paralyzed my meager and limited mental faculties and capacities. They also instill strong sense of fear in my psyche; since we are compelled to confront such a technologically formidable foe, on our Eastern side.:lol:
Regarding the ancient tech, I apologize, I would not be able to contain myself and decipher things with such cold logic that I'd be breaking the rules of engagement in this field and invariably hurting a lot of hearts. For they would not know that the cold stare of logic is not without respect and reverence for the problem but a mere undying desire for the truth.

PakBrother mine,

I respect your distancing from the Ancient Technology thread...

I myself find it challenging to continue...because I do suffer from RationalConditioning and EmpericalMethod of Validation...

This is precisely the reason I took upon myself to challenge my own being to confront the demon staring me in the face... dennying it would not go away.

I takes so much effort to stay focused and use sources which are unbiased and not Pak sources... also divoring religion from Technology is demon I find most terrifying...

Regardless, it is my Journey of Discovery and since it is not a paid tourist guide..it shall bring its challenges and pitfalls..slowly and surely I shall come to the Source of Ancient Technology and how it has made everythign possible in the said civilisaiton which according to its proppellers is the oldest living one...

Perhpas, it is our challenges which shape us for what we become in the end!

You worry not... you being human are limited to such Vastness which stares us daily in the face.

Hopefully, you shall welcome the Critique/Feedback on your composition..which many of us await now!

I can't tell you how pissed off I am these days that people misattribute a lack of good manners to 'trolling behaviour', kind sir, that's an art. An art my generation perfected and I was a part of that perfection. I would take every opportunity to show my fellow members what true trolling is like. It's the politest thing you'll ever read which would infuriate the right kind of gentleman.
I am extremely sorry if you felt bad, i guess my choice of wording wasn’t right.

The correct word in urdu i use for this is “cherhna”, means kidding around with someone in a pleasant manner.
. .
Sir Jee: The ancient Vedic and pre-Vedic inventions and discoveries, you are revealing in your posts, are so stunning that, in a way, they have thoroughly paralyzed my meager and limited mental faculties and capacities. They also instill strong sense of fear in my psyche; since we are compelled to confront such a technologically formidable foe, on our Eastern side.:lol:

Dearest Pajee,

Yes, we are frail, mortal... cling to life like autum leaves...

They bombed us in IVC and our skeletions are still radioactive... hence, I have started treating these beings with respect...

Did you know that the American scientist who conducted the first 'official' atum bumb test recited from the Ancient text... which is an indirect validation of the Ancient Alient Technology... Be afraid, be very afraid..

A Dialouge of Civlisation is not possible because of DimmensionalDifference but we must at least make an honest, rational attempt to understand the Technology involved... for our survival!

Nah, bro, I was just referring to the trolling phenomena in general here. Not your attempt, hearts to that!. Peace!
I am extremely sorry if you felt bad, i guess my choice of wording wasn’t right.

The correct word in urdu i use for this is “cherhna”, means kidding around with someone in a pleasant manner.
I can't tell you how pissed off I am these days that people misattribute a lack of good manners to 'trolling behaviour', kind sir, that's an art. An art my generation perfected and I was a part of that perfection. I would take every opportunity to show my fellow members what true trolling is like. It's the politest thing you'll ever read which would infuriate the right kind of gentleman.

I know that sir, quite hard to differentiate from being serious or sarcastic.

Not everyone is gifted with such an ability, and special ones are those who come out with such cyphered sentences within seconds during a fluent conversation.
چھیڑنا is kidding around in a pleasant manner? since when?
اگلی بار کسی شہد کی مکھیوں کے چھتے کو چھیڑ کر دیکھو وہ کیا کرتی ھیں' اسی طرح انسانوں کو چھیڑنا بھی ویسا هی ھے
Kyun @silver_dragon ko shehd ki makhi bolra hai yar :lol::lol::lol:
I am against banning Indian posters... all of them should be allowed and should enjoy freedom of expressing their ideology!

Dennying that such Indian views don't exist is just escapismo...

However, Forum Rules must be respected by Indians as well... there are many ways to reprimand... Let Indians express their views...

Regarding @Nilu Pule ... he doesn't like muslims in India...and he has never hid his views under fake secularismoz or unity in diversity mantra...

He is more abused by Indians than say PakPosters... I would say don't ban him!

@Nilu Pule could try be less explosive...but then it is his style... I have not seen him attacking Pakistan.... but I might be mistaken as well.

Anyhow, whatever moderation teams decide... we shall respect their decisions!
I would say pdf has become tolerant since yesterday. I cannot believe that I am still here today.

This below person is hateful and looks to be mentally unstable in his hatred towards Muslim people.
Mentally unstable get shown leniency in the court of law.

No, it's actually the other way around.

"Nilu" is a parody account playing the part of a "right wing troll".. very likely an angry Indian Muslim.
I think a lot of people are suffering from early symptoms of schizophrenia on pdf.

Internet is bad for your mental health.
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