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why pak cannot launch their own sattelite

Lack of vision

Lack of funds

Lack of expertise

Lack of priority

Wrong people heading the SUPARCO

to name a few .......
Just a piece of information, Pakistan lanuched its first sounding rocket Rehbar-I on 1962 and it was a two-stage rocket but we have regressed we did not prioritised space program.
Your over-dependence on China, and earlier from North Korea, from missiles to rockets has ruined your own efforts in R&D. The only achievement that Pakistan can boast of is the successful launch of its first fully functional communication satellite, the Paksat-1R. This satellite, however, was not indigenous built. China was behind Paksat-1R’s design, construction, launch and even funding; only a few components were built in Pakistan.

The problem is that Pakistan's space program is mixed up with its missile development program unlike ISRO and DRDO. SUPARCO is part of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) of Pakistan Armed Forces. ISRO is administered by the scientists themselves. It has been kept kept shielded from politics. On the other hand SUPARCO is run by a retired military gen of the Pak army (Maj Gen Qaiser Anees / Maj Gen Ahmed Bilal?), who has very little knowledge of space science.
Your over-dependence on China, and earlier from North Korea, from missiles to rockets has ruined your own efforts in R&D. The only achievement that Pakistan can boast of is the successful launch of its first fully functional communication satellite, the Paksat-1R. This satellite, however, was not indigenous built. China was behind Paksat-1R’s design, construction, launch and even funding; only a few components were built in Pakistan.

The problem is that Pakistan's space program is mixed up with its missile development program unlike ISRO and DRDO. SUPARCO is part of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) of Pakistan Armed Forces. ISRO is administered by the scientists themselves. It has been kept kept shielded from politics. On the other hand SUPARCO is run by a retired military gen of the Pak army (Gen Qaiser Anees?), who has very little knowledge of space science.

Hello Sir ; Welcome back
SUPARCO Does Do Research and Initial Design Work As Well As Fabrication of Certain Components But The More Technical Stuff Is Imported Mostly From China Not Because We Don't Want To Do But Because We Just Find It Easier and Cheaper
so when you launch your satellite, you build it in pakistan and transfer to chinese launch pad... right?
just like we do with our heavy satellites(launched by european space agency, not ISRO)
so when you launch your satellite, you build it in pakistan and transfer to chinese launch pad... right?
just like we do with our heavy satellites(launched by european space agency, not ISRO)

Yes By and Large and There Was A Program for Pakistan to Indigenously Develop It's Own SLV in 2005 Prior To That I Remember There Was A SUPARCO SLV in IDEAS 2002 With The Ability To Carry Payload of 80 kg But All Programs Could Not Progress Due To Financial Crisi in 2008 As Well As A Corruption Mafia That Finds It More "Profitable" to Buy Stuff From Chins.Pakistan's First Satellite Badr 1 Was Launched Way Back in 1990

Read All About It


Designing And Manufacture of Satellites Is Not An Issue For Pakistan The SLV Is The Main Hurdle
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I feel huge pain everyday when I see my motherland lagging behind other countries in sciences and technologies. When I compare science and technology community of Pakistan to that of India, I feel that we have to urgently do something as a nation to decrease and overcome this imbalance. Even Iran has more graduates in emerging sciences and leading technologies than we have in Pakistan. Our nation must realize that we have to make a systematic plan to develop human capital in advanced sciences and technologies and provide people conducive atmosphere to develop science and technology related industries in Pakistan.

I would myself like to make a good applied mathematical technologies company that would do very advanced work in financial markets, biomedical technologies, genetic engineering, advanced medical imaging, and electromagnetics. It would have mainly peaceful agenda but I would like to work on non-aggressive defence technologies like radars that would obfuscate the enemy planes and enemy planes would not be able to shoot them down with anti-radiation missiles. I would also like to work with technologies that would shoot down any missiles and satellites entering close to our territory.

Why do our Pakistanis not realize that it is humans like us who develop such technologies in the west. We can make better technologies at a fraction of the cost. Our Pakistanis myopically shoot down their own compatriots who want to work on advanced sciences and technologies in our country. I make this claim on our PDF forum that if I am given conducive atmosphere to work, I can make most of the above claims true in 5-10 years. We can develop our own radar and anti-missile technologies and make our country safe forever. No country in the world would ever give us such technologies but we can do it on our own. But again dilemma is the same that our own Pakistanis create obstacles for Pakistanis who want to serve our motherland from the core of their heart.
Brother i can join you in starting an advanced technologies company. I can pitch in some money which can be used to hire talent. Though i didnt get to study advanced math in detail but i do have a mathematical acumen. I had gained insights into number theory and prime numbers which built my capacity to deal with advanced technologies. Working in a dedicated environment i can help you bring things to fruition.
@NP-complete, Thank you for your good will and best wishes. Most good Pakistanis wish success to their compatriots who want to introduce a culture of science and technology based research, innovation and related industries. Unfortunately there are some black sheep among us who want to create hurdles for us because they get money and bribes from abroad from those nations who harbor ill will against us. These black sheep have no regard for the future of Pakistan but they want free money to continue to flow into their coffers and bank accounts abroad where they would finally like to settle.

But I am not deterred by these machinations and hope that I would be able to overcome these problems and let my company take off soon. However there are so many unexplained variables that I am not ready to put other friends in problems that I am facing at this stage. I will, however, definitely like to share ideas with you. If you have an account on linkedin, please send me an invite mentioning defence.pk. My linkedin address is: https://pk.linkedin.com/in/ahsan-amin-0a53334
Others friends from the pdf are also very welcome to connect. Please mention the forum in the invite.
Friends are also invited to join my 'Applied Mathematical Technologies' Group on linkedin. Here is the address: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8290174
Please join or start the discussions in the group if you know the relevant mathematics but know what you are writing since the group has a large number of very sophisticated applied mathematicians from across the globe.
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can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus
I have a theory. Since you are acquainted with actual people on ground, you may be able to tell whether I am right or wrong.

I think some country’s intelligence agencies are doing this with the populace of Pakistan and Kashmir.

Searching, identifying and then literally killing the brightest (most intelligent) of the populace and sparing the rest.

That means filter out the best genes and leave out the lesser ones.

If you keep doing this for decades, the chances of the victim country producing scientists will certainly reduce and it sabotages the economy.

Has this really happened? Did any intelligence agency really do this?

Source: https://defence.pk/members/samlee.30880/#ixzz49wEs7U00
@NP-complete, Thank you for your good will and best wishes. Most good Pakistanis wish success to their compatriots who want to introduce a culture of science and technology based research, innovation and related industries. Unfortunately there are some black sheep among us who want to create hurdles for us because they get money and bribes from abroad from those nations who harbor ill will against us. These black sheep have no regard for the future of Pakistan but they want free money to continue to flow into their coffers and bank accounts abroad where they would finally like to settle.

But I am not deterred by these machinations and hope that I would be able to overcome these problems and let my company take off soon. However there are so many unexplained variables that I am not ready to put other friends in problems that I am facing at this stage. I will, however, definitely like to share ideas with you. If you have an account on linkedin, please send me an invite mentioning defence.pk. My linkedin address is: https://pk.linkedin.com/in/ahsan-amin-0a53334
Others friends from the pdf are also very welcome to connect. Please mention the forum in the invite.
Friends are also invited to join my 'Applied Mathematical Technologies' Group on linkedin. Here is the address: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8290174
Please join or start the discussions in the group if you know the relevant mathematics but know what you are writing since the group has a large number of very sophisticated applied mathematicians from across the globe.
I want to contribute more as an investor than a scientist. I can contribute up to Rs 1.5 crores if highly profitable technologies can be developed.
BTW, Indonesia is currently engaging in rocket technology just like what India has did decades ago, starting it today is much better than doing nothing

Good luck. It's good to see that more Asian nations are coming forward.
can anybody tell me that why pakistan supraco could not launch sattelite on their own
just see our neighbor they have reached mars at a such low cost and have launch their own shuttle in just 14 million that too less we can also spend that much amount of money
so wht is hindering our process our r&d scientist are just enjoying or what has happened, why we just keep taking help from china just see india they did developed missile for launching sattelite in just 15-20 years
i want all pakistani to share their thoughts
@Windjammer @Horus
We can but if we test or launch satellite then world would know that we are capable to build and test ICBM and that perception of the world would be against our wider national interests.
Yes, NP-Complete, I would like to approach solid investors who could also possibly handle HR-related issues and be a part of accounts management however all the scientific work will be done by independent scientific teams that we will slowly grow as cash flow becomes better. We could work on the design of advanced mathematical technologies from scratch by building on available research and using our expertise. We could then license these mature mathematical technologies to other business groups on a profit sharing basis.

There is tremendous amount of work that can be done like for example, choosing a bit random example, the physical design and design of material composition of blades of wind turbines. I would give a layman idea of the simulation of the moving blades of a wind turbine. In a large simulation, we will have a design of the blade with the whole blade divided into a large number of very small segments (or finite elements). Given a certain angle and speed of wind flow, each segment rotating around a larger axis will have its own angle of contact with the air and the speed of segment, speed of the air and angle of contact would determine how much force air transfers to the segment when there is an impact. Then there are other variables like what are the properties of the material of the blades that would determine its moment of inertia or related angular momentum everywhere. Then we would have to integrate/sum force generated by the impact over all small finite elements over all the turbine blades and also sum the related properties of moment of inertia and angular momentum of the blades and also consider any friction, drag or turbulence and then determine the speed of the wing and power produced etc. Later we could decide what are the optimum properties of the materials that are required for strength, and efficiency of the wind turbine. Once a simulation design is ready on computer it can be constantly and very easily altered to find optimum variables like blade size, local blade angles along the length of the blade, blade material and all other relevant parameters. All of this is not very difficult to put in the form of a comprehensive computer simulation of the wind turbine for most talented applied mathematicians. A single large wind turbine that produces 1MW at its peak capacity can cost more than 5 crores in international market. We can manufacture it roughly in 1 crore rupees if there is enough production size. Of course this is a very rough idea.

Similarly I feel real pain when I see my country trying to find badly needed jet engine for her fighter jets to defend our country. No western country gives us those engines and usually we have to pay through our nose to get them. Even Russians are not willing to sell the best engines. I really think it is possible to design a comprehensive 3-D computer simulation composed of a very large number of extremely small segments of the moving parts and moving fluids in the jet engine with a complete simulation of what is the speed of air-intake in very small 3D segments and then the comprehensive simulation based on first mathematical principles coupled with each other in the most sophisticated way. The simulation would give a micro-second by micro-second snapshot of variables like speed of air-intake at a certain 3-D coordinate, pressure there and thrust after burning of fuel all sort of other related variables. A complete comprehensive design can take, for example a year or two to develop, but once it is developed it will be extremely easy to do all sort of changes considering the requirement of jet engine body materials, design requirements for brute force thrust when needed, or design requirements of optimum fuel efficiency. Once a better technology is ready, the manufactured engines could sell for several tens of millions of dollars anywhere in the world.

I would also like to invite Pakistan Army since it is a patriotic force in Pakistan to invest in my company or make a very small joint venture initially that could grow with time so that we can develop all sorts of advanced peaceful and defensive applied mathematical technologies. I do not have any unnecessary demands but I want a peace of mind and protection from ill will that some foreign nations harbor for us. There is an extremely huge amount of work we can do in the area of advanced mathematical technologies and we need to that in our country before it is too late.
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