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Why our textbooks should include Ranjit Singh

If i didnot read or know about this ranjeet would it matter, no need to give him any importance bad or good he was a controversial figure. But he is mentioned in history books that's enough

This is just another propaganda by indians and non other than this.

I heard from many sources that Jinnah actually wanted India & Pakistan to be similar to USA & Canada with 2 countries sharing an open border, but he never thought that partition will bring about so much violence and bloodshed.
That is but a lame excuse ..concept democracy is still unclear to you it seems.
Any one can stand in elections and not just the present leadership..if he popular..he will voted into power irrespective of his religion.

One single man cannot get the votes of majority. To affiliated with any political party can make him popular, at that time muslim league was popular among muslims, we demanded 33% seats to get administrative rights of some regions and to make our community a powerful entity which you denied to give us. result pakistan. :pakistan:

And "India wanted create a Hindu country" ..that pure BS..if we wanted Hindu country we would have had Hindu country..and we did not even after you decided to separate and create a Islamic country ..show we are much better and much less communal than you guys.

Your desire to make it a hindu country broked when pakistan was created.

Consequences of what you leaders did at that time, lead to deaths of five million people, left ten million homeless ...on top of it left with you are perpetual enemy many times bigger and stronger than you.

Than you started killing muslims you proved you are bharat.
I heard from many sources that Jinnah actually wanted India & Pakistan to be similar to USA & Canada with 2 countries sharing an open border, but he never thought that partition will bring about so much violence and bloodshed.

The truth is... NO ONE thought!!!! it was just a dark period, where a lot of confusion and chaos happened.. My Grandfather was 22 at that time, and he used to tell me that sitting in North Bihar, they would hear devastating stories of Muslims killing Hindus on the pakistan side of border, and with every new story.. there would be one riot in the city!!! and the people who got killed had just one thing in common.. they were either ladies, or kids, or old disabled people!!!! They were not Hindus or Muslims... they were humans...

He was totally secular (in real terms), and I thank him for inculcating such spirits in me since my childhood. and its because of him that I know the difference between Congress brand of secularism (which is actually minority appeasement!) and BJP brand of nationalism (which is actually a glorified-Hindutva!!!)... Secularism lies somewhere else, which luckily for us, our present chief Minister, Nitish kumar, is showing to the whole world!!!
Dude , I read articles that even during Kargil war Pakistani soldiers were indoctrinated by their commanders that Hindus are coward and they will never dare assault the high points and so they are safe.

Pakistan view abt hindus is absolutely true becoz they only seen frighten or coward hindus(pakistan minorities) in their place. So they miscalculated that all the hindus cowards which are actually lions by heart.
India was part of Pakistan: History textbooks of Pakistan « 26 Alphabets

this is what their history book teach them, but its nice to know from this thread that some good people in pakistan are trying to get the correct history.
Quite right Seneor this is the root cause of the rot in their society & this happened deu to the propogators of this philosophy wanted their hiddne agenda to work & so they poisened young brains & when this poisen flows through generations they start beleiving it as truth and as a saying goes "you reap what you sao"perfectly fits here & we can see the results in pakistany society (terrorism,intolerence,crime against women&minorities,child abuse,curroption&injustice)my heartiest sympethies to the people of pakistan(land of my ansecstors)
We will elect anyone when anyone with neutral mind will be there, and that wasn't the case at that time, that is why we demanded our people to be given proper representation but you denied it. because you wanted to make your country for hindus only.

So what our leaders did was the best thing they can do at that time. :pakistan:
if that is the case, how come the Indian Muslim population has grown phinominally when the Pakistani Hindu population has declined.
Pakistan view abt hindus is absolutely true becoz they only seen frighten or coward hindus(pakistan minorities) in their place. So they miscalculated that all the hindus cowards which are actually lions by heart.

Actually i saw the hindus how coward they r, i got my personnel experience while i was studying in the states. they acted so cowardly when someone would abuse their gf, sisters and i even saw indian girls bringing their arab boyfriends to teach the hindus lesson. i saw them not on one occasion it happened on many times hhhhh.

i might say the sikhs r brave in those days khalistan movement was going on and sikhs guys used to take so much advantage of the hidnu girls in front of their brothers, boyfriends and friends

sorry to share this here since u mentioned hindus in pakistan i thought i might give u what i saw in u.s, i lived little in pak didnot meet any hindu in pakistan while i was there

but even history tell us how this land was paradise for the invaders, aadmi wahi hi jata hay jahan bazoo khol ker log jaga dain waha nahi jatay jaha joota paray ( i hope u understand it )

if that is the case, how come the Indian Muslim population has grown phinominally when the Pakistani Hindu population has declined.

Indian muslim population is growing very slowly and pakistani hindu population is declined due to immigration.
Actually i saw the hindus how coward they r, i got my personnel experience while i was studying in the states. they acted so cowardly when someone would abuse their gf, sisters and i even saw indian girls bringing their arab boyfriends to teach the hindus lesson. i saw them not on one occasion it happened on many times hhhhh.

i might say the sikhs r brave in those days khalistan movement was going on and sikhs guys used to take so much advantage of the hidnu girls in front of their brothers, boyfriends and friends

sorry to share this here since u mentioned hindus in pakistan i thought i might give u what i saw in u.s, i lived little in pak didnot meet any hindu in pakistan while i was there

but even history tell us how this land was paradise for the invaders, aadmi wahi hi jata hay jahan bazoo khol ker log jaga dain waha nahi jatay jaha joota paray ( i hope u understand it )

iand i thought the thread was about pakistani textbooks !:cheesy: Great post anyway:hitwall::hitwall::wave:
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