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Why our textbooks should include Ranjit Singh

My family was butchered on the trains when they were coming from Jalandar. It was a cycle, and I'm sure it started with hindu resentment of Muslims.
thanks but kindly make it violence started & done to hindus by muslims as hindus dint want undivided india but muslims did and as my grand dad said once that muslims(even freinds) were so keen to kill hindus was because they were told that after this violence will get there lands ,money & women please forgive me if you think my post is a bid offencive
u see, by the time i typed.. its starting to go in that direction... We all must understand that it was a dark-period... and everyone lost... there were no winners....
My family was butchered on the trains when they were coming from Jalandar. It was a cycle, and I'm sure it started with hindu resentment of Muslims.

No, it was a cycle which was started when your leaders wanted to divide people along communal lines..so that they can carve a country of their own..they got what they wanted. Hindu, Sikhs and Muslims started hating and massacring each other..while new country created on basis of communal intolerance came into existence.
The riots didn't start all of a sudden in 1947... There were riots, huge ones, all across the country in the 50 years preceding them as well... Traditionally, as a thumb rule, hindus and muslims haven't been too friendly to each other... Moreover, Muslims were scared (whether rightfully or not) that they will be swamped by the Hindu majority in an independent India... Over that Mahatma Gandhi's unwanted tilt towards Nehru resulted in alienation of Jinnah... and the man who had always opposed the partition of India, ended up becoming Pakistan's father of the nation....
No, it was a cycle which was started when your leaders wanted to divide people along communal lines..so that they can carve a country of their own..they got what they wanted. Hindu, Sikhs and Muslims started hating and massacring each other..while new country created on basis of communal intolerance came into existence.

Our leaders demanded separate country first time in 1940 before this jinnah was also in congress and was just demanding independence from britain. muslims demanded their homeland because of the narrow minded hindus who didn't even agreed to give 33% seats in national assembly.
Our leaders demanded separate country first time in 1940 before this jinnah was also in congress and was just demanding independence from britain. muslims demanded their homeland because of the narrow minded hindus who didn't even agreed to give 33% seats in national assembly.
so you are saying what muslims did to hindus was right thing to do & did you got your freedom (feudalism & drone strikes)i think not just look at the violence & injustice still done to muslims by muslims in your country
go to war because most of them are fed that indians are children of their servants & muslims ruled them for 1000 years ...This part

Ohh Comeon! have you ever read any Pakistani text book? Dont portray the things you don't know just to make your argues incorrectly correct.
Our leaders demanded separate country first time in 1940 before this jinnah was also in congress and was just demanding independence from britain. muslims demanded their homeland because of the narrow minded hindus who didn't even agreed to give 33% seats in national assembly.

Reservation based on religion is unheard off in any country including your own.
Ohh Comeon! have you ever read any Pakistani text book? Dont portray the things you don't know just to make your argues incorrectly correct.
Seneor my opologies but yes i havent read any of your books but theres ample meterial on this forum & youtube mainly by najam sethi , hassan nisar ,abdul rauf ,zais hameed to name a few
so you are saying what muslims did to hindus was right thing to do & did you got your freedom (feudalism & drone strikes)i think not just look at the violence & injustice still done to muslims by muslims in your country

Drone strikes and feudalism are the problems created by corrupt politicians. Its our problem we will fix it, you need not to interfere.
lucky you but thats not what i read on this forum by some of seneor members repeatedly on many threads

Within 10 days of your PDF membership you are able to glean mentality of all members... Can you please refer any post where Pakistani members have stated what your stating right now? Members not trolls!
Ohh Comeon! have you ever read any Pakistani text book? Dont portray the things you don't know just to make your argues incorrectly correct.

'Bagal mein Churi Muh Mein Ram Ram' is term frequently used by your countrymen to describe Hindu mentality. So one can assume where it comes from.
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