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Why our textbooks should include Ranjit Singh

iand i thought the thread was about pakistani textbooks !:cheesy: Great post anyway:hitwall::hitwall::wave:

that is not something good to be shared but it was in reply to the indian guy who kind of insulted our pakistani hindu citizens i had to show him the mirror. i hope it didnot offend u or anyone else

As for as I know, Indian history is written from historical perspective. Invaders are bad and local good. Pakistani history is written from religious perspective and an invader is not necessarily a bad thing if he is Muslim.
Actually i saw the hindus how coward they r, i got my personnel experience while i was studying in the states. they acted so cowardly when someone would abuse their gf, sisters and i even saw indian girls bringing their arab boyfriends to teach the hindus lesson. i saw them not on one occasion it happened on many times hhhhh.

i might say the sikhs r brave in those days khalistan movement was going on and sikhs guys used to take so much advantage of the hidnu girls in front of their brothers, boyfriends and friends

sorry to share this here since u mentioned hindus in pakistan i thought i might give u what i saw in u.s, i lived little in pak didnot meet any hindu in pakistan while i was there

but even history tell us how this land was paradise for the invaders, aadmi wahi hi jata hay jahan bazoo khol ker log jaga dain waha nahi jatay jaha joota paray ( i hope u understand it )


You seriously have inferiority complex don't you? :lol:

Always so desperately trying to abuse the mainstream Hindus and trying to get satisfaction out of that, while seeing your puny world crumble around you daily.

Your frustration is as pathetic as your comment here. What a joke! judging people's attitude on the basis of faith. Shows what sore losers your lot are.:rofl:
One single man cannot get the votes of majority. To affiliated with any political party can make him popular, at that time muslim league was popular among muslims, we demanded 33% seats to get administrative rights of some regions and to make our community a powerful entity which you denied to give us. result pakistan. :pakistan:

You are joking right ..you do not know your own history ..It was infact Muslim leagues had lost all but few seats ..most of the Mslim majority areas had voted for congress and then after loosing these elections they decided play their master stoke of deciding to divide the country along communal lines
Thinks about it, if Muslims league were really popular with Indian Muslims why would have they asked 33% reserved seats for themselves..they would have automatically got elected got those 33% seats ..considering Muslims were 33% of Indian population.

Your desire to make it a hindu country broked when pakistan was created.

Again you crack me up!!..what was stopping us from becoming a Hindu country once you guys had separated?
Than you started killing muslims you proved you are bharat.

Really thats what they taught you!!..my family was stabbed at Rawalpindi railway station...complete ignorance is much better than just knowing half truth.
As for as I know, Indian history is written from historical perspective. Invaders are bad and local good. Pakistani history is written from religious perspective and an invader is not necessarily a bad thing if he is Muslim.

I had a very good comment in mind but would not comment here as that would earn me a ban. It'd suit your comment a lot. ;)

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

that is not something good to be shared but it was in reply to the indian guy who kind of insulted our pakistani hindu citizens i had to show him the mirror. i hope it didnot offend u or anyone else


Trying the ickle pan-national card now are we? You're learning politics slowly, kiddo. :lol:. Save them first and then talk all this shyte.
hhhhhhhhhhhhh why u ppl r mad i just replied to one of our guys who instulted our pakistani hindus, i might have touched some nerve over here

it is ok for u ppl to come and abuse us and make our religion promoting terrorisim accusing our country and we should lay down and take it all from u

No i don't hate hindus nor i try to insult or abuse them, as i mentioned in some other thread my very good friend was a hindu from gujraat, when we used to get together and play a sport, indians good players would form their team and leave the less capable players and i used to pick them up as a captain if u asked those guys at that time they will tell i m the best so i m with the mazloom hindus etc

Alhumdulillah my life style since childhood till now has been very good actually more then good don't know why i would have inferiority complex

if u show me any post where i would used any bad word since i m particpating in this forum i will opoologise and i don't need to clear myself, it is u ppl who abuse and when shown the mirror the other comes and try to use majloom card

no sir i think as a muslim this is the best times that we have contrary to many muslim coz now we know our enemies

I understand where you are coming from, but how can you say Pakistanis only read about the Mughals? Who did the Mughals interact with and why? These questions are discussed within classrooms. I am no history major, but it's unfair to say that we Pakistanis don't acknowledge our history.

never said you dont acknowledge your history...but my points is still same...in Pakistan, the history is edited and presented and not the entire facts are discussed...read my last post.
You seriously have inferiority complex don't you? :lol:

Always so desperately trying to abuse the mainstream Hindus and trying to get satisfaction out of that, while seeing your puny world crumble around you daily.

Your frustration is as pathetic as your comment here. What a joke! judging people's attitude on the basis of faith. Shows what sore losers your lot are.:rofl:

I think in his mind, he actually believes all that. If you have convinced yourself you have personally ruled "Hindus" for 1000 years (history be damned) and those glory days are around the corner, again you should fear for sanity of such minds.

---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

hhhhhhhhhhhhh why u ppl r mad i just replied to one of our guys who instulted our pakistani hindus, i might have touched some nerve over here


:lol: I think that post was at par with your usual posts.
Actually i saw the hindus how coward they r, i got my personnel experience while i was studying in the states. they acted so cowardly when someone would abuse their gf, sisters and i even saw indian girls bringing their arab boyfriends to teach the hindus lesson. i saw them not on one occasion it happened on many times hhhhh.

i might say the sikhs r brave in those days khalistan movement was going on and sikhs guys used to take so much advantage of the hidnu girls in front of their brothers, boyfriends and friends

sorry to share this here since u mentioned hindus in pakistan i thought i might give u what i saw in u.s, i lived little in pak didnot meet any hindu in pakistan while i was there

but even history tell us how this land was paradise for the invaders, aadmi wahi hi jata hay jahan bazoo khol ker log jaga dain waha nahi jatay jaha joota paray ( i hope u understand it )

i don't think you know anything about this news.....

As a Gurkha is disciplined for beheading a Taliban: Thank God they are on our side!

By Robert Hardman
Last updated at 9:39 AM on 20th July 2010Like4K
Comments ( 141 picture the scene as a soldier returns from hunting an arch-enemy. Commanding officer: 'Didyou get him?' Soldier: 'Yes, sir.' Commanding officer: 'Are you sure?' Soldier: 'Yes, sir.' Soldier reaches into rucksack and places severed head ontable.
Commanding officer: ' ****!' If it happened in a Hollywood movie, the audience would either laugh or applaud. But there was no laughter the other day when this happened for real in Babaji, Afghanistan, current posting for the 1st Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles.
The precise circumstances will not be determineduntil an official report has been completed, but reliable military sources have confirmed that a Gurkha patrol was sent out with orders to track down a Taliban warlord described as a 'high-value target'.
Kukri lessons: The Gurkhas display their traditional weapon of choice
Having identified their target, a fierce battle ensued during which the warlord was killed. To prove that they had got their man, the Gurkhas attempted to remove the body for identification. Further enemy fire necessitated a fast exit minus corpse. So, an unnamed soldier drew his kukri - the standard-issue Gurkha knife - removed the man's head and legged it.
Ten out of ten for initiative. Nought out of ten for diplomacy.
Nato forces are supposed to be winning 'hearts and minds' and bolstering the fledgling Afghan National Army. This incident, however, has apparently appalled Afghans on all sides, not least because it offends the Muslim tradition of burying the dead with all body parts, attached or unattached.
It transpires that the Gurkha soldier has been removed from operations and sent back to his barracks in Kent pending further investigations. Ministry of Defence sources have been quick to emphasise that the British Army is appalled by what has happened. According to one: 'There is no sense of glory involved, more a sense of shame. He should not have done what he did.'
*. Gurkha soldier flown back to Britain after hacking off head of dead Taliban fighter with ceremonial knife
*. PETER MCKAY: Why dying in the dust must go on
I can already hear Ministers, diplomats and top brass echoing similar pieties. It is, of course, a gruesome business. All societies have taboos about desecrating the dead. It's even in the Geneva Convention.
But the Army had better be careful before attempting to demonise this unnamed Gurkha in order to polish its own halo. If the man was trophy-hunting or disobeying orders, then that is one thing. If, however, he was simply following them too assiduously for liberal tastes, that is a different matter.
And away from Whitehall, among the broader Gurkha family, the general response which I encountered yesterday could be summed up as follows: 'What's all the fuss about?'
As one put it to me: 'This man was only doing what his grandfather and father would have done before him.' The general response which I encountered yesterday could be summed up as follows: 'What's all the fuss about?'
'The Gurkhas are the ultimate professional soldiers,' says Major Gordon Corrigan, military historian and a Gurkha officer for 29 years. 'They are not brutal or bloodthirsty. They treat prisoners honourably. But if their CO says, "That is the enemy. Go and attack him", they will not flinch. And do not be surprised if their weapon of choice is the kukri. It is their sidearm. But they killin hot blood - not cold.'
Having seen his former comrades decapitating cattle, goats and buffalos at a single stroke, he has no doubt that the Babaji episode would have been a swift and clinical affair.
At Winchester's Gurkha Museum, curator Major Gerald Davies points out that Gurkhas were positively encouraged to bring back evidence of enemy kills during World War II.
'The intelligence officers would want to see proof,' says the veteran of 33 years with the Gurkhas. 'The men started coming back with Japanese heads, but when that became unwieldy, they took to cutting off ears. It might sound appalling to society today, but that's what war was like in the jungle.'
Major Corrigan says the Gurkhas followed a similar policy during the Malayan Emergency. 'They were told to bring back terrorists' bodies foridentification, but you could hardly carry one of those through heavy jungle so they would come back with heads,' he explains.
'Finally, someone had the bright idea of issuing them with cameras, although I'm not sure the results were up to much.'
The Gurkhas have had a formidable reputation in the West ever since the Anglo-Nepal War of 1814-16. Having failed to conquer them - which is why Nepal has never been part of either the British Empire or the Commonwealth - the Britishdid the next best thing, which was to sign them up. Since then, they have proved exemplary comrades for two centuries.
Their conduct is, perhaps, best summed up by Rifleman Lachhiman Gurung, who found himself under repeated Japanese attack in Burma in 1945. With his comrades badly injured, he fought off 200 enemy troops single-handed - literally - having lost an arm and eye.
When a relief force found him the next morning, his position was littered with 31 Japanese corpses. The 169 survivors had run away. Rifleman Gurung - who now lives in Middlesex - became one of the 26 members of the Brigade of Gurkhas to win the Victoria Cross (there would, undoubtedly, have been more but the VC was not extended to Gurkhas until 1911).
Their success is, in part, down to sheer guts. But it also derives from their reputation. As they found - to their disappointment - in the Falklands War, their fame precedes them. When British forces embarked for the Falklands in the QE2, the other regiments pointedly lined the upper decks to cheer them aboard
'By the time they arrived on Mount Tumbledown, the Argentinians had seen pictures of Gurkhas sharpening their kukris and read all these stories about them eating their prisoners,' says Major Corrigan. 'So when the Gurkhas actually appeared, all they found were empty trenches.'
Our national respect and affection for them runs deep - as amply demonstrated by Joanna Lumley's campaign to secure a better pension andpassport deal for retired Gurkhas.
Whenever I have been at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, I have noticed that the applause always rises noticeably for two contingents - the Chelsea Pensioners and the Gurkhas.
It's a view shared within the Army itself. When British forces embarked for the Falklands in the QE2, the other regiments pointedly lined the upper decks to cheer them aboard.
Stories of the Gurkhas are legion. My favourite is the tale of the Gurkha sergeant being told his men would be jumping into enemy territory. He returned next day to say the men would rather jump from below 500ft on to marshy ground. 'But your parachutes won't open,' said the Colonel. 'Ah,' said the sergeant. 'No one mentioned parachutes.'
Apocryphal? Probably. But among the documented accounts is that of the U.S. Air Force'sColonel John Alison on meeting uncharacteristically anxious Gurkha troops preparing for a glider assault on Japanese positions.
'We aren't afraid to go,' a Gurkha sergeant told him solemnly. 'We aren't afraid to fight. But we thought we should tell you that those "planes" don't have any motors.'
So, ask yourself this. Now that the story of the head-hunting Gurkha of Babaji has gone global, do you think that the insurgents of the world will be more inclined or less inclined to pick a fight with the British Army?

And yes Gorkha's are Hindu's....
Relax guys why everybody is jumping ?

it was to the other guy's post who insulted the hindus living in pakistan i know how brave the hinus r ( lol )

sub jal gay hhhh

You are joking right ..you do not know your own history ..It was infact Muslim leagues had lost all but few seats ..most of the Mslim majority areas had voted for congress and then after loosing these elections they decided play their master stoke of deciding to divide the country along communal lines
Thinks about it, if Muslims league were really popular with Indian Muslims why would have they asked 33% reserved seats for themselves..they would have automatically got elected got those 33% seats ..considering Muslims were 33% of Indian population.

Muslims were only 15% of the population before partition my dear, so they simply cannot get 33% votes. and they won majority muslim votes.

Again you crack me up!!..what was stopping us from becoming a Hindu country once you guys had separated?

If you tried to make it a hindu country sikh and christians will also start demanding their homeland. To avoid this you start saying we are secular.

Really thats what they taught you!!..my family was stabbed at Rawalpindi railway station...complete ignorance is much better than just knowing half truth.

Amount of hindus killed is far less than muslims.
I'm glad we are separated now. :pakistan:

You bet we both are. So much liability removed and hence the progress.

If you tried to make it a hindu country sikh and christians will also start demanding their homeland. To avoid this you start saying we are secular.

When you've come out of your dumb Khalistani friends' illusions, I'd be happy to fill you in about Sikh dharma properly. No one except for you, has any problem.

Until then, don't talk with incomplete knowledge and embarrass yourself. Outside PDF, your comment would have invited a wave of belly-laughs.
When you've come out of your dumb Khalistani friends' illusions, I'd be happy to fill you in about Sikh dharma properly. No one except for you, has any problem.

Until then, don't talk with incomplete knowledge and embarrass yourself. Outside PDF, your comment would have invited a wave of belly-laughs.

So you are saying that you are happy with your secular country. That's ok, enjoy with your non hindu friends. :enjoy:
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