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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

LOL @ Hypocrisy.............

10 years UPA rule, no one asked if the finance minister had degree in economics (PC have it in law).

NO one asked if the defense minister had any background in DEFENSE!!

NO one asked if our Foreign MINISTER is drunk or what to read Portugal's speech on UNSC.

NO one EVEN ASKED if the person ruling for 10 years is ELECTED on the first place?

Now suddenly the KNITTY-GRITTY of every person is being unearthed.
Parriker's (image of) honesty is only a complimentry quality he brings to the table. Infact he is a very able administrator, no nonsense guy and possesses formidable intellect and vision. Many are of the view that he is being wasted in Goa.
Its high time he comes to Delhi.
In case anyones interested one can search for his interview online. I would personally rate him as good as Amit shah and our very own Arun Jaitley. Things are looking good !
LOL...so giving 60 years & asking no question was NEVER sycophancy, but someone pointing out a good point, suddenly became a sycophant!!

60 years of not asking questions by ME. You must be deranged. I was and remain a critic of Congress leadership, its policies, its drift, its ineffectual governance. By and large I support Modi, but I am no sychophant who believes the sun shines out of his backside. I expect and hope that Modi stays focused on the economy, defence, reform and provides the neccesary impetus for change.
Big loss to Goa if this happens.

Parrikar is one of the most competent CM's in India.
Current Defence minister is juggling these two megaministries

And although that was seen by many as an advantage and as key to get higher defence budgets and ease of funds to procure things, he disappointed there too, by hardly raising the budget over the limit the interim budged had planned anyway.

I wonder if it is sheer lack of talent and caliber or lack of trust that is keeping Modi from filling the vacancy despite 6 months at Centre ?

I don't know what possible candidates the NDA has, that's why I asked about this one, but the way it went so far, it is obvious that the PM wants control about this field, even if he is not officially responsible for it. In the current scenario and if anything goes wrong because of delays in modernisations, it's not the PM, but the part time DM Arun Jaitley that will be blamed, because on paper he is responsible.
But isnt there a risk side on this too.. I mean bringing the best CM's of BJP to central government will devalop a power vaccum in those states.. If the next CM will not do his/her job right, it will be a massive blow to BJP.

Goa is only home to 0.1% of India's population. The only thing that matters in goa is the goan fish curry. And on my last trip there i checked and they were doing just fine on that front.

Truly Parrikar is being wasted in Goa. He should be in charge of some serious stuff like defence or human development...
Agreed. Modi is going to be as good as his team, and lack of dedicated DM is a severe shortcoming in his setup right now.

Also, parrikar is a very capable guy who is really wasted in a small state like Goa. He can handle bigger things.

Next - if we can somehow get rid of old - school guys like Rajnath Singh ;)

Unfortunately for you, NO Rajnath won't be removed for a long,long time. He along with Gadkari(who is capable but corrupt) are strongly supported by the RSS. Infact Rajnath got Home Ministry only because of the RSS.

So unless Modi wants to hurt is relations with the RSS or RSS finds someone else. Rajnath is here to stay.

Why not? The BJP won partly because the Catholic vote swung to the BJP. This will be a win-win, Panikkar as Defense Minister and a Catholic CM- the Hindu vote in Goa goes to the BJP in any case.
I disagree we can't take the Hindu Vote-bank for granted in Goa.
Lets assume that the BJP makes a Christian the CM:-
CASE 1:-The Church prefers Congress over the BJP, it will anyway endorse Congress during the elections. Add to that many other CM aspirants(hindu) in the Goa BJP will not be happy. This could lead to sabotage(the reason why Parikkar's govt. fell in the first place)

Case 2:-Christians move over to the BJP(even the Church), then Congress will become the next Right-Wing party of Goa,not as RW as VHP or RSS; but slightly Hindu Right Wing(more symbolism etc). Add to that they could "convince" some Hindu Hardliners to sabotage the BJP.

I may be a little premature, but I don't believe in being THAT risky.
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guys don't you know that Arvind Kejriwal is also an IITen.... so don't think that an IIT graduate will be a good DM... does any one knows about parrikar's record as a CM in goa? Antony was the worst CM of kerala.... even we malayalies were surprised when UPA choose Antony as DM....
Ha Ha. Trust me dude. IIM Grads go to an IIM simply to have great salary and life. Most of us end up outside India, fuget bout investing our energies in Indian Political scenario. Mostly u will see become Upper House members after having great careers in their field.
The same applies to IIT Grads too.
/off-topic/India should have let Portugal rule Goa till 1997, then annexed it. It would have been like Hong Kong.
/off-topic/India should have let Portugal rule Goa till 1997, then annexed it. It would have been like Hong Kong.
Umm ... NO

Portugal was ruled by a dictator then, unlike the UK which was a constitutional monarchy.

Infact many African Countries(colonies) were fighting for Independence against Portugal, which was spending a lot of resources on retaining these colonies
Portugal's economy too has been quite weak compared to the UK.And unlike UK which was a Superpower back then(with membership in the UNSC), Portugal didn't have much of an international image that I know of

And by the way compare Lisbon and London and then tell which city YOU would prefer.

There are about a 100 Reasons why your statement is totally wrong(location, financial status)

But the Most important reason is:_
Our Goan Brother&Sisters have always wanted to be with India and are proud of being Indian even today. :) U
nlike Hong Kongers who today are fighting for more autonomy from China.
Antony was Chief minister of Kerala, but that doesn't made him any good as a DM on foreign tours. I found it even embarrassing to see his pics or interactions with foreign partners, especially with his poor english skills.

Antony never had any drive and he was from Kerala. Pretty much marxists, all the old time politicians , even if they were in the Congress. Parrikar is clearly different & if he's asked to give up his post as CM to come to the centre, you can be guaranteed that there won't be much interference in his job. Or opposition to his decisions.

But isnt there a risk side on this too.. I mean bringing the best CM's of BJP to central government will devalop a power vaccum in those states.. If the next CM will not do his/her job right, it will be a massive blow to BJP.

For the BJP, maybe. For India, good.
LOL @ Hypocrisy.............

10 years UPA rule, no one asked if the finance minister had degree in economics (PC have it in law).

NO one asked if the defense minister had any background in DEFENSE!!

NO one asked if our Foreign MINISTER is drunk or what to read Portugal's speech on UNSC.

NO one EVEN ASKED if the person ruling for 10 years is ELECTED on the first place?

Now suddenly the KNITTY-GRITTY of every person is being unearthed.
And why not mate? It is good that people are asking these questions now, Modi was elected on a campaign of CHANGE and good governance and they don't want to see his huge mandate squandered by incompetence and petty politics. Hopefully this high level of scrutiny keeps Modi/GoI on the right track and delivers.
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