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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Though, I admire Manohar Parrikar and have no doubt of his skills, I still feel when our current Army Chief retires, Gen VK Singh should be Defence Minister. The person who remained on top knows the corruption in and out and also ground level issues.
And although that was seen by many as an advantage and as key to get higher defence budgets and ease of funds to procure things, he disappointed there too, by hardly raising the budget over the limit the interim budged had planned anyway.

I don't know what possible candidates the NDA has, that's why I asked about this one, but the way it went so far, it is obvious that the PM wants control about this field, even if he is not officially responsible for it. In the current scenario and if anything goes wrong because of delays in modernisations, it's not the PM, but the part time DM Arun Jaitley that will be blamed, because on paper he is responsible.

agree !!!

In this instance modi needs to balance his own interest to have de facto control over ministry through his proxy as against the interest of nation to have leadership which can give voice to needs of defense community .

It will be interesting to see who Modi will appoint defence minister . because that will be test of his wits .

No wonder he is taking such a long time. This makeshift arrangement of Mr jaitley running defence ministry while saddled with gargantuan finance and corporate affairs ministry can't go on and on.

and it will be very interesting to see who modi will elevate to virtual " Big Four " rank by giving defence ministry and that will also give us glimpse into his mind . It will be have to be someone close whom Modi will trust fully .

I do not understand what exactly Modi is still waiting for ? and why ?

But current arrangement is not working well that is sure .
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Shifting away from the usual culture of distributing portfolios within the coterie. Bit of a culture shock for the serving MPs. Good in a way when the job is distributed based on the ability, not on eligibility! Mr Parikkar would be a very good addition to Modi team! Will have to just wait & see if this is for real...
Though, I admire Manohar Parrikar and have no doubt of his skills, I still feel when our current Army Chief retires, Gen VK Singh should be Defence Minister. The person who remained on top knows the corruption in and out and also ground level issues.

Not fit. He has a gag order from Modi and thats why he has managed to stay out of trouble so far. The moment he gets to open his mouth, and in an important position he might, its foot in the mouth disease time.
And why not mate? It is good that people are asking these questions now, Modi was elected on a campaign of CHANGE and good governance and they don't want to see his huge mandate squandered by incompetence and petty politics. Hopefully this high level of scrutiny keeps Modi/GoI on the right track and delivers.

Don't have any PROBLEM mate...........

But ask yourself, did anyone of us BOTHERED to ask if the PM for last 10 years was ELECTED or SELECTED? The most important chair in India was actually a remote control for someone else. Did we raise voice against it? No matter what you say that MMS was a great economist, clean & etc. but in hindsight SELECTING a person to the PM post was a great Disaster for India.

Again, to answer your question, no one can FULFILL all the requirement of EVERYONE, you want a clean, decisive, efficient, Defense background, can raise voice against Modi, should look smart so that we can have a selfie with him & feel proud, he should not be overeducated, he should not be undereducated, he should not be from RSS, he should not have a moustache, he should have black hairs not white...........etc.

Again, ask yourself, is it POSSIBLE to satisfy everyone? :D
Not fit. He has a gag order from Modi and thats why he has managed to stay out of trouble so far. The moment he gets to open his mouth, and in an important position he might, its foot in the mouth disease time.
You have to understand why he is agitated. He hate current army chief and he has strong reason for that. That is why I mentioned that once our current Army chief retires. Otherwise, There is no issue so far with him and he is doing excellent job.
IMO he is a loose cannon.
You have to understand, he became politician now but he is armed personnel first so he is traight forward and don't use Suger coating of words. The current issue was his frustration nothing else so he crossed the border line but IMO he was great army chief and he might be great Defence Minister.
agree !!!

In this instance modi needs to balance his own interest to have de facto control over ministry through his proxy as against the interest of nation to have leadership which can give voice to needs of defense community .

The ideal scenario imo would be, if the PM keeps a check on the bureaucracy, since that is a widespread problem in the government and not specific to the MoD only, but at the same time he should be keep using is PR advantage to keep boosting the moral of the forces. That's 2 areas where he actually did well wrt defence and that is beneficial for the country.
However, he clearly can't seperate his party politics or overall agenda with the need of the defence forces and that's where a new DM should take control. Guiding the MoD under his own policy, in coordination with the 3 Chiefs and with the best for the forces in mind. Just as the DM should be responsible for defence procurements or dealing with defence industry, again with the priority to get the best outcome for the forces, not the ecomony.
Though, I admire Manohar Parrikar and have no doubt of his skills, I still feel when our current Army Chief retires, Gen VK Singh should be Defence Minister. The person who remained on top knows the corruption in and out and also ground level issues.
No way! VK Singh has dishonoured his former service and is as decisive a character as one can find. He seems to care more for his personal goals than the greater good as far as defence goes and he as a DM would only cause tension amongst the 3 service chiefs. VK Singh was being suggested as the next Def Min before the cabinet was announced and Modi played a masterstroke to keep him out of defence matters and instead gave him charge of NE development which I think he is very suited for.
whoever may be defence minister , he will remain very much in shadow of PM Modi . such is the persona and style of Modi .

Look the way Modi has virtually usurped all the External affairs ministry agenda . Sushma swaraj seems to be there for only name sake and photo-ops .External affairs ministry is being run virtually from PMO. She seems to be completely sidelined .

There is no way that Modi will let Defence Minister push independent policy .

If Parrikar is offered and accepts the post of RM, you can be sure that an "unsaid" agreement will be in place. Not much interference ! No one leaves the job of a serving Chief Minister to be anyone's gofer. No point in comparing Sushma Swaraj's position with Parrikar. External affairs is always an interest of the PMO and everyone has to play second fiddle there. More so someone like Sushma Swaraj who has now been reduced to a political lightweight, just like Rajnath Singh. Jaitley, for all his seeming powerful is a political lightweight & has power only due to his proximity with Modi. Parrikar will be defacto number 2 in any Modi cabinet.
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