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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

When something remains clean people keep it clean , when something is dirty people keep it dirty. That is what i have noticed a dirty railway station remains dirty a clean Delhi metro or a Mall remains clean . Its nothing to do with Habits as most people presume .

You deserve "Nobel" for this "discovery " !!!

Maybe you missed it completely or ignored it as most usually do but the Cabinet was going to be expanded it was Obvious and reported from day 1

From Day 1 till Day whatever till today - Modi has got no "muhurat" to expand his cabinet . He has put his trust on Jaitley who has spend more time in and out of hospital . I guess he is consulting you on appropriate " muhurat " for cabinet expansion since you know so much about modi.

You might as well know what is the colour of " Kaccha " he is wearing today !!!

Are you into astrological predictions ? Or do you think Indians are incapable of changing their habits ? If its the latter then you are an idiot

I do not see any other tangible reasons besides astrological ones that may have prevented modi from giving full time defence minister to India for past 6 months ?

since I am not as 'simple minded' as you might as well call me ' idiot ' directly than going via ' latter ' ...
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We will know of its propaganda or PRship after 5 years , no point in being judgmental 6 months into his administration. Even if its taken into context you per sieve those who voted for him as incapable looking at the big picture . If he does his job he isn't fooling people , if he intends to do the job he did he isn't fooling people , its only foolish if he completly ignores the promises that he made

Promises are promises until they are fufiled and words are words until they are translated into action.

I am glad about all the ' right ' words that Mr Modi has been uttering . and I will love to see it being transformed into tangible action. If he fulfills even few of his promises he made - he will go down as great leader in history .
More so someone like Sushma Swaraj who has now been reduced to a political lightweight, just like Rajnath Singh. Jaitley, for all his seeming powerful is a political lightweight & has power only due to his proximity with Modi. Parrikar will be defacto number 2 in any Modi cabinet.

The Sushmas and Rajnath Singhs of BJP are what you call stateless leaders. They enjoyed a clout disproportionate to their utility mainly due to their visibility in capital over a prolonged duration and that they were too self important in the scheme of things when the party had too few marketable leaders.
In specific cases of these two, they are intellectually lightweight in this current dispensation that Modi is fashioning on competence and vision. That is why it would be a mistake to consider Arun Jaitley a political lightweight and indeed an injustice to the man to attribute it solely to his proximity to Modi. The same goes for Parriker as well.

And even if one concedes that the clout is due to proximity to Modi. One has to ask 'Why' is he considered close? Does he pay money? or he brings something to the govt that is unique?
Could you explain? What has Swaraj done to deserve a punishment?.

No, I used that term sarcastically .

It was being questioned even whether Modi will give Sushma swaraj's place in his cabinet.
. Instead she was given external affairs ministry which takes her to " Big 4 " league that constitutes CCS .

and yet Modi has virtually overshadowed Sushma swaraj by taking the diplomacy by his pathbreaking initiatives .

If you compare Obama administration to Modi government and Hillary Clinton's role to that off Sushma swaraj's you can appreciate the extent to which her role has been downgraded in her own ministry .


@Bang Galore

Guys, let's not forget the presence of the NSA Mr Doval, Modi seems to relying on him quite a bit as far as both internal and external security issues are concerned.

But then that's what NSA is meant for . right ? so what you are trying to hint at ?
But then that's what NSA is meant for . right ? so what you are trying to hint at ?
Well previous PMs/GoIs don't seem to have relied on their NSAs as much or given them as much charge- Doval was given a free hand (it is reported) by Modi to handle the ceasefire violations by Pakistan (an unprecedented move) pretty much sidelining the Def/Fin Min, he was on the ground in West Bengal to assess the security situation post the recent bomb factory blast and has apparently taken charge of addressing the security in the state - pretty much sidelining the Home Minister.

it is said Modi promotes a meritocracy and with Doval, a former IB chief, it seems Modi is letting a security man do what he does best.

He seems to be jumping the gun a bit...
What's more important, what can he bring in for the DM post?

He is IIT pass out. Do understands technicality of the Hardwares and Softwares well!

Also he has proven good administrator of Goa as Chief Minister, this is also a positive aspect.

He seems to be jumping the gun a bit...

Is it not something exciting??? Man of RSS background is going to be DM.

An RSS man will love Phorane Maal???? People are sensing the fresh air blowing for change.

They understands the Ideology and makeup of the persons sitting in the Govt. hence they know from within core what is going to happen next.

It's the Congressi & Phorane Maal supporters who are having goosebumps.

P.S.: He was the first CM to back Modi for PM candidature, and he is one of the Modi's fevorate man.
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Well previous PMs/GoIs don't seem to have relied on their NSAs as much or given them as much charge- Doval was given a free hand (it is reported) by Modi to handle the ceasefire violations by Pakistan (an unprecedented move) pretty much sidelining the Def/Fin Min, he was on the ground in West Bengal to assess the security situation post the recent bomb factory blast and has apparently taken charge of addressing the security in the state - pretty much sidelining the Home Minister.

it is said Modi promotes a meritocracy and with Doval, a former IB chief, it seems Modi is letting a security man do what he does best.

He seems to be jumping the gun a bit...

How do you know that previous GOIs have not relied on their NSAs . To say in Kahlil Gibran's words " Seeming is mere garment of mind and not body of truth "

" Shiv Shankar Menon was instrumental in getting once in a lifetime , one of a kind - nuclear deal "

so his PM gave him enviable task that should have been vested with external affairs minister . But again the ground work is done by bureaucrats , ministers largely just do the photo-ops . isn't it ?

most of what NSA's 'do' remains ' top secret ' for long long years ...so your guess is as good as mine ...

if Doval was on ground at Burdwan - I see nothing unusual or surprising there .

Is it that Modi gave Doval free hand or Doval gave modi advise regarding what options to exercise ?

how is that modi sidelines Defence ministry and gave doval preminence in shaping policy to retaliate ceasefire violations ?

and do you have proof to back up your assertion ? . are you trying to say that defence ministry was against giving fitting reply and that Doval was the one who advocated it and Modi overruled defence ministry in heeding Doval's advise ???

This is a typical sign of being in love !

when you are in love with someone - everything he does or doesnot becomes a legend in eyes of Lover !!!
A Good decision. He will bring a lot of fresh thought. Jaitley should be left alone to handle Finance.
Sychophantic support is no support at all. It does not serve India nor Indians. All democratic govt's have a short period when difficult policies can be actioned before the inevitable political drag begins to slow down the pace of change. The BJP had at least six months while in opposition to know it was likely to be the largest political party after the election and even if it did not, all opposition have a clear idea about policies and key personnel who would form the most important offices of state. That is why winners must hit the ground running. As for the divine wisdom of Modi, I reserve judgement.

I disagree. The US wasn't sure how well the BJP would fare 2 weeks before elections! As for your claims, what's been holding back Congress all these decades? Remember, India has been under their rule for 57 out of 65 yrs! Alot of ppl are quick to point out Modi's flaws, but I find the arguments naive. Perhaps sychophantic support is wah is needed in India at this point seeing how oppositions have always stopped us from moving forward. I find very few times when opposing parties in India has worked together. Look at the US, where Republicans and Democrats not being able to work together, have slowed progress down in the US!

Ask yourself, what did all these winners in India previously do as they hit the ground? Nothing, yet nobody complained for decades.

F-k these Congress supporters! They expect everything to be completely different yet did not ask nor question anything Congress did for decades. Go f-k yourself. You guys are just like that idiot Rahul...yapping about Modi's progress as soon as the guy got into office. Yet, you never question how that party only pushed him and his family to be a viable candidate and nobody else.

Some of you yapp about Doval given a free hand and how its unpredecented. Ok well, what do you expect? You think Modi was going to try the same methods that haven't been working for us?

Have anyone of you ever thought Modi came into PMO, shocked by the lack of progress and the extent of the problems? Nobody truly knows what problems Modi has inherited from country ruled By Congress for decades. So, if you want to complain .....then place your blame on the voting pattern in this country who were too blind to see past Congress. It was those voters who kept on voting them into power expecting change.
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He is IIT pass out. Do understands technicality of the Hardwares and Softwares well!

Also he has proven good administrator of Goa as Chief Minister, this is also a positive aspect.

Is it not something exciting??? Man of RSS background is going to be DM.

An RSS man will love Phorane Maal???? People are sensing the fresh air blowing for change.

They understands the Ideology and makeup of the persons sitting in the Govt. hence they know from within core what is going to happen next.

It's the Congressi & Phorane Maal supporters who are having goosebumps.

P.S.: He was the first CM to back Modi for PM candidature, and he is one of the Modi's fevorate man.

Some folks are so blinded by their contempt for BJP, they cant see the good. The guy nominated for DM is an ITT grad which means he can grasp the issues at hand and his analytical abilities are far better than Laloo, Mayawati and Rahul! This is the kind of caliber we need as DM. On top of that, he has really shown his skill as CM of Goa.

Now, you finally have a right wing nationalist as DM which means you finally have a guy who loves Indian and wants her to succeed above all else. People tend to forget or dont give enough credence to psychology. This guy has the love and ambition to see that India rises up.

The need for this hour, is India needs a Nationalist Gov't to tackle the challenges not one that will give into the demands of a few. The nation's needs rise above all else, not the elite, poor or some minority. We have a gov;t capable of making strong, hard decisions not run by some STUPID DUMB FAMILY. Never ever forget that, CONGRESS was and is run by one family only. So much for those ppl who vote and support that party becuase I question whether you have the capacity to understand what a democracy truly means.
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Arun jaitley had a bariatric surgery to loose weight , to control blood sugar .. That's all..
Will soon see a lean jaitley
Credit should be given where its due and not just say "he was lucky"

True, but then you have to give credit to Antony for the actual make in India reform and not Modi who has re-named, with a much better PR campaing. Just as you would have to criticize Modi for the delays his decision caused now, by scrapping running tenders, instead of speeding them up.
True, but then you have to give credit to Antony for the actual make in India reform and not Modi who has re-named, with a much better PR campaing. Just as you would have to criticize Modi for the delays his decision caused now, by scrapping running tenders, instead of speeding them up.

I give AK credit, but Congress supporters blame him for their party;s failure. The problem with AK is not his reform but his pace of making decisions but then again, that is not his fault. The Gandhi's were interfering with the entire gov't process. Even MMS got fed up!
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