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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

LOL @ Hypocrisy.............

10 years UPA rule, no one asked if the finance minister had degree in economics (PC have it in law).

NO one asked if the defense minister had any background in DEFENSE!!

NO one asked if our Foreign MINISTER is drunk or what to read Portugal's speech on UNSC.

NO one EVEN ASKED if the person ruling for 10 years is ELECTED on the first place?

Now suddenly the KNITTY-GRITTY of every person is being unearthed.

P. Chidambaram is graduated from Harvard but his talent got wasted by Sonia & Co.
The ideal scenario imo would be, if the PM keeps a check on the bureaucracy, since that is a widespread problem in the government and not specific to the MoD only, but at the same time he should be keep using is PR advantage to keep boosting the moral of the forces. That's 2 areas where he actually did well wrt defence and that is beneficial for the country.
However, he clearly can't seperate his party politics or overall agenda with the need of the defence forces and that's where a new DM should take control. Guiding the MoD under his own policy, in coordination with the 3 Chiefs and with the best for the forces in mind. Just as the DM should be responsible for defence procurements or dealing with defence industry, again with the priority to get the best outcome for the forces, not the ecomony.

modi's need to keep tab on Defence ministry is undisputed . It is no doubt that he has faired well as far as PR ship is concerned .

frankly speaking Modi has been damn lucky on several accounts . The public sentiment remains with him but it is largely influenced by the great atmospherics created by monumental achievements like MOM,Agni, Nirbhay of which he has been beneficiary by default . On economic front the mere sentiment helped him and economy largely add to that the unprecedented fall in oil prices which has come as shot in the arm. Only front where modi demonstrated some boldness was on diplomacy turf which also paid off beyond expectations . Even Rain god showered mercy on Modi government and fears of rain short fall in first half were erased by the second half of monsoon.

so he has dome well so far with his powerful oratory and PR ship and some well founded luck . But the goodwill will ebb sooner or late and you can't be lucky all the timer . and he must hit the ground to move the bureaucracy which he has done . but it will depend on the tangible results that can be demonstrated .
He will continue to ride on positive sentiment generated for some time . but as it is said " you can fool all the people some time and some people all the time but not all the people all the time .

It takes no time for public sentiment to change . so modi has to move beyond words and translate rhetoric into action .

I guess his eyes must be on second term - but for the massive mandate he received, the expectations are also expectedly huge . so as modi goes juggling party and ruling politics into statecraft , he must perform up to people's expectations .

For his government to do well his all colleagues must work hard enough . and he needs team of honest, sincere colleagues to do that . If modi can't find a suitable person to run ministry as big and as important as Defence then it is rather sad .

so is it that modi is looking for able yes-man who can realize his vision ?

There is reason why in natural course of evolution - division of labour and hierarchy of power is established .

and there are reasons why collective decision making is better . one of the best by product of communism .

" all of us together are better than each individual of us "

in that sense it makes sense that modi has loyal yet independent defence minister if the collective leadership of his government is to succeed .

Unitarian rule through proxies who are totally subservient to him is not good in long run . although it may feel and seem the best in short run . Unitarian systems are unable to correct themselves even if they are efficient .and therefore if at all they commit blunders which are unavoidable they will go unchecked .

If Parrikar is offered and accepts the post of RM, you can be sure that an "unsaid" agreement will be in place. Not much interference ! No one leaves the job of a serving Chief Minister to be anyone's gofer. No point in comparing Sushma Swaraj's position with Parrikar. External affairs is always an interest of the PMO and everyone has to play second fiddle there. More so someone like Sushma Swaraj who has now been reduced to a political lightweight, just like Rajnath Singh. Jaitley, for all his seeming powerful is a political lightweight & has power only due to his proximity with Modi. Parrikar will be defacto number 2 in any Modi cabinet.

agree with your comment about Rajnath , Jaitley being political lightweights . shrewd people like modi can't have no 2 in their vicinity and if at all they have no 2 in vicinity then it is for obvious reasons to keep them no. 2 .

and for that reason I believe Manohar parrikar is unlikely to find place in Modi cabinet .
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modi's need to keep tab on Defence ministry is undisputed . It is no doubt that is has faired well as far as PR ship is concerned .

frankly speaking Modi has been damn lucky on several accounts . The public sentiment remains with him but it is largely influenced by the great atmospherics created by monumental achievements like MOM,Agni, Nirbhay of which he has been beneficiary by default . On economic front the mere sentiment helped him and economy largely add to that the unprecedented fall in oil prices which has come as shot in the arm. Only front where modi demonstrated some boldness was on diplomacy turf which also paid off beyond expectations . Even Rain god showered mercy on Modi government and fears of rain short fall in first half were erased by the second half of monsoon.

so he has dome well so far with his powerful oratory and PR ship and some well founded luck . But the goodwill will ebb sooner or late and you can't be lucky all the timer . and he must hit the ground to move the bureaucracy which he has done . but it will depend on the tangible results that can be demonstrated .
He will continue to ride on positive sentiment generated for some time . but as it is said " you can fool all the people some time and some people all the time but not all the people all the time .

It takes no time for public sentiment to change . so modi has to move beyond words and translate rhetoric into action .

I guess his eyes must be on second term - but for the massive mandate he received, the expectations are also expectedly huge . so as modi goes juggling party and ruling politics into statecraft , he must perform up to people's expectations .

For his government to do well his all colleagues must work hard enough . and he needs team of honest, sincere colleagues to do that . If modi can't find a suitable person to run ministry as big and as important as Defence then it is rather sad .

so is it that modi is looking for able yes-man who can realize his vision ?

There is reason why in natural course of evolution - division of labour and hierarchy of power is established .

and there are reasons why collective decision making is better . one of the best by product of communism .

" all of us together are better than each individual of us "

in that sense it makes sense that modi has loyal yet independent defence minister if the collective leadership of his government is to succeed .

Unitarian rule through proxies who are totally subservient to him is not good in long run . although it may feel and seem the best in short run . Unitarian systems are unable to correct themselves even if they are efficient .and therefore if at all they commit blunders which are unavoidable they will go unchecked .

You forgot to mention the reforms he has carried out till now , disbanding of the planning commission , Swatch Bharat , Make in India Campaign .Smoothing of Bureaucracy . Saying that he was "lucky" is really stupid . People support him because of his hard work and the results not because people are being "fooled" all the time . Credit should be given where its due and not just say "he was lucky" . lol..anyone who supports Modi are apparently fools who cannot distinguish b/w MOM,Agni,Nirbhay and his work as a PM.
Spoke to my Friend in Goa , Majority (Hindus ) Don't want him to go , but Minorities ( Catholic ) are already calling him Back stabber and that he is Running away from his Responsibilities , He has been target of Certain influential Minorities who have been blabbering about RSS , Rise of Hindutva and blah blah , even when their has been no communal tension or incidents under BJP Role .

Church and Minorities were very vocal against Modi and parekar in Lokshaba Election , But Still Both Seats in Goa was won by BJP for first time in two decades.

You guys also check GoansonFB Group large debate is going on their .
they want to vacate the GOA CM posts

why ?

they want to install some muthalik guy - yes the same guy who wants to ban liquor / discothaques in goa and wants to close down bars and ban girls from wearing jeans / shorts

so they will move parikkar to centre and make muthalik CM of goa
No way! VK Singh has dishonoured his former service and is as decisive a character as one can find. He seems to care more for his personal goals than the greater good as far as defence goes and he as a DM would only cause tension amongst the 3 service chiefs. VK Singh was being suggested as the next Def Min before the cabinet was announced and Modi played a masterstroke to keep him out of defence matters and instead gave him charge of NE development which I think he is very suited for.

Indeed not making VK singh was a master stroke as much as making him in charge of north east .

and making Rajnath resign from party chief post and making him home minister and making amit shah party chief to tighten the grip over party was a master stroke too.

making Sushma swaraj external affairs minister and keeping her right under his nose was also a master stroke as much as making her irrelevant in her own ministry by virtually setting up his trademark bold agenda . It is kind of " punishment in guise of reward " .

But what beyond the political gains accrued by these moves will modi rise above politics and vie for something grander ?

Does modi realize that not giving full time minister to defense ministry and worse giving it to the man who is already saddled giant task of steering economy of the country - he is actually doing disservice to himself , his government and nation ?
in a country of 1.25 billion people do we find ourselves in such a dire situation that we can't find a few handful men /women who can take the mantle of managing defense ministry - such that we live with make shift arrangement to run defence affairs of nation for full 6 months ?
3 days back i was travelling in train and its the first time in my life i saw the compartments and toilets clean, someone was actually washing and cleaning the floor with the cleaning fluid. While coming back i even saw the train stations being cleaned by 2 dozen workers with water . Was strange seeing Railway station so clean .

Does modi realize that not giving full time minister to defense ministry and worse giving it to the man who is already saddled giant task of steering economy of the country - he is actually doing disservice to himself , his government and nation ?
in a country of 1.25 billion people do we find ourselves in such a dire situation that we can't find a few handful men /women who can take the mantle of managing defense ministry - such that we live with make shift arrangement to run defence affairs of nation for full 6 months ?

Its Common knowledge that Defense and economy portfolio's would be eventually given to separate people by winter .
they want to vacate the GOA CM posts

why ?

they want to install some muthalik guy - yes the same guy who wants to ban liquor / discothaques in goa and wants to close down bars and ban girls from wearing jeans / shorts

so they will move parikkar to centre and make muthalik CM of goa

Hope you are not driving tonight.
So he grab his share in billion dollars defense deals and suck the blood of poor bharti tax payers.
You forgot to mention the reforms he has carried out till now , disbanding of the planning commission , Swatch Bharat , Make in India Campaign .Smoothing of Bureaucracy . Saying that he was "lucky" is really stupid . People support him because of his hard work and the results not because people are being "fooled" all the time . Credit should be given where its due and not just say "he was lucky" . lol..anyone who supports Modi are apparently fools who cannot distinguish b/w MOM,Agni,Nirbhay and his work as a PM.

I am not sure whether disbanding of planning commission was a great feat . Time will tell . Jury is still out !

Swacch Bharat abhiyan was a great idea which is destined to fail miserably - mark my words !!!

Smoothing of Bureaucracy - whatever that mythical term means is a great idea - we will see when we cross the bridge !

I have tried to evaluate Modi's achievments objectively . I am not modi's fan boy or opponent either .

If you agree what Propaganda and PR ship means fooling people to believe in something then you may agree with my phrase .

The phrase has to be taken in context and not literally . so don't be ' fooled' with mere words and tried to see the 'reasoning' .
3 days back i was travelling in train and its the first time in my life i saw the compartments and toilets clean, someone was actually washing and cleaning the floor with the cleaning fluid. While coming back i even saw the train stations being cleaned by 2 dozen workers with water . Was strange seeing Railway station so clean .

Its Common knowledge that Defense and economy portfolio's would be eventually given to separate people by winter .

I hope if you see same cleanliness after 1 year .

You can't 'transplant' habits .

Reasons why I say that Swaccha Bharat abhiyan is destined to fail miserably is not because I am skeptical of modi's good intentions. I am glad that we have PM we talks of toilets and cleanliness from red fort !!!

But something like cleanliness can't be taught to people overnight . the approach is wrong eventhough the intentions are great and grand !

without changing habits and behavior of society we can't have sustainable change .

cleaneliness is not one off thing . It is habit and behavior .

are we doing something in that direction .

Photo ops by celebrities will continue in jest for some time and then dwindle and vanish in no time and so also the Swacchta abhiyan without approach to correct the fundamentals which is routed in our culture and behavior .

3 days back i was travelling in train and its the first time in my life i saw the compartments and toilets clean, someone was actually washing and cleaning the floor with the cleaning fluid. While coming back i even saw the train stations being cleaned by 2 dozen workers with water . Was strange seeing Railway station so clean .

Its Common knowledge that Defense and economy portfolio's would be eventually given to separate people by winter .

so has his " jyotishi" found good " muhurat" in winter ???

might as well wait till next winter if there is no good " muhurat " this winter !!!
I hope if you see same cleanliness after 1 year .

You can't 'transplant' habits .

Reasons why I say that Swaccha Bharat abhiyan is destined to fail miserably is not because I am skeptical of modi's good intentions. I am glad that we have PM we talks of toilets and cleanliness from red fort !!!

But something like cleanliness can't be taught to people overnight . the approach is wrong eventhough the intentions are great and grand !

without changing habits and behavior of society we can't have sustainable change .

cleaneliness is not one off thing . It is habit and behavior .

When something remains clean people keep it clean , when something is dirty people keep it dirty. That is what i have noticed a dirty railway station remains dirty a clean Delhi metro or a Mall remains clean . Its nothing to do with Habits as most people presume .

so has his " jyotishi" found good " muhurat" in winter ???

might as well wait till next winter if there is no good " muhurat " this winter !!!

Maybe you missed it completely or ignored it as most usually do but the Cabinet was going to be expanded it was Obvious and reported from day 1

I am not sure whether disbanding of planning commission was a great feat . Time will tell . Jury is still out !

Swacch Bharat abhiyan was a great idea which is destined to fail miserably - mark my words !!!

Are you into astrological predictions ? Or do you think Indians are incapable of changing their habits ? If its the latter then you are an idiot

Smoothing of Bureaucracy - whatever that mythical term means is a great idea - we will see when we cross the bridge !

Do i really need to explain that ?

I have tried to evaluate Modi's achievments objectively . I am not modi's fan boy or opponent either .

Nothing objective about attributing everything to luck .

If you agree what Propaganda and PR ship means fooling people to believe in something then you may agree with my phrase .
The phrase has to be taken in context and not literally . so don't be ' fooled' with mere words and tried to see the 'reasoning' .

We will know of its propaganda or PRship after 5 years , no point in being judgmental 6 months into his administration. Even if its taken into context you per sieve those who voted for him as incapable looking at the big picture . If he does his job he isn't fooling people , if he intends to do the job he did he isn't fooling people , its only foolish if he completly ignores the promises that he made
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making Sushma swaraj external affairs minister and keeping her right under his nose was also a master stroke as much as making her irrelevant in her own ministry by virtually setting up his trademark bold agenda . It is kind of " punishment in guise of reward " .
Could you explain? What has Swaraj done to deserve a punishment?

in a country of 1.25 billion people do we find ourselves in such a dire situation that we can't find a few handful men /women who can take the mantle of managing defense ministry - such that we live with make shift arrangement to run defence affairs of nation for full 6 months ?
It's regrettable that that time has been lost but what's done is done, a full time Defence minister should be in place within the next 10 days or so. I'm sure that there was some logic behind not having one up until now and that perhaps only Modi knows.

agree with your comment about Rajnath , Jaitley being political lightweights . shrewd people like modi can't have no 2 in their vicinity and if at all they have no 2 in vicinity then it is for obvious reasons to keep them no. 2 .
@Bang Galore

Guys, let's not forget the presence of the NSA Mr Doval, Modi seems to relying on him quite a bit as far as both internal and external security issues are concerned.
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