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Why is Sindh being neglected and not promoted?


Oct 25, 2016
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By the grace of Almighty Allah Pakistan is witnessing an upsurge in tourism from people across the world. Sure it cannot be compared to Turkey or Morrocco but after years of turbulence and instability Pakistan is beginning to show it's self in a positive way to the world. People are visiting the beauty of the northern areas however I feel southern Pakistan is being neglected. Cities such as Bahalwapur, Hyderabad and Larkana are completely neglected. some may state Quetta is still relatively unstable to visit but why is Sindh not being promoted?
Somebody in Pakistani tourism promotion department has a weird fetish for mountains and snow and he keeps on promoting only cold regions of Pakistan. Nothing wrong with it.

Problem is, not everyone is interested in cold areas. There are people who like hot desert and sunny beaches(like myself).
Sindh not being promoted?
There were few festivals in Sindh...How else do you suggest to promote a province which only has Karachi to show for despite having a consistent ruling govt for 1 decade plus?
"Bhutto abhi bhi zinda hai." People are scared of ghosts so no one will travel there.
Sindhi cities are full of trash and disease.
General, quality of life there is worst on planet earth.
Tourism is a far cry, there are no quality hotels and restaurants.
Poor Sindhis are surviving on the social support projects by Punjabis.
Sindhi cities are full of trash and disease.
General, quality of life there is worst on planet earth.
Poor Sindhis are surviving on the social support projects by Punjabis.

Except upper class areas of 3 big cities, that's the story of entire Pakistan including Punjab.
By the grace of Almighty Allah Pakistan is witnessing an upsurge in tourism from people across the world. Sure it cannot be compared to Turkey or Morrocco but after years of turbulence and instability Pakistan is beginning to show it's self in a positive way to the world. People are visiting the beauty of the northern areas however I feel southern Pakistan is being neglected. Cities such as Bahalwapur, Hyderabad and Larkana are completely neglected. some may state Quetta is still relatively unstable to visit but why is Sindh not being promoted?

Pee Pee Pee corrupt government which views the Sindhi people as their personal slaves..
neglected by who? what other parts of Pakistan are being promoted?
Few reasons...
Firstly.... Bhutto zinda hai...

Secondly... The whole interior sindh is a mess as far as infrastructure and hotel accomodation goes. Outside karachi only sukkur and hyderabad followed by mirpur khas hav some decent hotels to stay in. Had it not been for the pharma ibdustry they too would not exist.

Thirdly... In interior sindh wadeiras call the shots as along with the MNAs and MPs they control police. Hence rule of law is worst in interior sindh along with balochistan and some areas of south punjab due to the same sardar / chaudhary culture.

Fourthly.... Years of lawlessness and kidnapping / ransom, looting news from specially 80s and 90s have tarnished memories and have made the adults in late 30s to 40s insecure about travelling to interior sindh.

Fifth... Thar, gorukh hills, keenjhar lake etc have no government funding or supported project on the ground. In papers gorukh hills is being developed since 80s but reality is different. The same goes for nangarpark near mithi and rest.

Lastly... Bhutto zinda hai. Nothing will happen till u select the same leaders coz "saeen panjah tae ahae"
Somebody in Pakistani tourism promotion department has a weird fetish for mountains and snow and he keeps on promoting only cold regions of Pakistan. Nothing wrong with it.

Problem is, not everyone is interested in cold areas. There are people who like hot desert and sunny beaches(like myself).

Or more like it's easy to secure the northern regions and provide a trouble free tour. Compared to the urban and semi urbans areas of southern Punjab and Sindh where the mafia or their sympathizers still exist in some shape an form.

But yet, there are people who are visiting these areas and making Vlogs. Maybe you guys have your feed filled up with videos of north and not really these other areas, but you can look up youtube.

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