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Why the existence of Pakistan is not in India’s interest

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& if someone offer her..............................



She is married.
who has the guts to make this happen:pakistan:,get ready to face the death:sniper::guns:

One attack isnt enough...do you even have a back up plan??/
We can attack you by air and water (submarine) ...yes nuke heads I am talking about. :coffee:
But then its not about an attack.
India has no interest in dismembering Pak.But if you force us then well we might have to.
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One attack isnt enough...do you even have a back up plan??/
We can attack you by air and submarine ...yes nuke heads I am talking about. :coffee:
We can do this n do that n bla bla bla bla .... Do it if you have enough courage!!
Yeah, but when your women don't even have toilets...and you have more poor than whole Africa..and then you talk about "obliterating/balkanizing/breaking/nuking" other nuclear-armed nations...you really come out as someone who has lost his mind..probably due to excessive cow-piss drinking.
Let me tell you that cow piss drinking is not part of our culture,nor is it given in any sacred/ancient textbook,but it seems you have been drinking too much camel piss that you said such a thing...after all muhammad had prescribed it as elixir of life according to hadiths
Can you tell me what was STOPPING us before 1998?? or even 1971 itself??
India neither had the army for a complete invasion of Pakistan i.e a complete takeover of the whole country was never possible for India , you really believe the people and the army would allow you? (I am taking about West Pakistan) Neither did you have the diplomatic juice.
Let me tell you that cow piss drinking is not part of our culture,nor is it given in any sacred/ancient textbook,but it seems you have been drinking too much camel piss that you said such a thing...after all muhammad had prescribed it as elixir of life according to hadiths
Really?? I mean I dont know abt Hinduism but thats strange. Thats what we have been taught all our lives that its part of your faith .. I have seen pics where people are drinking cow piss.... STrange..
We can do this n do that n bla bla bla bla .... Do it if you have enough courage!!

Whoa!! whoa!!

you thought we are foolish to give in to your provocations???
We would prefer diverting our budget to areas which would bring prosperity to the country.
Get your country back on tracks.Just blaming India and feeding hatred to your citizens isnt taking you anywhere.
Accept it even without RAW doing it,your country is in shambles.Kudos to ISI for its brinkmanship.
Whoa!! whoa!!

you thought we are foolish to give in to your provocations???
We would prefer diverting our budget to areas which would bring properity to the country.
Get your country back on tracks.Just blaming India and feeding hatred to your citizens isnt taking you anywhere.
Accept it even without RAW doing it,your country is in shambles.Kudos to ISI for its brinkmanship.

Haha you are hilarious.... Diverting your budget to areas of prosperity, i dont think you have any idea how much india spends on buying weapon... you are there at the top...
Without RAW???? Even Manmohan accepted that RAW is sponsering terror in BAlochistan. What kind of lala land you guys live in....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Rest assured, if we did struck, we will obliterate India for good. These nuclear extremists are a real threat to the region's safety.

Rise above jingoism and emotions. Our fate was decided in 1947. What's worrying is that we havnt been able to move forward.
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