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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

Some people are naive and stupid enough to believe that USA made some mistake by invading Iraq--like if they didn't know what they are doing, like if they had NOBLE intentions but failed....that is not true----USA knew what they were doing.

That is what Dick Cheney said in 1994 of why they didn't go to Baghdad in 1991--because in this case Iraq will collapse and this will destabilize entire region

And yet in 2003 they invaded Iraq----with one aim-destroy this country to save Israel

They intentionally destroyed Iraq to improve Israeli position---Syria and Iran were next...

Iraq was a country that consisted of 3 ethnic groups that hated each other---Sunnis in the North, Shias in the South and Kurds in the North East-----and what kept them together was Saddam Hussein's regime. If you topple that regime and create a democratic regime IRAQ WILL COLLAPSE and the region will be destabilized....


1)USA invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam's regime
2) democratic government was formed
3) USA withdraw from Iraq
4) United Iraq COLLAPSED------Sunnis became ISIS, Kurds are de facto independent, Shia government control Baghdad and the South-------
5) It was IRAN THAT REUNITED IRAQ---Iran sent reinforcements/weapons to the Shias and with Iranian help Shias defeated ISIS reuniting Iraq
6) Next was Syria- US intelligence services help to organize Sunnis uprising ---RESULT?---Syria collapsed---Sunnis at one point controlled 70% of the country and Assad controlled only small portion of Syria, Kurds controlled Rojava north of Euphrates river----with US help Syria collapsed---BUT AGAIN IT WAS IRAN THAT REUNITED SYRIA------Iran send troops/money/supplies to help Assad and finally he nearly reunited Syria with only Kurds controlling Rojava and Nusra controlling North Western Syria.
7) As Dick Cheney said in 1994---Kurdish autonomy will threaten Turkey---and now we see that Turkey was forced to invade northern Syria in Al Bab and Afrin to prevent formation of Kurdistan
8) With easy hand of USA, Iraq and Syria collapsed and million people died, but it was Iran that serves as a glue that reunited both Iraq and Syria ---so the key to Balkanize the Middle East was to destroy Iran---however they discovered that they can't do it because of the Strait of hormuz....Neocons can protect Israel by destroying nation after nation, but they are not going to shoot in their own leg by risking economic crises because of the Strait of hormuz
Iran can equip its regional allies to keep the US unbalanced and a carrier in the Persian gulf is a sitting duck. I hope American military planners aren't as stupid as you.

Sure its a sitting duck being that close. But its daring Iran to attack it. Similar to send the carriers between China and Taiwan in 1996. Been done like this for many decades when sending carriers to intimidate. So that means the other military planners must be stupid like me as you said.

Do you think Iran will attack it? Don't think so.
I think Afghanistan should co operate fully with USA/NATO in case of an attack on Iranian sectarian regime. Iran offered support to USA when they were preparing their 2001 invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Afghan regime. I guess it's time to repay the favour.

We should also do the same if there is ever an invasion of Pakistan planned by Russia, USA or some other super power as Pakistan gave it's bases, ports and supply routes for the USA/NATO invasion.
I think Afghanistan should co operate fully with USA/NATO in case of an attack on Iranian sectarian regime. Iran offered support to USA when they were preparing their 2001 invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Afghan regime. I guess it's time to repay the favour.

We should also do the same if there is ever an invasion of Pakistan planned by Russia, USA or some other super power as Pakistan gave it's bases, ports and supply routes for the USA/NATO invasion.
What has happened to your country is a tragedy. But with all due respect, if US or any other powerful country would like to use your land, you don’t have much saying in it. You are not in a position of strength. Hopefully you will be someday.
What has happened to your country is a tragedy. But with all due respect, if US or any other powerful country would like to use your land, you don’t have much saying in it. You are not in a position of strength. Hopefully you will be someday.

Ups and downs are part of life. It's not a tragedy. Afghanistan is a decentralized tribal society. The real power lies with the people and the people do have a say, no matter what some puppets in central government want. The Afghans are getting rid of USA as we speak because we can't accept foreign bases on our soil. So your assertion that we have no say is wrong. The soviet and Ameerican adventure and even the British in 19th century shows that Afghans do as they please. It's the hallmark of Afghans that we are wild, unruley and fiercely indepedent.
Yes sometimes that work to out detriment but that's our nature I guess
But still not comparable to world's strongest military US is technologically supperior to any other country of the world
and technology is what wins not emotions or bravery

I never mentioned USA will loose....All I'm saying is that this won't be as easy as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya....

War mongering never achieved anything in life...
Ups and downs are part of life. It's not a tragedy. Afghanistan is a decentralized tribal society. The real power lies with the people and the people do have a say, no matter what some puppets in central government want. The Afghans are getting rid of USA as we speak because we can't accept foreign bases on our soil. So your assertion that we have no say is wrong. The soviet and Ameerican adventure and even the British in 19th century shows that Afghans do as they please. It's the hallmark of Afghans that we are wild, unruley and fiercely indepedent.
Yes sometimes that work to out detriment but that's our nature I guess
Of course you can resist and you should. Of course you will create a pain for them, but they have already unhinged your doors if you get my drift. I hope you will get back the control of your country and build a powerful one in the future. It is in the interest of the region!
Some people are naive and stupid enough to believe that USA made some mistake by invading Iraq--like if they didn't know what they are doing, like if they had NOBLE intentions but failed....that is not true----USA knew what they were doing.

That is what Dick Cheney said in 1994 of why they didn't go to Baghdad in 1991--because in this case Iraq will collapse and this will destabilize entire region

And yet in 2003 they invaded Iraq----with one aim-destroy this country to save Israel

They intentionally destroyed Iraq to improve Israeli position---Syria and Iran were next...

Iraq was a country that consisted of 3 ethnic groups that hated each other---Sunnis in the North, Shias in the South and Kurds in the North East-----and what kept them together was Saddam Hussein's regime. If you topple that regime and create a democratic regime IRAQ WILL COLLAPSE and the region will be destabilized....


1)USA invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam's regime
2) democratic government was formed
3) USA withdraw from Iraq
4) United Iraq COLLAPSED------Sunnis became ISIS, Kurds are de facto independent, Shia government control Baghdad and the South-------
5) It was IRAN THAT REUNITED IRAQ---Iran sent reinforcements/weapons to the Shias and with Iranian help Shias defeated ISIS reuniting Iraq
6) Next was Syria- US intelligence services help to organize Sunnis uprising ---RESULT?---Syria collapsed---Sunnis at one point controlled 70% of the country and Assad controlled only small portion of Syria, Kurds controlled Rojava north of Euphrates river----with US help Syria collapsed---BUT AGAIN IT WAS IRAN THAT REUNITED SYRIA------Iran send troops/money/supplies to help Assad and finally he nearly reunited Syria with only Kurds controlling Rojava and Nusra controlling North Western Syria.
7) As Dick Cheney said in 1994---Kurdish autonomy will threaten Turkey---and now we see that Turkey was forced to invade northern Syria in Al Bab and Afrin to prevent formation of Kurdistan
8) With easy hand of USA, Iraq and Syria collapsed and million people died, but it was Iran that serves as a glue that reunited both Iraq and Syria ---so the key to Balkanize the Middle East was to destroy Iran---however they discovered that they can't do it because of the Strait of hormuz....Neocons can protect Israel by destroying nation after nation, but they are not going to shoot in their own leg by risking economic crises because of the Strait of hormuz
You are very right. Everyone knew US crusade in Iraq was going to destabilize the region but no one cared. I will say that the real blame lies with incompetent Arab leaders and now with Iran's stupid Mullahs. The leaders of a country should NEVER go down the path of nuclear weapons but once you decide to pursue nuclear weapons then the country must NEVER stop until it has them. If the country stops then it will be decimated like Syria, Iraq and Libya whose incompetent leaders thought P5 will just forgive and forget if they surrender their nuclear programmes. Look at Syria today and what is happening to Syrian people. They have become refugees around the world. We all saw what happened to Muammar al-Gaddafi and Saddam Hussain but you know who is alive? Kim Jong-un. Because he did not trust China and Russia to stand up for the Korean people or his country and he was RIGHT!
The stupid Mullahs of Iran made the same mistake that incompetent Arab leaders did. They started and then stopped their nuclear weapons development. These stupid Mullahs then went a step further and issued fatwas denouncing nuclear weapons. Now they are in a bind because if they go back then they look like LIARS and that is the last thing you want to be seen as if you are a religious authority. In state craft, you cannot rely on religious morality to protect your country's interest but Iranians on this forum still believe in the magical power of these stupid Mullahs. The only way to save Iran and its people is to pursue the nuclear weapons. There is no other option.
In the long run, Iran's nuclear umbrella can protect Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen from future wars of aggression and it will force the sole nuclear power in the Middle East, Israel, to stop it's territorial expansion. This is the only way out but Iran will never get there with stupid Mullahs in power. I don't think most Iranians here understand that.

Sure its a sitting duck being that close. But its daring Iran to attack it. Similar to send the carriers between China and Taiwan in 1996. Been done like this for many decades when sending carriers to intimidate. So that means the other military planners must be stupid like me as you said.

Do you think Iran will attack it? Don't think so.
Did the US carriers stop the Iranians from attacking the tankers in the region? Didn't think so. :woot:
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And what happens when the carrier group goes into the Persian Gulf what then? You going to lob missiles at it? You got the balls to do it?
They have been in PG before. Iran has not fired any missiles at them and will not fire any now if they are peaceful. The thing is they have created this fantasy threat story themselves, stated they are sending their flotilla to PG, they never even entered PG (I think currently there are 1-2 US destroyers in PG, emptier than ever), Now they say their strong response has made Iran think twice?!!! Do you believe these bullshits?

The fact is Trump is desperate for a positive event in his foreign policy. The elections are coming and opening the negotiations with Iran is a very good PR for him. All this show was to scare Iran to submit and it didn't. That's it.
Maybe the rauza made you miss the point which is staring you in the face that is if your leadership isn't safe then your war effort will fizzle out like Iraq and Libya. In case of Vietnam, their leadership had a safe territory to operate from. Even Taliban in Afghanistan manage to impose a stalemate when their leadership enjoyed safe heavens in Pakistan. Who will provide safe heaven to Iranian leadership? Can you name one country? or is Iranian leadership going to hide in the bathroom if the US army shows up? Military acquisitions doesn't mean anything unless they help Iran win the war and that they cannot. Iranian air force is antiquated and it stands no chance. Iran's 'Blue Water' fleet with all its speed boats will be next, leaving the army cooped up inside Iran to resist. How long will they last? Now let's be generous and say Iran gets everything on your wish list, will Iran win the war? No. You are talking about collective suicide. This is what the Japanese used to do until two nuclear bombs were dropped on them and then they came back to their senses.

Anyone who disagree with the Mullah regime's suicidal plan must be brainwashed! The funny thing is I am not even taking US side here. I am saying what I see as reality. You have some grand delusions where destroying the GCC's oil production will win you the war but to humor you let's say all of that does happen. What then? GCC isn't poor. They can rebuild their oil production and all you did was give GCC a reason to attack you. After the war, they will make you pay war reparations just like Iraq and Germany had to.

I already know the history of Saddam and Iran-Iraq war. None of that is going to save Iran. This isn't a history exam. This is war.

Iraq war drama was a crusade just like the coming war on Iran will be a crusade. You sat back and enjoyed the show in Iraq. Now it is your turn. Next it will be Pakistan.

We don't have to look at demographics. Drone warfare have changed the rules of the game. US will do signature strikes and kill everyone on the battlefield. Then claim everyone was enemy combatant like they do in Afghanistan and across Africa. This is a crusade do over for US. They don't care about how many innocent Iranians and Muslims they kill. You and I are not their problem. What is the Iranian government's plan to save you and its people? or do the Mullah want everyone to wear a suicide vest?

US will repeat the same playbook on you. This is why Iran is under sanctions and people of Iran are hurting but right now Iranians are full of spirit. Trump and Bolton will wait for another 4-5 years for the right moment until sanctions cripple Iran. By then Iranians will be exhausted from economic hardships, Iran's finances and IRGC's external infrastructure will be in bad shape. Then US will attack. May be it will take 10 years to get Iran there but this is what US did to Iraq and it is what US will do to Iran.

Do the math on Iran's economy and you will see Iran is on its way to becoming Afghanistan. America will still have Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and many Fortune 500 companies so they can bounce back. What about Iran? Let me make it very clear that this war on Iran is being fought for the safety of American colony in Middle East: Israel. The biggest winner here will be Israel but Saudi Arabia, UAE and China will be also benefit. No one is arguing that this war is in the benefit of US. Even a blind man can see a war with Iran will hurt US but the American elite don't care because the Americans who will die in the war are the poor people and no one in US cares about them so their death isn't going to change the path of the war. The million dollar question here is what plan does Iranian government has to safeguard its people from the upcoming genocide and becoming refugee seekers like Iraqis and Afghans?

Iran can equip its regional allies to keep the US unbalanced and a carrier in the Persian gulf is a sitting duck. I hope American military planners aren't as stupid as you.

1st off for how many years have the Israeli's been trying to take out Hassan Nasrullah now? Well over a Decade!
U.S. has been threatening Iran with military action for almost 2 decades now and you think during that time Iran's leaderships hasn't worked on way's of protecting it's self and it's military command and control during that time? You think Iran's military has no plans on what to do if Iran's President & or Supreme Leader is taken out?
How delusional are you? You think killing a handful of Iranian leaders would have any effect on Iran's military capabilities?
Iran is a country that builds nuclear facilities over 250 ft under ground & has missile bases and factories and command and control centers that are just as deep and has contingencies in place. And unlike Iraq under Saddam, Libya, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain,.... Iran IS NOT a country run by only a handful of families that if taken out would somehow be crippled & wouldn't know what to do!

2nd As for Japan getting Nuked, when the U.S. Nuked Japan they took out Japan's ONLY Oil Refinery and Japan being an Island Country dependent on Oil imports that was just attacked by the most horrific never seen before weapon of all time had no other choice but surrender because without fuel they had no means of fueling their ships and aircraft to retaliate and being locked in by the sea with no vital U.S. assets that they could possibly retaliate against without vast fuel requirements the end result would have been clear and so they had NO OTHER CHIOCE but surrender.

Today U.S. nuking Iranian Oil Facilities isn't going to stop a single missile from being fired & Iran is an Oil producer with vast stocks of fuel reserves hidden all across a country well over 4 times the size of Japan. Iran is a country that's been threatened by the U.S. for over a decade so hiding and stocking fuel is one of the 1st things Iran did!

3rd As for the GCC so far they can't even deal with Yemen! And rebuilding their Oil facilities & runways will be costly and time consuming & attacking Iran would simply result in Iran hitting those rebuilt facilities again & again and today they can't even defend them against Yemen UAV's so repeated attacks for a country like Iran isn't going to be a problem and without Oil they have nothing and if Iran hits their fresh water facilities, they won't even be able to provide fresh water to their people let alone fight a war with Iran.

Iran is NOT ISIS Iran is a country that possess one of the top 5 largest stocks of Infantry Support weapons in the WORLD, has one of the largest stocks of Missiles in the world from a long list of ATGM to +2000km Ballistic Missiles and is fully capable of mass producing Unmanned Stealth Suicide UAV's, UGV's, Quads,.... So no there will be no Suicide Vests! Suicide vests are for Wahabbi MORONS! How much explosives could a human possibly carry in a freaking vest for it to be worth a dedicated solders life?

Finally, As for the U.S. economy it's not a matter of how rich the U.S. is economically rather a matter of the value of the US Dollar because today it is the worlds leading currency in trade which allows the U.S. Government to print dollars with little to no consequence to it's global value due to the dollars high demand as the worlds leading currency in trade and once they lose that a military whos personal (~2 Million) are used to getting from 40K to over $300K a year that operates so many bases, has to pay the fuel & energy costs of so many deployed assets at so many bases globally,.... is going to be in real trouble because they are and are used to spending well beyond their means and there is no such thing as too big to fail the Russians know that, Brits know that, Italians (Romans), Greeks, Iranians,..... know that and all had to learn that the hard way & the if the Americans don't change path they will most definitely learn that the hard way. Today a smart investors would be looking at countries like China for a safe, long term, high return investment because it really doesn't require a genius to look at the numbers and see where the future is and they will slowly sell their overpriced Google, Facebook, Amazon stock for better investments and this is not something that will happen overnight but rather something that will happen in a span of decades and if those companies are smart they will move to locations where the value of their stock wouldn't be dependent on a single country or currency (As they have been doing slowly in the past decade).
And US armed forces has more Chances to crippled your armed forces SAMs/BMs/AF/Navy etc etc @WinterNights

In Hollywood maybe. But these people will never be able to mobilise enough force in that region to accomplish anything like that. Listen to this Israeli expert and military veteran:

3rd As for the GCC so far they can't even deal with Yemen! And rebuilding their Oil facilities & runways will be costly and time consuming & attacking Iran would simply result in Iran hitting those rebuilt facilities again & again and today they can't even defend them against Yemen UAV's so repeated attacks for a country like Iran isn't going to be a problem and without Oil they have nothing and if Iran hits their fresh water facilities, they won't even be able to provide fresh water to their people let alone fight a war with Iran.

Exactly, these morons think these PGCC nations can rebuild their oil facilities and airports and desalination plants over night :lol: It will take them years.

Also, what these people don't realise is that once a major war starts with US, one of first Iranians targets will be these oil facilities in the PGCC. Once oils hits even $200/barrel (which is a modest claim) the US economy will be on its way to collapse. In reality, the price of oil will go up much more than that.
In Hollywood maybe. But these people will never be able to mobilise enough force in that region to accomplish anything like that. Listen to this Israeli expert and military veteran:
And they have no Jaming/ECM aircraft to crippled Irani air defense radars/SAMs/Naval radar/fighter jets radars etc etc and afterword it easy target for their AAMs/Stand off missiles/munitions and other electronic equipment of your Mighty Iran armed forces @WinterNights :p:;):enjoy:
And they have no Jaming/ECM aircraft to crippled Irani air defense radars/SAMs/Naval radar/fighter jets radars etc etc and afterword it easy target for their AAMs/Stand off missiles/munitions and other electronic equipment of your Mighty Iran armed forces @WinterNights :p:;):enjoy:

How would any of these systems get anywhere close to Iran to work?

The point is, they don't have the capability to do these things you're dreaming of.
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