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Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

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so we cant be secular ever again..:cry::cry::cry:

in presence of bjp , rss and people bal takhery .....
its shameful for country to call herself secular ....
pakistan is not secular nor we want and nor we should ................
in presence of bjp , rss and people bal takhery .....
its shameful for country to call herself secular ....
pakistan is not secular nor we want and nor we should ................

Few elements exists in all societies in developed world and developing.. stereotyping a nation on the basis of that shows how narrowminded the opinionist really is.

Anyway a comment by somebody on a forum wont change a thing in reality so its okay to say whatever is coming into ur mind..

PS; its not takhery.. sounds more like bakery.. its actually Thackarey..
The Title was okey but i strongly disagree that Islam has to do anything with nation's progress.

We have other islamic nations doing so well why doesent Islamic defects affect them ?

IMO, its the political thinking and lack of long term future planning and short sightedness of leaders that has put pakistan where it stands.
Pakistan never had the political stability that India had.
This weakness was exploited from both outside and Inside.
in presence of bjp , rss and people bal takhery .....
its shameful for country to call herself secular ....
pakistan is not secular nor we want and nor we should ................

By the same logic the presence of those who call themselves islamic and blow up in your side for 72 hoors. So should you also remove islamic from your name. or are you also shameful for calling yourself islamic. Good food for thought.
and infrastructure present at at eve of 1947 was domonated by india pakistan has nothing at that time no money , no bureaucracy , no industry nothing ..... we proved our metal within few years we went down only due to political immaturity and vested interests of some nationalistic leaders ....

At the time of partition both India and Pakistan were agriculture driven, there is no notable industry in whole subcontinent. While West Pakistan had a lot better irrigation system than India, East Pakistan enjoyed having almost all her land being arable. Also Pakistan had much lesser population than India at the time of partition, means less empty belly to take care for; so Pakistan was supposed to do better than India, and indeed it better in first few decades as mentioned by a poster before.

But we also need to consider the people of East Pakistan when discussing India-Pakistan economic situation of pre-Bangladesh era. Although East Pakistan contributed a large portion of total Pakistan GDP, the Pakistanis of East-Pakistan weren't an example of rapid economic development.

We also should take into consider that after opening up economy, India always did better than Pakistan which was never a closed economy to begin with.


^Above picture invalidates some myths about Pakistan Economy and WOT. Considering WOT started in Pakistan in it'd full form only after 2006(the suicide blasts and all the mess), Pakistan wasn't doing great pre-WOT as well.
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All you retards who have a tendency to jump on the bandwagon of bashing religion just for the sake of scoring some bu!! kissing points should atleast wear the true identity on your chest. And not act like little girls and hide behind the freedom of expression bs to make a point.
Here is your badge of honnor.

in presence of bjp , rss and people bal takhery .....
its shameful for country to call herself secular ....
pakistan is not secular nor we want and nor we should ................

India is a federation of states and there are alot of states where it is really Secular, in fact, more than where we have inter faith tensions. Examples are south Indian states, north east etc.

And India have moved on since 1992 incidents, people hardly listen to extremist calls.
Islam is hindering Pakistan's growth? Well, if Islam hinders growth, then it should hinder growth of all countries that are muslim majorities, including middle eastern countries and south east asian countries that are muslim majority.

If you try to imply causal reasoning, it should work in all cases, not just some.

Which country are u talking about??The petro dollar Ones??:disagree::disagree:

U talk of middle East and its progress??Its all petro dollars they are selling their natural resources to fill their stomach, once their land is useless what will happen?? For example Yemen,Middle East country their oil is to finish in a decade and then what??

Why is israel the Non islamic,no Oil resourced middle eastern the most developed in middle east?? Coz they rely on qualitative studies and not madrassas..

Pakistan should not compare itself with middle east ,coz pakistan cannot efford it..
speak for yourself, India is well on its path, Dont equate India with Pakistan, we are not a dysfunctional state.

And neither are we a nation full of lunatics who fancies them selves in their favorite time pass of killing minorities, destabilizing neighbors, and suppressing people of other faiths with in its own borders. So watch your mouth when you talk about my country.
And neither are we a nation full of lunatics who fancies them selves in their favorite time pass of killing minorities,

Total reduction in minority population.
destabilizing neighbors,

Lets start with operation gibraltor and end at 26/11

and suppressing people of other faiths with in its own borders.

Forget other faiths first lets talk about the same faith brothers then we can go to other faiths.

So watch your mouth when you talk about my country.

Practically not possible for humans.
If this is another one of those jab-Pakistan flame threads, then I suppose the ridiculous insinuations are understandable.

If on the other hand, the friend who posted this article suffers from the delusion that somehow Pakistan is a world apart or that India is heads and shoulders above, then he really needs to open his eyes to reality.

There are hundreds of threads on this forum comparing economic performance, per capita income, development indicators, infrastructure, images of projects going on in both India and Pakistan... and none of them leave you with the impression that India is far ahead and Pakistan is far behind. Many of them leave you with an impression quite to the contrary.

As has been pointed out, for 50 of the 60 years we have been independent, Pakistan has been doing far better than India. Yes, in the last 10 years we have been afflicted with this WoT menace, which hopefully will subside post NATO withdrawal in 2011/12. And of these 10 years, the last 4 have been bad for us economically. It is only now that there is a paltry difference between per capita income between the two countries, and even that is apparently at the cost of poorer income distribution in India; a metric which is far more critical to a developing nation. By the way, I also don't know of many economies that could grow at 4+% in 2010 while simultaneously dealing with all the challenges Pakistan has been faced with.

My Indian friends are welcome to play the dhol and dance in celebration of their self-perceived greatness, but they should do so with imagined comparisons that stand up to at least an initial level of scrutiny. Otherwise we will have to introduce you to reality, and unfortunately, that will end your festivity

No one is playing the dhol here except for mr.Omar who cant help but spend his days searching for anything that talks bad about India. In terms of reality checks Pakistanis are the last people on this planet we need them from. India is a nation that moves forward slowly but steadily. In the part 60 years we have moved more and more people out of poverty and reforms that were introduced very early are only now starting to reap benefits. What reality will you introduce to us ? we are 4rd largest economy in the world even the huge amounts of problems that we face. Pakistanis tend to only find some points to sing over day and night that India has poor people, toilets etc etc but they fail to notice how much India has achieved since 1947. Today they world looks at us with respect and admiration and weather you like it or not the world calls us an emerging super power not you. Pakistan's sole problem since 1947 has its been obsession with India. That ideology resulted in the total breakup of the social and political structure of Pakistan and nothing really is being done to reverse it. Before you give us a reality check, maybe you should take one yourself, India and Indian's know how to work hard and positively. Indian's have a lot of things they can be proud of and have projected a very positive image to the world. The world's love affair with India is never ending and its continue progress will only deepen that. Rather than finding solace in criticizing us, take inspiration from us, redo your political and social structures and maybe Pakistan can still be saved, if not please continue to do what you have been doing as frankly the world does not care.
All you retards who have a tendency to jump on the bandwagon of bashing religion just for the sake of scoring some bu!! kissing points should atleast wear the true identity on your chest. And not act like little girls and hide behind the freedom of expression bs to make a point.
Here is your badge of honnor.


Once all the retards stop killing my kind in the name of religion and stop dreaming of crushing ohers religion,faith and life style and replace with theirs,all these islam bashing will stop.

ppl say these terrorists donot represent our community, still the terror scum who chopped off a lecturers hand on the lines of islam was voted to majority by the same ppl wh said he doesnot represent Us.

So in short if ur on the run to chop off the non beleivers heads then the Non beleivers will not welcome and greet u with chinese fire crackers...
And neither are we a nation full of lunatics who fancies them selves in their favorite time pass of killing minorities, destabilizing neighbors, and suppressing people of other faiths with in its own borders. So watch your mouth when you talk about my country.

and your saying this while sitting in Kuwait ? Can you please point out to me how Pakistan's political structure is not dysfunctional ? Ill surely agree with you if you can.
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