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Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

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Hmm, looks like the hate indoctrination that Moorthy Muthuswamy mentions, has worked well on Omar1984.

I opened one of his links, and closed it in disgust within seconds. Written b y a Muslim author immediately after 26/11, you should see the disgusting way in which he makes predictions like: "Muslims in India will have to suffer the wrath of Hindu extremists, it makes me so sad, :blah: :blah: :blah:" Not a single attack took place on even one Muslim after 26/11, yet some rogues still believe in such trash.

Really, the hate is mind boggling.
So many hate filled minds out here. One guys starts a thread bashing aishwarya rai another starts for indian toilets and here is our very own mr Omar with his classic hate india campaign...

It's nauseating!
There were some threads by EjajR where he showed by facts and figures the comparative state of Indian, Pakistani and BD Muslims. Will post if I can find it.
Hmm, looks like the hate indoctrination that Moorthy Muthuswamy mentions, has worked well on Omar1984.

I opened one of his links, and closed it in disgust within seconds. Written b y a Muslim author immediately after 26/11, you should see the disgusting way in which he makes predictions like: "Muslims in India will have to suffer the wrath of Hindu extremists, it makes me so sad, :blah: :blah: :blah:" Not a single attack took place on even one Muslim after 26/11, yet some rogues still believe in such trash.

Really, the hate is mind boggling.

Did you even open the links I provided?

Almost all of the articles are from BBC, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Toronto's Daily Star, and even Indian news articles.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Why do Indian Muslims lag behind?

India's Muslims chafe under suspicion - Washington Times

‘Over 94 percent poor Muslims don’t get subsidised food grains’

Ayodhya Muslims ? poor, uneducated and frightened | Indian Muslims

Muslims missing out on India's economic growth - Asia - Pacific - International Herald Tribune

Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables' -- latimes.com

Government report concedes India’s Muslims are a socially deprived, victimised minority

India's Muslims See Bias in Housing - washingtonpost.com

The quality of Muslim human resources must improve

Fearful Muslims adopt Hindu IDs - thestar.com

Muslims in India Battle Prejudice and Poverty - 2003-09-08 | News | English

‘Over 94 percent poor Muslims don’t get subsidised food grains’

AFP: India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights

Ayodhya: 10 reasons why India cannot move on - Rediff.com India News

Muslims betrayed: Shahi Imam
Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

Simply because they are 2 totally diffrent countries with totally diffrent aspirations. One wants to be champion of Islam and other want to be champion of secularism.

And both have failed miserably in becoming what they wanted.
If this is another one of those jab-Pakistan flame threads, then I suppose the ridiculous insinuations are understandable.

If on the other hand, the friend who posted this article suffers from the delusion that somehow Pakistan is a world apart or that India is heads and shoulders above, then he really needs to open his eyes to reality.

There are hundreds of threads on this forum comparing economic performance, per capita income, development indicators, infrastructure, images of projects going on in both India and Pakistan... and none of them leave you with the impression that India is far ahead and Pakistan is far behind. Many of them leave you with an impression quite to the contrary.

As has been pointed out, for 50 of the 60 years we have been independent, Pakistan has been doing far better than India. Yes, in the last 10 years we have been afflicted with this WoT menace, which hopefully will subside post NATO withdrawal in 2011/12. And of these 10 years, the last 4 have been bad for us economically. It is only now that there is a paltry difference between per capita income between the two countries, and even that is apparently at the cost of poorer income distribution in India; a metric which is far more critical to a developing nation. By the way, I also don't know of many economies that could grow at 4+% in 2010 while simultaneously dealing with all the challenges Pakistan has been faced with.

My Indian friends are welcome to play the dhol and dance in celebration of their self-perceived greatness, but they should do so with imagined comparisons that stand up to at least an initial level of scrutiny. Otherwise we will have to introduce you to reality, and unfortunately, that will end your festivity.
And both have failed miserably in becoming what they wanted.

i would like to disagree
not yet. i think its still under progress. pakistan and india still suffer from radicalization. neither of the 2 have reached the perfect society as per aspirations and both equally crave for it. we can be judgemental the day either the hope is lost or we would have achieved the perfect society as envisioned by visionaries.
Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

The Pakistani state had the opportunity, like India, to focus on development and wealth creation. But it chose not to. India’s emergence is due to the investments it made in building quality higher educational institutions in the fields of engineering, technology and management in the 1950s and 60s.[ii]

During the same period, while neglecting modern education,[iii] Pakistan was busy sponsoring a myriad of homegrown jihadist groups as a means of extending its sphere of influence abroad.

I got interested by the title of the article but the content is pretty shallow and has not addressed the real issues.

For example, the writer has tried to show that Pakistan from the start was a jihadist state. Also that Jinnah used Jihad to whip up political emotions among muslims. This is far from the truth. Jinnah was a secular person and had to face opposition of the Mullahs in his bid to gain independence for Pakistan. None of the mainstream muslim leaders of that time were religious bigots, save a few.

While India was ruled by Nehru, unchallenged for so many years, Pakistan's Jinnah passed away in 1948 before he could lay down a Constitutional framework. This for me is the first reason.

It also paved way for the second, namely the rule of the military. Though, Ayub did manage to uplift economy, the long term political effects of his rule last to this day in the shape of military coups and the dominance of the army in civil affairs.

Succesive military coups and the inability of the politicians to stand upto them also diminished the role of institutions which were rendered weak. Politicians also played their due role in this.

But, Pakistan remained by and large a secular country till the time of Zia. The rise of jihadists in Pakistan is a courtesy of not only Zia but also of the West particularly the US and Russia. We all know what happened in Afghanistan and continues to this day.

Despite the challenges, Pakistan has seen progress.

And after all, Pakistan and India were not supposed to evolve the same way.
after babri mosque incident india has lost the right of being secular state ....
india is hindu dominated state where hindu policies are run .......
and these were the ambitions of hindues that made muslims and jinnah to think of new home land ..
Jinnah who has been blamed by the writer was a staunch supporter of hindu muslim unity before 1937 ..
after 1937 election policies adopted by congress were totally anti islamic and muslims were forced to adopt hindu rituals like to read bande matram in schools ....
lets look into history what were the views of B.C.Chattergee in his book , ANANDAMATH , that was very popular among hindu mass ............. totally anti-muslim ... and bande matram evolved from this novel....
what was Arya samaj..... what was suddhi and sangathan....
many a more examples ...
it is reality those muslims living in india are not allowed to practice islam with full freedom ..
and one as to agree Pakistan fulfilled its objective in religious sense and cos its based on two nation theory that musims are totally different from hindues ...
other anaysis and figures showing poor economy of pakistan due to corruption and our unislamic leaders ...
what do u think our present leaders are orthodox muslims or have fear of Allah .. ?

so we cant be secular ever again..:cry::cry::cry:
and infrastructure present at at eve of 1947 was domonated by india pakistan has nothing at that time no money , no bureaucracy , no industry nothing ..... we proved our metal within few years we went down only due to political immaturity and vested interests of some nationalistic leaders ....
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