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Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

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Total reduction in minority population.

Lets start with operation gibraltor and end at 26/11

Forget other faiths first lets talk about the same faith brothers then we can go to other faiths.

Practically not possible for humans.

Listen Dude or lady, as per your name I will chose the latter till you correct me.

I really have no intentions of getting into a mud slinging contest with any one, but if you go through the last 4 pages of this thread, the thread starter had no other intentions but to troll. discussing an issue is one thing associating things with others religion when one them selves dont have an iota of clue about it is called bs.

Now to your points! Yes Pakistan has issues, yes we are fighting with in our self to get rid of a problem, yes we have tried to do things with India. But so does your country, you have issues, and there are many, so rather then one trying to look at and solving the problems within them selves when start lecturing others and trying to tell them that how ones religion is a and could be the cause of the issue when you your self have loads and loads of them is called being delusional and that is where my problem is with your country men/women.
And neither are we a nation full of lunatics who fancies them selves in their favorite time pass of killing minorities, destabilizing neighbors, and suppressing people of other faiths with in its own borders. So watch your mouth when you talk about my country.

Utter BS.

Minorities in India has a better growth rate than the majority.

The percentage has increased from 10% to more than 15% for Muslims and Christian growth rate has also increased..
Once all the retards stop killing my kind in the name of religion and stop dreaming of crushing ohers religion,faith and life style and replace with theirs,all these islam bashing will stop.

ppl say these terrorists donot represent our community, still the terror scum who chopped off a lecturers hand on the lines of islam was voted to majority by the same ppl wh said he doesnot represent Us.

So in short if ur on the run to chop off the non beleivers heads then the Non beleivers will not welcome and greet u with chinese fire crackers...

And what do you have to say about the hindu terrorists who go around killing people of other faiths. Talk is cheap and you are even cheaper then that.
and your saying this while sitting in Kuwait ? Can you please point out to me how Pakistan's political structure is not dysfunctional ? Ill surely agree with you if you can.

Pakistani politicians are dysfunctional not Pakistan. so its better if you use the right terminology.
Listen Dude or lady, as per your name I will chose the latter till you correct me.

I really have no intentions of getting into a mud slinging contest with any one, but if you go through the last 4 pages of this thread, the thread starter had no other intentions but to troll. discussing an issue is one thing associating things with others religion when one them selves dont have an iota of clue about it is called bs.

Now to your points! Yes Pakistan has issues, yes we are fighting with in our self to get rid of a problem, yes we have tried to do things with India. But so does your country, you have issues, and there are many, so rather then one trying to look at and solving the problems within them selves when start lecturing others and trying to tell them that how ones religion is a and could be the cause of the issue when you your self have loads and loads of them is called being delusional and that is where my problem is with your country men/women.

Sir no one is lecuturing here and i am least concerned about what those who all are categorized in trolls say. If you want sane discssion just choose sane people. As far as pointing out the religon thing i never inducted religion as per se but at the end of the day Pakistan is Islamic republic which automatically makes religon part of political discussions. There wont be anything Hindu to discuss.

As for me as Indian Jinnah's Pakiatan was beautiful and Zia's Pakistan is a big no. Pakistan as Islamic state stands at the crossroads where both the groups are pulling it in other direction. And since it is Islamic republic it needs to be debated how things are going good with religon and what are the weak points in that case. Healthy criticism is always invited for my country and my countrymen.
In these days We in India don't want to compare ourselves with Pakistan, We have our problem , ambition, requirement and cannot be completed by comparasion even we don't have any source of Inspiration on other side.

Why do indian muslims lag behind??Coz they want gov recognised Madrassas instead of going to Gov schools, since india is a secular and democratic country we give chance to talent more than religion unlike the middle eastern and islamic countries..

Now if u study only religion and then expect Gov or Non gov technical jobs then ur in a mess.Ur personal financial condition depends on the decesions u choose to take, for ex muslims in india take orders from the imams and have more n more children to impove their communities political ambitions,then why do u expect the gov to feed u??jitni chadar hai utni pair failao

Well if the government is unable to provide schools, basic needs then it is gov's failure but when Gov schools are empty and madrassas are full then it is the ppl to blame and not gov.
And what do you have to say about the hindu terrorists who go around killing people of other faiths. Talk is cheap and you are even cheaper then that.

Where and when did the hindu terrorists go on killing other faiths ??can u give one example??
Silly flame thread added with a Islamophobic article.

Why does this author have to specify Hindu Indian ,Pakistani Muslim?

Also why ignore the fact In a list of the top 20 non-British communities engaged in crime in London, British Indians ranked 8th; committing 748 crimes, 235 of which were violent

Both nations are way below their potential,each with its own struggle.
As of now India seems to have the edge.
Sir no one is lecuturing here and i am least concerned about what those who all are categorized in trolls say. If you want sane discssion just choose sane people. As far as pointing out the religon thing i never inducted religion as per se but at the end of the day Pakistan is Islamic republic which automatically makes religon part of political discussions. There wont be anything Hindu to discuss.

As for me as Indian Jinnah's Pakiatan was beautiful and Zia's Pakistan is a big no. Pakistan as Islamic state stands at the crossroads where both the groups are pulling it in other direction. And since it is Islamic republic it needs to be debated how things are going good with religon and what are the weak points in that case. Healthy criticism is always invited for my country and my countrymen.

A true Islamic State is where true Islamic values are implemented and represented, if you read out through the history just take the Islamic Spain as an example, that country by itself was a major reason for lifting the whole of Europe out of darkness. In todays time and age there is not a single country on the face of the earth that has a true Islamic structure. Not Pakistan, not Saudi, and nor do any of the morons who claim to be at war with the west to implement Islam. So taking any of them as an example and judging the Islamic values is not a good thing to do.
Where and when did the hindu terrorists go on killing other faiths ??can u give one example??

Selectively trying to remember things and ignoring others is not a good thing. Did u forget Gujrat so soon. As I said earlier the article that the whole thread is based on is full of Sh!t, and nothing but another Islamophobe taking cheap shots at Muslims, in the disguise of india Pakistan conflict.
A true Islamic State is where true Islamic values are implemented and represented, if you read out through the history just take the Islamic Spain as an example, that country by itself was a major reason for lifting the whole of Europe out of darkness. In todays time and age there is not a single country on the face of the earth that has a true Islamic structure. Not Pakistan, not Saudi, and nor do any of the morons who claim to be at war with the west to implement Islam. So taking any of them as an example and judging the Islamic values is not a good thing to do.

Agreed but the onus of discussion is Pakiatan about what went wrong if we remove the biased and hysterical sources. Islamic model today seems failed in majority of states and where it seems success is just by chance for the sake of oil money. Saudi cannot be judged that since it is Islamic thats why its rich. what should be the islamic state 2010 look like i see example in turkey.
Agreed but the onus of discussion is Pakiatan about what went wrong if we remove the biased and hysterical sources. Islamic model today seems failed in majority of states and where it seems success is just by chance for the sake of oil money. Saudi cannot be judged that since it is Islamic thats why its rich. what should be the islamic state 2010 look like i see example in turkey.

Correction Islamic model is not a failed one, but the selective implementation of different ideas considered to be Islamic and then naming them so has failed. And Turkey does not have Islamic laws either, it has a secular democracy, and a Muslim majority population. Islam by its self dont have anything to do with the bad performance of the country, Islam has not changed over the course of 1400+ years. It is the people who have implemented changed and tried to change the different things that were the part of previous Muslim governments and tried to label it as Islamic. What the Muslim world is facing and the reason we have all these issues now is not entirely home grown. Part of it has to do with the identity crises, and the other half is the fact that the so called western democracies dont want a true and flourishing democracy in our part of the world. Because they know that if we do then they will and might most probably end up with a government that is not so favorably to them, and that will have the interest of the people on hand before any thing else. So that is why more often then not we end up with Musharafs and Zias and if nothing else is available then a Zardari will do for them as well.
Agreed but the onus of discussion is Pakiatan about what went wrong if we remove the biased and hysterical sources. Islamic model today seems failed in majority of states and where it seems success is just by chance for the sake of oil money. Saudi cannot be judged that since it is Islamic thats why its rich. what should be the islamic state 2010 look like i see example in turkey.

List of Muslim majority countries

can you pick the majority of Islamic countries which in your opinion are failed?
Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan dont make majority of muslim countries.
and since acc to you Islamic model has failed in most countires, do you recommend we revert back to Sharia law, instead of trying to be secular?
as Islam was most strongest (militarily, economicaly) under Sharia law.
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