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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

Once the papers of accessions were signed Kashmir belonged to India - the same way Bahawalpur and Chitral belonged to Pakistan once the accession was signed by their respective Kings. UN resolutions are no more valid and have been replaced by Shimla agreement.

Anyway lets not get into those things that are dead beaten on PDF since 2006.

Nothing is dead and beaten till it is. Nehru took the Kashmir issue to the UN, not Pakistan. The UN decided through a number of resolutions and Indian Occupied Kashmir is a disputed territory till the time Kashmiris are given their right to self determination. The UN resolutions are still valid till the Kashmir issue is amicably resolved.
Nothing is dead and beaten till it is. Nehru took the Kashmir issue to the UN, not Pakistan. The UN decided through a number of resolutions and Indian Occupied Kashmir is a disputed territory till the time Kashmiris are given their right to self determination. The UN resolutions are still valid till the Kashmir issue is amicably resolved.

Then fine, think whatever you would like to think is correct.
Besides it was the same Kashmiri muslims who kicked Kashmiri Pundits out of the valley. I think Kashmiri Pundits were and are as Kashmiri as Muslims from valley.

NO one can kick me out of my land even forcefully. If I leave it for some reason I don't have a say in it in future.
Kashmir belongs to all Kashmiris, regardless of religion, however Muslims are the majority so its only right they have more of a say, choice to decide their fate, after all that's democracy is not?, majority lead. Indians always banging on about democracy need to self reflect.
Well it might sound a little harsh but if they are desperate for a Islamic state then they can go too Pakistan. Either way I obviously don't have all the answers.

You mean they leave their mother land?
For me the land i own and live is more valuable than any Nation whatsoever.
Demand for separation is consequences of some oppression. If they have given the right to practice their religion and live in the country as first class citizen. They won't even bother thinking whether it's Pakistan or India.
Well Kashmir is a territory in dispute and simplest safe resolution is dialogue and perhaps a joint ownership where government is locally elected and people of both nations can visit Kashmir openly open Visa.

Let Kashmir be Hong Kong

In idealistic world Kashmir would be returned to Pakistan but apparently there are some religious sites in Kashmir for Hindus which is why a duel ownership is only solution

The state would be self sufficient due to high number of Tourist visiting it

Both Indian/Pakistani public should have open access to Kashmir (for visitation) but business ownership should be for local Kashmir residents

Unfortunately such a open minded idea would be deemed worthy of a bullet wound in some parts of Indian hardliners which is why things are in bad shape

A point to note is that Punjabi religious place is in Pakistani punjab and people visit there openly with no incident so that is why I do not understand reluctance of sharing Kashmir (as oppose to military occupation)
With muslim majorities,public support n no military intervension... unlike junagarh,hyderabad,kashmir etc...

Love you too.

When did Pakistan cared about Hindu or Muslim majority and territorial contiguity during accession of princely states.

Pakistan invaded Kashmir, not India. In both Junagarh and Kashmir Indian military were invited by the rulers to take control.
I think no one said 'Kashmir Only Belongs to the Muslims' ! :unsure:

Kashmir is a Muslim Majority State & so naturally if the majority of the Muslims were asked to decide 'India, Pakistan or Independence' & were a Plebiscite to that effect be carried out, their vote would have the largest leverage in deciding the final fate of Kashmir.

Precisely the "majority rules" rule that scared the muslims to opt for their own "pakistan" at partition because deep down they knew (and still do) of the pogroms/tortures/injustices they had done to non-muslims (hindus in particular) so I can understand their desire for a separate country. But then to extoll the virtues of majority rule in the same breath may I dare say is hypocritical and duplicitous.

Well Kashmir is a territory in dispute and simplest safe resolution is dialogue and perhaps a joint ownership where government is locally elected and people of both nations can visit Kashmir openly open Visa.

Let Kashmir be Hong Kong

In idealistic world Kashmir would be returned to Pakistan but apparently there are some religious sites in Kashmir for Hindus which is why a duel ownership is only solution

The state would be self sufficient due to high number of Tourist visiting it

Both Indian/Pakistani public should have open access to Kashmir (for visitation) but business ownership should be for local Kashmir residents

Unfortunately such a open minded idea would be deemed worthy of a bullet wound in some parts of Indian hardliners which is why things are in bad shape

A point to note is that Punjabi religious place is in Pakistani punjab and people visit there openly with no incident so that is why I do not understand reluctance of sharing Kashmir (as oppose to military occupation)

Bad idea. No one trusts Pakistan
I think you are talking about the Dukhtaran e Millat lady - Asiya Andrabi. :D
She is something. I don't like to use abusive words for ladies, so will refrain.
She did not even allow Muslim Kashmiri orphans to be educated by an orphanage where my mother also volunteered. She said they were brainwashed by 'Indians and murtaads'! Too bad, after she left my town, the kids trickled back in. :) She is quite widely hated by Kashmiri Muslims as well. Also infamous for spraying acid on women's faces!!! Take that feminists! :sick:
If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive them into other Muslim countries where there is no oil.

There are 15000 mosques in Indian Kashmir for just 7 million Muslims constantly blaring Arabic chants on loudspeakers. If that is oppression in the eyes of some people, India should dismantle all but 1000 mosques in Kashmir and make the people of Kashmir truly liberated from constant noise and jihaadi pollution by incomprehensible Arabic language. Turkey is 99% Muslim but even the Turks do not allow Arabic for call to prayer in Turkish mosques.

India is a very soft state and too complacent and tolerant of certain religious fanatics and hence is paying the price for its perceived weakness.

You have a woman known as Black Widow Andrabi who openly advocates Islamic Sharia law in Kashmir ranting on Indian TV and newspapers and says she will go to conduct jihad in other countries like China to bring Xinjiang and Kashmir under Islamic Ummah and what not.. See her interview on net to so many newspapers to know the real face of this decadent burqa clad murderer Black Widow who openly supports Muslim militants in Kashmir. AND YET SHE IS ALIVE AND NOT TORTURED TO INVALIDITY, BLINDNESS AND VOICE IMPAIRMENT IN A JAIL.

What more proof do you need to dismantle the Islamic radical network of mosques and other structures???
The title is misleading.

Kashmir belongs to India.

And India does not belong to the Muslims. Or Hindus. Or any other religious denomination.
You mean they leave their mother land?
For me the land i own and live is more valuable than any Nation whatsoever.
Demand for separation is consequences of some oppression. If they have given the right to practice their religion and live in the country as first class citizen. They won't even bother thinking whether it's Pakistan or India.
Please show me an incident where they were not able to practice their religion? It was the muslim residents who chased out the Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs. Infact they call it a Hindu genocide. They where the aggressors and that's why they are in their current predicament.

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