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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

Some Indian posters have posted here that it were the Pakistanis who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. This is a lie and a farce that Indians have been propagating since long. Actually it were the Indians who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. The Indian invasion was planned and executed in full knowledge of Hindu Indian leadership in the Indian government of the time. The invasion plan was hased out during the meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala with Maharaja of Kashmir. The first of the these meetings was held in Mar 1947, which ultimately resulted in what was popularly known as the Sikh Plan. For the purpose of the invasion the forces of Alwar, Kapurthala, Patiala and Maharaja of Kashmir were to be used. The same forces were first also directly involved along with Hindu and Sikh marauders to conduct mass Muslim murders and ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Indian Punjab.

They initially planned to conduct mass killings of Muslims and later ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority and then subsequently move to the valley. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes in Jammu region, out of which over 250,000 thousand men, women and children were killed and about 300,000 were forced to immigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of the operation. When news of this massacres reached the Frontier Province, the Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

When news of this massacre reached the Frontier Province, the Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

Here are some of the references:

Cristopher Snedden, ‘What happened to Muslims in Jammu? Local Identity, “the Massacres” of 1947 and the Roots of the Kashmir Problems’, South Asia, Vol. XXIV, no. 2 (2001), 111-134.

J. K. Rady, ‘Mass Killings of Muslims in Jammu Province’, Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 3.

A gem of a book written by Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Kashmir (In Urdu), Published by Sang-e-Meel Publications Lahore.

Copland, ‘The Further Shores of Partition: Ethnic Cleansing in Rajasthan, 1947’, Past and Present, 160, (1998): pp. 203-239.

Pakistan Times, (Lahore) 19 September 1947.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 2.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 20 November 1947, p. 6.

Elimination of Muslims from Jammu’, Part II, The Times, (London), 10 August 1948, p. 5.

Daily Telegraph , (London), 12 January 1948.

Planned Massacre of Muslims in Jammu


Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947

Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947 | Kashmir Uprising- Coverage on Kashmir Freedom Struggle

Terrible Fate: ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Jammu’ Muslims in 1947

http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/Artical - 7.pdf

Jammu Massacre 1947

Jammu Massacre 1947 » Kashmir Global

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red | Jammu Regional Muslim's Research Organisation
Some Indian posters have posted here that it were the Pakistanis who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. This is a lie and a farce that Indians have been propagating since long. Actually it were the Indians who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. The Indian invasion was planned and executed in full knowledge of Hindu Indian leadership in the Indian government of the time. The invasion plan was hased out during the meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala with Maharaja of Kashmir. The first of the these meetings was held in Mar 1947, which ultimately resulted in what was popularly known as the Sikh Plan. For the purpose of the invasion the forces of Alwar, Kapurthala, Patiala and Maharaja of Kashmir were to be used. The same forces were first were also directlyinvolved along with Hindu and Sikh marauders to conduct mass Muslim murders and ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Indian Punjab.

They initially planned to conduct mass killings of Muslims and later ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority and then subsequently move to the valley. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes in Jammu region, out of which over 250,000 thousand men, women and children were killed and about 300,000 were forced to immigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of the operation. When news of this massacres reached the Frontier Province, the Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

Here are some of the references:

Cristopher Snedden, ‘What happened to Muslims in Jammu? Local Identity, “the Massacres” of 1947 and the Roots of the Kashmir Problems’, South Asia, Vol. XXIV, no. 2 (2001), 111-134.

J. K. Rady, ‘Mass Killings of Muslims in Jammu Province’, Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 3.

A gem of a book written by Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Kashmir (In Urdu), Published by Sang-e-Meel Publications Lahore.

Copland, ‘The Further Shores of Partition: Ethnic Cleansing in Rajasthan, 1947’, Past and Present, 160, (1998): pp. 203-239.

Pakistan Times, (Lahore) 19 September 1947.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 2.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 20 November 1947, p. 6.

Elimination of Muslims from Jammu’, Part II, The Times, (London), 10 August 1948, p. 5.

Daily Telegraph , (London), 12 January 1948.

Planned Massacre of Muslims in Jammu


Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947

Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947 | Kashmir Uprising- Coverage on Kashmir Freedom Struggle

Terrible Fate: ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Jammu’ Muslims in 1947

http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/Artical - 7.pdf

Jammu Massacre 1947

Jammu Massacre 1947 » Kashmir Global

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red | Jammu Regional Muslim's Research Organisation

Awwww, Feeling so sleepy... My reply is Kashmir is an integral part of India! Good Night!
Forget about the million + muslim kashmirs kicked out out of there homes by the indian army

You forget how jammu was mostly muslim until the hindus killed and forced them all out.

Then why Seperatists are playing victims card when they started it doing with Pundits first?? Wait, probably they never thought even in their dreams before doing, that India will kick their a$$ hard after that. They thought that their Mujahidins will come to rescue them from Afganistan, after withdrawl of soviet union but it didn't work. Rather it made seperatists life hell and more than 23000 militants got killed. History is gonna be repeated once again and this time they will remember India forever.
PS: Besides this time no one from 'world community' except Pakistan(and India don't care Pakistan's position on Kashmir) care about them, not even China and Arab countries.
Today Sikh are most prosperous group in India.
I am sure Kashmir would have been very very bad shape in hand of separatist.
Kashmir could have been best state in India but few small groups are against it.
They know if Kashmir develops people will look after better life rather than old meaningless obsession.
also recent survey shows that even separatist want a new state not the merger with Pakistan.

Well the majority of Sikhs are against that anyway but you do put in a good point I have too admit. It all depends on how they try to achieve this goal. If they try through violent means than they should be stopped.
Some Indian posters have posted here that it were the Pakistanis who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. This is a lie and a farce that Indians have been propagating since long. Actually it were the Indians who invaded Indian Occupied Kashmir first. The Indian invasion was planned and executed in full knowledge of Hindu Indian leadership in the Indian government of the time. The invasion plan was hased out during the meetings between rulers of Alwar, Kapurthala and Patiala with Maharaja of Kashmir. The first of the these meetings was held in Mar 1947, which ultimately resulted in what was popularly known as the Sikh Plan. For the purpose of the invasion the forces of Alwar, Kapurthala, Patiala and Maharaja of Kashmir were to be used. The same forces were first also directly involved along with Hindu and Sikh marauders to conduct mass Muslim murders and ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Indian Punjab.

They initially planned to conduct mass killings of Muslims and later ethnically cleanse areas of Jammu where Muslims were in minority and then subsequently move to the valley. Between July and October 47, over 500,000 Muslims were thrown out of their homes in Jammu region, out of which over 250,000 thousand men, women and children were killed and about 300,000 were forced to immigrate to Pakistan. This was the first stage of the operation. When news of this massacres reached the Frontier Province, the Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

When news of this massacre reached the Frontier Province, the Pathans came to safeguard the Muslims from hordes of marauding Sikhs and fundamentalist Hindus and Pakistan Army moved in later when Indian Army had already invaded IOK.

Here are some of the references:

Cristopher Snedden, ‘What happened to Muslims in Jammu? Local Identity, “the Massacres” of 1947 and the Roots of the Kashmir Problems’, South Asia, Vol. XXIV, no. 2 (2001), 111-134.

J. K. Rady, ‘Mass Killings of Muslims in Jammu Province’, Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 3.

A gem of a book written by Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Kashmir (In Urdu), Published by Sang-e-Meel Publications Lahore.

Copland, ‘The Further Shores of Partition: Ethnic Cleansing in Rajasthan, 1947’, Past and Present, 160, (1998): pp. 203-239.

Pakistan Times, (Lahore) 19 September 1947.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 29 October, 1947, p. 2.

Nawa-i-Waqt, (Lahore), 20 November 1947, p. 6.

Elimination of Muslims from Jammu’, Part II, The Times, (London), 10 August 1948, p. 5.

Daily Telegraph , (London), 12 January 1948.

Planned Massacre of Muslims in Jammu

Planned Massacre of Muslims in Jammu | Kashmir Fight for Freedom by Yousaf Saraf | Project Bazaz

Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947

Jammu Genocide Of Mid September 1947 | Kashmir Uprising- Coverage on Kashmir Freedom Struggle

Terrible Fate: ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Jammu’ Muslims in 1947

http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/Artical - 7.pdf

Jammu Massacre 1947

Jammu Massacre 1947 » Kashmir Global

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red

1947-When Jammu’s Rivers Turned Red | Jammu Regional Muslim's Research Organisation

The invasion of Kashmir was planned by Pakistan army under Brigadier Akbar Khan(who later also planned invasion of Kalat after Kashmir). Brigadier Akbar Khan first arranged some irregular forces of tribals of FATA and dispatched them in Kashmir, on reaching Baramulla Lashkar started killing and looting Kashmiri Muslims and European missionaries and abducted Sikh girls. There hunger for booty stopped them from moving into Srinagar. American Life Magazine Photographer Maragaret Bourke white explained how She saw truck loads of looted booty was coming from Kashmir into Pakistan.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | How the Kashmir crisis began
Is this an attempt to neglect the question. :woot: Apart from Junagadh, Kashmir and Hyderabad you intentionally missed mentioning one more princely state that saw military intervention. :laugh:

Goa against the portugese colonials....
I had been talking to a Portuguese guy, he told me be that Portuguese rewarded Pakistan with an old submarine named Daphne for their support to (colonialists) Portugal against India in Goa.

Fcuk, really? That's a really sordid history of becoming slaves of the west and promoting imperialism and selling themselves for a few dollars. Since freedom came cheap, it had no value.

I don't know abt the sub, but Pakistan sure did support the imperialists. Weird.
The invasion of Kashmir was planned by Pakistan army under Brigadier Akbar Khan(who later also planned invasion of Kalat after Kashmir). Brigadier Akbar Khan first arranged some irregular forces of tribals of FATA and dispatched them in Kashmir, on reaching Baramulla Lashkar started killing and looting Kashmiri Muslims and European missionaries and abducted Sikh girls. There hunger for booty stopped them from moving into Srinagar. American Life Magazine Photographer Maragaret Bourke white explained how She saw truck loads of looted booty was coming from Kashmir into Pakistan.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | How the Kashmir crisis began

BS dogra forces were commiting genocides n attrocities...while numbers of refugees in jhelum valley were swelling with every passing minute...(kashmir is also part of Pakistan)much before any tribal militias went to kashmir.
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