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Why do Indians want to deflect?

I have said it in the past and will repeat it again...
While the known saying is....... ''If you can't beat them, then join them''.......but Indians survive on the belief....
If you can't beat them, then humiliate them........visit any Indian forums.....which thrive on blind leading blind....the one who can abuse Pakistan or Pakistanis the worse......gets most brownie points.
These internet trolls are to say the least obsessive - if they hate Pakistan this much then why come on here with the desire they have? Don’t they realise their own nation has bigger and infinite issues? Perhaps deflection and escapism is what they thrive for!!
friend, it is basic elementary epidimiology nightmare scenario caused by mal-admistration and politics.

I fear if Pak does not get its act together, they will be next given their population density and failure to adhere to protocols.

Why IK said pak can b next is to scare people in adhering to policies who are merrily trodding along on streets without masks

He did not mean pak will b next....

Pak is in 3rd wave and India in 2nd for starters
I made the mistake and read comments on Social Media in regards to Pakistans offer. Not good for my blood pressure unfortunately. You cannot wash away 1200 years of enmity with some whishy whashy feel good slogans and PR stunts. Hope our establishment understands that, it's about time.
the establishment needs to come out of their fantasies. We need to study the enemy very closely. Do we have an independent think tank in Pakistan, that specifically studies ancient india, hinduism, and modern india and it's capabilities and delusions? It always seems to me that we are always reacting to Indian actions, but never have solid policies of our own. One thing establishment doesn't understand is that the enemy hates us and everything about us more than people in pakistan can ever comprehend....so move on and keep the guns oiled and ready.
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the establishment needs to come out of their fantasies. We need to study the enemy very closely. Do we have an independent think tank in Pakistan, that specifically studies ancient india, hinduism, and modern india and it's capabilities and delusions? It always seems to me that we are always reacting to Indian actions, but never have solid policies of our own. On thing establishment doesn't understand is that the enemy hates us and everything about us more than people in pakistan can ever comprehend....so move on and keep the guns oiled and ready.
It is a very reactive policy. No coherent strategy across the spectrum
No one can take cheap shots on the poor suffering. Look for example on any covid thread in the last 48 hours and see - posts like watch what will happen in Pakistan etc - trying to simply deflect. It’s a tragic cringeworthy sad state of affairs created by the negligence
Of those elected. Why the hell deflect? Pakistan’s issues don’t make indian problems go away? The problem is with most Pakistani - if you throw a stone - u are libel to get a brick back. These days are not for this - these days are to reflect and pray for man kind.
True I don't believe mud slinging the other side makes anyone's problems go away. Cooperation is the need of the hour. Sadly it's being asked for at a time where old wounds on both sides haven't healed yet so people don't take the sympathy as genuine. That gives rise to the whataboutism, the suspicion.
friend, it is basic elementary epidimiology nightmare scenario caused by mal-admistration and politics.

I fear if Pak does not get its act together, they will be next given their population density and failure to adhere to protocols.
It’s not just about the current crisis in India - generally indian mentality is when it comes to Pakistan - be abusive - put down or not be able to comprehend any empathy. Members on here from india are quick to have a go at the host - deflecting from their own shortcomings - have a look at any thread with Indians and judge for yourself
It’s not just about the current crisis in India - generally indian mentality is when it comes to Pakistan - be abusive - put down or not be able to comprehend any empathy. Members on here from india are quick to have a go at the host - deflecting from their own shortcomings - have a look at any thread with Indians and judge for yourself
friend - frankly i see worse by the chinese bot army too. we are urging a massive clean up of all these state actors starting with a firm quota or outright blocking unless they can prove they are not a govt agent.
It is a very reactive policy. No coherent strategy across the spectrum
Basically that's our dilemma, and that's why we have suffered some major diplomatic setback through out the years. We have the most useless foreign office in the world, always reactive never proactive. Military seems to follow the same pattern.
friend - frankly i see worse by the chinese bot army too. we are urging a massive clean up of all these state actors starting with a firm quota or outright blocking unless they can prove they are not a govt agent.
Please start a thread regarding the Chinese sir - I am on this thread merely voicing my analysis of the Indian mindset. If there is something wrong - blame Pakistan - if it’s not working - blame Pakistan. Any terror attack? Blame Pakistan - corona? Blame Pakistan. This is an Indian analysis on anything not working in India. Just my opinion
Please start a thread regarding the Chinese sir - I am on this thread merely voicing my analysis of the Indian mindset. If there is something wrong - blame Pakistan - if it’s not working - blame Pakistan. Any terror attack? Blame Pakistan - corona? Blame Pakistan. This is an Indian analysis on anything not working in India. Just my opinion
absolutely bro - it is high time we take this forum back from these people. trust me, we have seen the worst of indian transplant - Guptas. They should take it to their own forums - BK or Xinhua.. Leave us in peace and enjoy productive and cooperative discussion.

It has been become a cesspool of propaganda barrages.
It's all psychological. The inferiority complex will never go away. Deep down, we all know that unless Hindustan can annihilate Pakistan, the inferiority complexes of 1200 years or more can never be expunged (yes, this goes way beyond the existence of Pakistan and India as nation states - hence Indian Muslims are equally on the receiving end of this bizarre treatment).

Quite simply, anything Pakistan offers that implies tacit "superiority" will be framed in this way and rejected, along with a healthy dose of vitriol for acerbic effect. It's pretty pathetic really because natural disasters should not cause such tensions.

The blame for this lies squarely at the feet of arguably the single most developmentally immature government the world has ever seen. Troops of monkeys display more professionalism and maturity than the BJP government, who seem to litter Indian politics with bizarre ranting, islamophobia, personal vendettas and acrimonious slander. The people who voted for them behave like their papas in the BJP and because they remain locked in domination of Indian politics, people are vindicated in echoing whatever nonsense emanates from these most amateur participants in the human species as a whole.
It's all psychological. The inferiority complex will never go away. Deep down, we all know that unless Hindustan can annihilate Pakistan, the inferiority complexes of 1200 years or more can never be expunged (yes, this goes way beyond the existence of Pakistan and India as nation states - hence Indian Muslims are equally on the receiving end of this bizarre treatment).
Quite simply, anything Pakistan offers that implies tacit "superiority" will be framed in this way and rejected, along with a healthy dose of vitriol for acerbic effect. It's pretty pathetic really because natural disasters should not cause such tensions.

The blame for this lies squarely at the feet of arguably the single most developmentally immature government the world has ever seen. Troops of monkeys display more professionalism and maturity than the BJP government, who seem to litter Indian politics with bizarre ranting, islamophobia, personal vendettas and acrimonious slander. The people who voted for them behave like their papas in the BJP and because they remain locked in domination of Indian politics, people are vindicated in echoing whatever nonsense emanates from these most amateur participants in the human species as a whole.
You nailed it.
Sindh under Muslim domination from 712 to 2021 --------->1309 years
Punjab under Muslim domination from 1026 to 1767 -----> 741 years
Punjab under second Muslim domination 1947 to 2021---> 74 years
Kashmir under Muslim rule from 1339 to 1819----------------> 480 years
Delhi under Muslim rule 1192 to 1771----------------------------> 579 years (basically Maratha puppet by 1750s)
Bengal under Muslim rule 1204 to 1757--------------------------> 553 years

I can go on and on..and there are parts of India that were impenetrable for Muslim rulers

Where the hell does the 1,000 year narrative come from?

The only parts of ancient India that have been under 1,000 years of Muslim rule are the ones in present day Pakistan...and as far as I can see, they have been very happy to be ruled by Muslim rulers...That's why they are Muslims for the most part
It's all psychological. The inferiority complex will never go away. Deep down, we all know that unless Hindustan can annihilate Pakistan, the inferiority complexes of 1200 years or more can never be expunged (yes, this goes way beyond the existence of Pakistan and India as nation states - hence Indian Muslims are equally on the receiving end of this bizarre treatment).

Quite simply, anything Pakistan offers that implies tacit "superiority" will be framed in this way and rejected, along with a healthy dose of vitriol for acerbic effect. It's pretty pathetic really because natural disasters should not cause such tensions.

The blame for this lies squarely at the feet of arguably the single most developmentally immature government the world has ever seen. Troops of monkeys display more professionalism and maturity than the BJP government, who seem to litter Indian politics with bizarre ranting, islamophobia, personal vendettas and acrimonious slander. The people who voted for them behave like their papas in the BJP and because they remain locked in domination of Indian politics, people are vindicated in echoing whatever nonsense emanates from these most amateur participants in the human species as a whole.
On the mark sir. The obsession is deep rooted. This site gives us a prime lesson and educated us. Can a zebra change its stripes? I fear not.
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