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Why do Indians want to deflect?

I heard india remove their striker force from LoC. It is a big surprise for all of us.
My recent thought is that there are too few civilizations in this world. In the past, I had great contempt for religion, but I found that religion is actually another form of civilization, and it can be the most advanced form of civilization outside of China. The development of science and technology has hit the religious worldview and weakened the influence of religion. But even the West has not developed a real civilization based on the secular worldview. Therefore, the West has become a barbarian in the cloak of science. So they are hypocritical, cruel and immoral, committing genocide all over the world. But the current concept of human rights in the West is just another extreme caused by the lack of civilization. They cannot solve the problem of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural coexistence. Therefore, the leftists emphasize the unrealistic pluralistic society, while the rightists quickly transform to fascism.

The only thing that both sides have in common to avoid tearing up society is lying. Only lies can hold the broken Western world together. So Westerners have a strange thinking. I can lie to cover up my immorality.Under this kind of thinking, Westerners become more and more distorted.Therefore, all their actions are to cover up civilized inferiority. Indians are just a branch of Pan-Western culture.Rejecting reality is their only self-help.

For Islam, because of its backwardness in science, Islam has suffered less impact. In addition, Islam is more evolved than Christian civilization. Therefore, a relatively complete state of civilization is retained.
I dont seem to understand our Indian members.
We attempt to show sympathy and try to offer support in the tragedy folding in the land known as India - yet most Indian members seem to be more interested in either deflection or having a go about their neighbour?
Is it any wonder with most Indians having the mentality of a goldfish that they try to find solitude in deflection?
Am flabbergasted and hope the amount of energy they have to troll and try to "put down" their neighbor - they invest half of their energy looking after their families health in such tough conditions.

@masterchief_mirza et all....

My question is why are you trying to kiss Indian a$$es. They have been our enemy since 1947 and I see them being an enemy in 2047 and beyond. So, as human let's just feel bad for people's sufferings and do not offer any verbal sympathy, God knows they don't deserve it. Remember these are the same people who are responsible for the death of our school kids and are celebrating it every year. So, Let Allah deal with them way they deserve.
My recent thought is that there are too few civilizations in this world. In the past, I had great contempt for religion, but I found that religion is actually another form of civilization, and it can be the most advanced form of civilization outside of China. The development of science and technology has hit the religious worldview and weakened the influence of religion. But even the West has not developed a real civilization based on the secular worldview. Therefore, the West has become a barbarian in the cloak of science. So they are hypocritical, cruel and immoral, committing genocide all over the world. But the current concept of human rights in the West is just another extreme caused by the lack of civilization. They cannot solve the problem of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural coexistence. Therefore, the leftists emphasize the unrealistic pluralistic society, while the rightists quickly transform to fascism.

The only thing that both sides have in common to avoid tearing up society is lying. Only lies can hold the broken Western world together. So Westerners have a strange thinking. I can lie to cover up my immorality.Under this kind of thinking, Westerners become more and more distorted.Therefore, all their actions are to cover up civilized inferiority. Indians are just a branch of Pan-Western culture.Rejecting reality is their only self-help.

For Islam, because of its backwardness in science, Islam has suffered less impact. In addition, Islam is more evolved than Christian civilization. Therefore, a relatively complete state of civilization is retained.
Bolloxe. The ability or the dispensation or the actual history of barbarity of any civilization is in proximate to it's power. In other words as the power of a society goes up the probability of it indulging in barbarity inceases.
I dont seem to understand our Indian members.
We attempt to show sympathy and try to offer support in the tragedy folding in the land known as India - yet most Indian members seem to be more interested in either deflection or having a go about their neighbour?
Is it any wonder with most Indians having the mentality of a goldfish that they try to find solitude in deflection?
Am flabbergasted and hope the amount of energy they have to troll and try to "put down" their neighbor - they invest half of their energy looking after their families health in such tough conditions.

@masterchief_mirza et all....
This a much needed product that can be obnoxious but is needed in the making of a nation. They call it patriotism. All developed countries from the west to Japan have displayed this characteristic even if now that they have matured and formed they don't need it anymore.

Most Pakistani's don't have this quality which is why the country is struggling amidst disunity and fractured polity. In Pakistan religion supercedes patriotism.
It's all psychological. The inferiority complex will never go away. Deep down, we all know that unless Hindustan can annihilate Pakistan, the inferiority complexes of 1200 years or more can never be expunged (yes, this goes way beyond the existence of Pakistan and India as nation states - hence Indian Muslims are equally on the receiving end of this bizarre treatment).

Quite simply, anything Pakistan offers that implies tacit "superiority" will be framed in this way and rejected, along with a healthy dose of vitriol for acerbic effect. It's pretty pathetic really because natural disasters should not cause such tensions.

The blame for this lies squarely at the feet of arguably the single most developmentally immature government the world has ever seen. Troops of monkeys display more professionalism and maturity than the BJP government, who seem to litter Indian politics with bizarre ranting, islamophobia, personal vendettas and acrimonious slander. The people who voted for them behave like their papas in the BJP and because they remain locked in domination of Indian politics, people are vindicated in echoing whatever nonsense emanates from these most amateur participants in the human species as a whole.

It will not end until virtually the whole of the subcontinent is cleansed of Islam and Muslims, the hatred is beyond even Pakistan, it's on Islam and Muslims and we gullible stupid Pakistanis are praying that India gets out of the blunder they are in while the bhakts are hoping the surge here would be even worse then what they are going through, I mean how gullible can we be?, the enemy wants nothing but our total annihilation while here we are praying for India, I mean do these gullible, stupid Pakistanis have any idea the enemy we are facing?
My recent thought is that there are too few civilizations in this world. In the past, I had great contempt for religion, but I found that religion is actually another form of civilization, and it can be the most advanced form of civilization outside of China. The development of science and technology has hit the religious worldview and weakened the influence of religion. But even the West has not developed a real civilization based on the secular worldview. Therefore, the West has become a barbarian in the cloak of science. So they are hypocritical, cruel and immoral, committing genocide all over the world. But the current concept of human rights in the West is just another extreme caused by the lack of civilization. They cannot solve the problem of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural coexistence. Therefore, the leftists emphasize the unrealistic pluralistic society, while the rightists quickly transform to fascism.

The only thing that both sides have in common to avoid tearing up society is lying. Only lies can hold the broken Western world together. So Westerners have a strange thinking. I can lie to cover up my immorality.Under this kind of thinking, Westerners become more and more distorted.Therefore, all their actions are to cover up civilized inferiority. Indians are just a branch of Pan-Western culture.Rejecting reality is their only self-help.

For Islam, because of its backwardness in science, Islam has suffered less impact. In addition, Islam is more evolved than Christian civilization. Therefore, a relatively complete state of civilization is retained.

It will not end until virtually the whole of the subcontinent is cleansed of Islam and Muslims
If this is about Islam and Hinduism how do you explain the relatively good relations Pakistan has with Hindu Nepal. Or India has with Muslim Bangladesh? Goes against your black/white rendition?

I think it is something else and deeper. A form of inferiority complex.

Their media and Govt created this false image that Pakistan is a terror hub, always wants to harm India, poor nation, the brink of breaking, anything that goes against that narrative will hurt their media and Govt, hence they keep repeating the same stuff, and since their Bollywood artists join the hate band wagon this job becomes a lot easier, I'd say leave India alone and let them have their own affairs, there is nothing Pakistan can do to change the minds of those creatures.
Bolloxe. The ability or the dispensation or the actual history of barbarity of any civilization is in proximate to it's power. In other words as the power of a society goes up the probability of it indulging in barbarity inceases.
The first characteristic of civilization is to control its own forces and then keep itself in order.The greatest characteristic of the immaturity of civilization is the attempt to transfer the violence which cannot be controlled from within to the outside. The behavior manifested is aggression.Racism is only a result of internal violence in accordance with this logic.The determination of status by violence within civilization is a characteristic of animal society, not of civilized society.
If this is about Islam and Hinduism how do you explain the relatively good relations Pakistan has with Hindu Nepal.
Ahh, the Grand Nation of Nepal and Pakistan have good relations? Can you compare that relation to let's say Indonesia or another non-Muslim country like Norway? Nepal is a harmless mountain range totally unbothered what happens outside the world. They are known for frozen Westernes on Mount Everest, that's it.

Or India has with Muslim Bangladesh?
How old were you when Bangladesh broke up with Pakistan? I think you may know the answer, so please stop ignoring ground realities.

I think it is something else and deeper. A form of inferiority complex.
What kind of inferioty complex do you have? "I-want-to-be-Indian-but-I-am-stuck-with-Pakistan-but-we-are-all-the-same-love-you-India"-complex much? Is that Indus thing a coping mechanism to your inferioty complex? Give me a break!

Two nation theory is about Muslims and Hindus not about Pakistan and India.
This a much needed product that can be obnoxious but is needed in the making of a nation. They call it patriotism. All developed countries from the west to Japan have displayed this characteristic even if now that they have matured and formed they don't need it anymore.

Most Pakistani's don't have this quality which is why the country is struggling amidst disunity and fractured polity. In Pakistan religion supercedes patriotism.

Most people are patriotic - doesn't matter what nation. Its rare for a patriot to be irked about their own flag. To suggest this obnoxiousness is needed to create a nation is with respect immature and simply wrong. An approach of honesty and self assessment of issues is the making and striving of a successful nation. Blaming others for their own misdemeanors is the Indian members way.

You then conveniently attempt to divulge into a rant about Pakistan. Open a thread and go and have a rant on it. This is specifically about the number of Indians (and im talking about this forum in particular ) that try to hide anything suggesting India is a land of blooming flowers and prosperity. Why do want to bring Pakistan into this?
Latest news is a request from Modi trying to remove twitter posts relating to the dire covid situation in India. The height of deflection and trying to deflect from knowing how dire the situation is.
Well good luck to Modi, and Good luck to Indians. Let them kiss each other. Pakistan people should ignore these indians, and let karma take of these people.
It will not end until virtually the whole of the subcontinent is cleansed of Islam and Muslims, the hatred is beyond even Pakistan, it's on Islam and Muslims and we gullible stupid Pakistanis are praying that India gets out of the blunder they are in while the bhakts are hoping the surge here would be even worse then what they are going through, I mean how gullible can we be?, the enemy wants nothing but our total annihilation while here we are praying for India, I mean do these gullible, stupid Pakistanis have any idea the enemy we are facing?
Agree in part. We should remember that the poor masses and indeed the few educated pragmatic folks who have common sense among Indian Hindus are not necessarily belligerent beyond repair towards us. Many Hindus have been deceived by hindutva and sanghee mentality. Magnanimity of attitudes displayed by many past Muslim leaders in the subcontinent has brought limited change in world view among Indian Hindus. Perhaps there is no hope as you have suggested, but even amidst the deafening hue and cry of saffronistanis seeking to keep Muslims on display as a token population, there are some who may yet realise that Muslims are not junior partners in the subcontinent but rather we are the very fabric of it.
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