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Why do Indians want to deflect?

Sindh under Muslim domination from 712 to 2021 --------->1309 years
Punjab under Muslim domination from 1026 to 1767 -----> 741 years
Punjab under second Muslim domination 1947 to 2021---> 74 years
Kashmir under Muslim rule from 1339 to 1819----------------> 480 years
Delhi under Muslim rule 1192 to 1771----------------------------> 579 years (basically Maratha puppet by 1750s)
Bengal under Muslim rule 1204 to 1757--------------------------> 553 years

I can go on and on..and there are parts of India that were impenetrable for Muslim rulers

Where the hell does the 1,000 year narrative come from?

The only parts of ancient India that have been under 1,000 years of Muslim rule are the ones in present day Pakistan...and as far as I can see, they have been very happy to be ruled by Muslim rulers...That's why they are Muslims for the most part

Yeah, I wonder why there are more muslims in India than in Pakistan or Bangladesh. I just wonder why, muslims never invaded/conquered present day India, don't know why the 1000 year narratives comes again and again when one can clearly see, no presence of muslims in current day India.

can go on and on..and there are parts of India that were impenetrable for Muslim rulers

Yes, only parts. Hence if one, looks holistically muslims did rule for 1000 years.
Yeah, I wonder why there are more muslims in India than in Pakistan or Bangladesh. I just wonder why, muslims never invaded/conquered present day India, don't know why the 1000 year narratives comes again and again when one can clearly see, no presence of muslims in current day India.

Yes, only parts. Hence if one, looks holistically muslims did rule for 1000 years.

why would you want to tag Muslim rule of Pakistan for 1000 years with that of the situation with India "holistically"? when Pakistanis say that India and Pakistan have nothing in common with each other?
why would you want to tag Muslim rule of Pakistan for 1000 years with that of the situation with India "holistically"? when Pakistanis say that India and Pakistan have nothing in common with each other?
we have muslims in common(though a different breed but still at the end of the day and holistically they are still muslims), also there were no boundaries back then so yeah holistically muslims did rule Pak o hind for 1000+ years, hence the bitterness and hatred in the mind of present day hindus in current day India. They can't conquer Pakistan or Bangladesh, hence persecute the remaining muslims for the pleasure.
we have muslims in common(though a different breed but still at the end of the day and holistically they are still muslims), also there were no boundaries back then so yeah holistically muslims did rule Pak o hind for 1000+ years, hence the bitterness and hatred in the mind of present day hindus in current day India. They can't conquer Pakistan or Bangladesh, hence persecute the remaining muslims for the pleasure.

Boundaries always existed between Kingdoms..treaties happened regarding boundaries even then
Muslims are one nation? Muslims ruled over partsof India and Pakistan is as banal sounding as Human beings ruled over parts of India and Pakistan...Being Muslim doesnot confer nationhood....Hindu majority India would not have come forward to stop industrial scale atrocities being perpetrated on Muslims of East Pakistan had Hindus found pleasure in persecution of Muslims...also valiantly saved Pakistani Muslims from the vengeance of Bengali Muslims...Hindu majority India has been the peacekeeper between warring Muslim factions
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also valiantly saved Pakistani Muslims from the vengeance of Bengali Muslims

stop with the delusions, the whole mukti bahini movement had india's backing. Even your current day PM admits that. "saved" lol. Yeah, I guess if a day ever comes when sikh community from Punjab ever wants to create Khalistan, we can first provide them all military, political, international support and if India loses that war we can save those Indians from the brutality of Khalistani's. What bs delusional narrative, do you understand now? I made an analogy to make it easier understand or is it still hard?

Hindu majority India would not have come forward to stop industrial scale atrocities being perpetrated on Muslims of East Pakistan had Hindus found pleasure in persecution of Muslims

You interfered because it was in YOUR interest, and if we ever get a chance to repay we would do so with our interference so good luck. Bhai bhai me tou larai hoti he hai, nothing new in the power game. But still ask any muslim Pakistani they still consider the Bangladeshi's or even Indian muslims as their brothers.

Muslims are one nation? Muslims ruled over partsof India and Pakistan is as banal sounding as Human beings ruled over parts of India and Pakistan...Being Muslim doesnot confer nationhood...

When the time comes we will be one, under one banner. Muslims are one nation, currently its time pass, the petty games between nations, little power struggles are nothing but a diversion and time pass. If you had studied more about muslim belief you would know, we don't even believe in nation states.
But still ask any muslim Pakistani they still consider the Bangladeshi's or even Indian muslims as their brothers.
This concept is alien to some people. People think that the colour of your passport determines personal sympathy. I am cool with Muslims regardless of their ethnicity, colour or language spoken.

When the time comes we will be one, under one banner. Muslims are one nation, currently its time pass, the petty games between nations, little power struggles are nothing but a diversion and time pass. If you had studied more about muslim belief you would know, we don't even believe in nation states.
Tera mera rishta kya? La ilaha illallah!
When the time comes we will be one, under one banner. Muslims are one nation, currently its time pass, the petty games between nations, little power struggles are nothing but a diversion and time pass. If you had studied more about muslim belief you would know, we don't even believe in nation states.

So Islamic Republic of Pakistan is just timepass? @Indus Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER
an apathetic nation that is more concerned about what happens in Pakistan even when people are dying in its own country. Thank God we got seperated from them.

the price of our tomatoes in Pakistan was news worthy enough for it to be covered in their mainstream media. obsessed and PHD holders in deflection tactics.
So Islamic Republic of Pakistan is just timepass?
He is actually being honest and deserves respect unlike the many hypocrites here who try to conjoin Islam and the state of Pakistan which is fraud. Depending on which interpretation you accept Pakistan is a napak state and contrary to Islamic principles. And I actually agree with this guy and others who state this.

For instance. One of the fundamental tenants of Islam is the idea of Islamic brotherhood. That is we are all one and belong to a brotherhood. That is why if asked who they are the pious will reply "I am Muslim". A true Muslim will place greater value in the faith and submission to Allah then any man made construct.

Since Pakistan does not confer citizenship on basis of being Muslim but rather places Islam second place to chance of birth on a a piece of geography. That is if your a athiest or a idol worshipping Hindu if your born within the man made borders of Pakistan you are Pakistani citizen. But if your a pious believer in Allah and his prophet [pbuh] you are exluded.

Tel me what is "Islamic Republic" about that? That is why some maulana's called Pakistan "napak". The argumant that Pakistan was made in name of islam is turned into a joke by the fact that no one can apply for citizenship on basis of being a Muslim.

The only true state made in name of religion is Israel because their laws entitle any Jew to apply for Israeli citizenship premised on them being a Jew. It being understood not every Jew will move to Israel. In fact most Jews like in USA, Europe etc.

But the idea and law is the point here. This idea of "Islamic Republic" is all show but no talk to fool the gullible masses.
You see what most people don't understand is if a idea or a blueprint has a flaw in it or there is weakness in it's logical rationale you will consistently have problems. You can do what you want, patch it, suppress it but those flaws will keep biting your ar*se.

So far example in 1947 there was serious structural flaw in the making of Pakistan. How could you expect to have two pieces of geography that was separated by 1,200 miles to function as one state? Now In know I hear you say many countries have off shore bits. But that is because they have the mainland, the large homeland and dispersed tiny satellites. Thus think of India and tiny Lakshadweep islands. Think France and French Guina. But French Guina has only less than 0.5% population of France. East Pakistan on the other hand had larger population then West Pakistan. Which raised the question as to where was the mainland?

This was like the satellite was larger than the motherland or mainland. As you all know it is not possible to have a satellite larger than the planet and if it did get larger it would break free from the 'planet' and or make it the satellite. Well what happened in 1971? Nature has it's own logic and if you don't respect it - it will tear your a*se and teach you a lesson.

Now we move to the seconf flaw in the very DNA of Pakistan which was instituted into it in 1949 via Objectives Resolution. By making "Islam" the basis of the state is to invite chaos.

Who has monopoly over Islam? Me, you, Maulan Fazlura Rehman, Mullah Omar, Mohammed Bin Salman, Erdogan, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Maullans [choose your favourite] and it goes on. This means anybody can come along, cite Islam and then challange the state. The state can be put on the backfoot just by crying out "Islam".

And history of Pakistan going back decades demonstrates this. The latest example was the TLP chaos we saw. Now wait till the next guy comes along carrying the banner of Islam.

Think about this. The safety, the stability of Pakistan could be endangered by any event across the entire globe, howsoever distant if the issue relates to Islam. If some prostitute in Murmansk burnt the Quran and a pious loving Muslim rallied some crowds in Rawalpindi demanding Russian government punishes the prostitute and gives decree to Pakistan government to ask Putin to take action or they will burn down Rawalpindi.

Such a notion sounds preposterous right? Well all it requires is the next pious maulana to pick the banner of Islam and watch what happens.
I dont seem to understand our Indian members.
We attempt to show sympathy and try to offer support in the tragedy folding in the land known as India - yet most Indian members seem to be more interested in either deflection or having a go about their neighbour?
Is it any wonder with most Indians having the mentality of a goldfish that they try to find solitude in deflection?
Am flabbergasted and hope the amount of energy they have to troll and try to "put down" their neighbor - they invest half of their energy looking after their families health in such tough conditions.

@masterchief_mirza et all....

****'em is what I say, I have no sympathy for the roaches across the border --
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