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Why Chinese and Indian in this forum don't like each other

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Chinese are over-sensitive.

Anyone challenge there great plane j-20 or questions data on their great economy they go bonkers and let all the mayhem loose.

Mix in the perception of India's pro westernism, and you have rubbed the the century of humiliation by white men wound green.

Indians are overly insecure.

Anyone says a thing about their rebranding of Russian arms as indigenous, which is a fact, they get offended. Coupled with the progress Chinese have made over the years, Indians inferiority complex regress back to British colonization 200 years ago and Muslim subjugation 800 years earlier.
online forum members are a different breed, the anonymity brings out the worst in some.
I dont think chinese or indians here are any different.

real life is different though, the level of friendship and camaraderie among asians here (in US) is quite a sight to see.
@CD - dont try to act as neutral entity. You have no right to sum up the things by quoting other ppl....if I am not wrong; you are one of the pioneers who started flaming almost all India-China threads by resorting to trolling…
@CD - dont try to act as neutral entity. You have no right to sum up the things by quoting other ppl....if I am not wrong; you are one of the pioneers who started flaming almost all India-China threads by resorting to trolling…

I didn't edit any of the posts, everyone can see who started flaming for no reason, even going so far as to declare African people as irrelevant. For no reason at all.
Forget the forum. Indians get along with everyone even with people they hate - that baniya mentality. India are masters at that. That is the reason why you find Indians everywhere in the world and they are flourishing.

I am not sure if that is in jest or the an affirmation of the metaphor "Baghal mein Chrui, moon pe ram ram".
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