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Why Chinese and Indian in this forum don't like each other

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Chinese view the World through the Western framework and hence don't possess their own Point of View.

The above "Chinese" view is nothing but "Western view of India".

There is not much to discuss unless China develops its own independent historical narrative and reassesses its historical relationship with India.

Heck, even China views its own history through Western prism. So no expectations, China will remain subverient to other World Powers.

Somehow it's still the westerners fault huh ? I'm surprised it ain't "the jews" :lol:
Chinese are over-sensitive.

Anyone challenge there great plane j-20 or questions data on their great economy they go bonkers and let all the mayhem loose.

Mix in the perception of India's pro westernism, and you have rubbed the the century of humiliation by white men wound green.
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
Chinese are over-sensitive.

Anyone challenge there great plane j-20 or questions data on their great economy they go bonkers and let all the mayhem loose.

Mix in the perception of India's pro westernism, and you have rubbed the the century of humiliation by white men wound green.

Thats a mirror for many Indians as well.. or Pakistanis for that matter.
Case in point.

The Indians start flaming right away, and we counter flame.

It's just that we are better at counter-flaming, due to the simple fact that the Indian government has bungled up India's development and left them far behind. So they are left with very little to counter-flame with.

You are making me lol , you started before us so we will be behind and also we have democracy they just cant draw a line over my house and break it to construct a road for development...so it will take time.
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
Whne we speak of Westerners, you don't get counted.

Anglo-Saxon to be precise. You people are as good as Africans for us.

Now you've done it :lol:

First of all there is no looking down on africans from you,haven't you seen the latest data ? They're wealthier than you,you're at the bottom of the global totem pole.:lol:

Second, "us people" are millions of years ahead in civilisation and GDP per capita than India,even if we are the poorest in the EU.That alone speaks volumes.Go cry in a corner now instead of living your fantasies on the net.:cheers:
Somehow it's still the westerners fault huh ? I'm surprised it ain't "the jews" :lol:

its not westerner's fault, but fault of chinese for not assesing themselves. Even we do the same, lot of our idea of chinese come from western media.
Nobody is blaming west, just stating fact.
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
its not westerner's fault, but fault of chinese for not assesing themselves. Even we do the same, lot of our idea of chinese come from western media.
Nobody is blaming west, just stating fact.

Still kind of weird seeing that you guys are neighbours,you are close to each other,why get information on one another from across the globe when the answers are next to you? Just saying...
Well, if its any comfort.. they dont get along too well in real life too. On the surface they both will work together.. but neither seems to enjoy working with the other. By comparison, the Chinese get along better with Europeans.
Thats a mirror for many Indians as well.. or Pakistanis for that matter.

Well thats what we are here for aint we, to show each other the mirror :D

I listed some reasons why Chinese and Indian don't like each other. Indian side views are welcome!

I think both sides have some kinds of prejudices.....

Thanks for your thread. I think a lot of the dislike is fostered by the undeniable fact that both Chinese and Indians (all South Asian actually) can be very racist.

However, the solution is more people to people interaction instead of just flaming each other on the internet.

For example, I went to business school in the US and had many Chinese people in my class and study groups.

I have nothing but the greatest respect for Chinese people (of course these guys would be some of the brightest from their nation), their hard work, intelligence and desire to succeed. I also understood better Chinese weaknesses mind you, but every culture has its weaknesses.

Two of my very good friends are originally from mainland China. Great guys.

The more the people of the two countries interact, the less will there be scope for hostility.
Leave aside things that we throw at each other when trolling, here are some reasons why I think we don't get along. Of course, no two Indians are the same, I'm making a general observation.

1962. Not just the war itself, but aftermaths. Indians understanding of the war is completely flawed. Indian govt refused to educate the public on the war, they refused to release the Henderson report. Indian media played up the tension and called us the aggressor. The whole country is brainwashed to a tee, yet they called us Chinese CCP robots.

Indian habits of empty bragging and boasting. This is made worse by their constant desire to compete with us. It's almost become a national obsession. This competition is totally unnecessary, it'll create more rivalry than friendship. Why do Indian has to benchmark against us? Please go find another country.

Indian doesn't like facts and reality, you can rarely have a grounded discussion with them. I'll go as far to say that they are quite delusional about the things.

Sino-Pakistan friendship doesn't go down well with some Indians here, especially when sensitive issues are discussed.
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