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Why Chinese and Indian in this forum don't like each other

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Sep 14, 2013
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I am a new member to PDF and I am a Chinese. Firstly I read from some news which declaimed that India would surpass China and become a superpower in the near future. I did not know a lot about India before. It made me curious about Indian economy, culture and military. I read a book about India history. I searched some blogs and videos about traveling in India.Then I searched for military forum and I found PDF. I learned a lot from all these materials.

I read some threads and find out it seems that Chinese and Indian in PDF don't like each other much. There are many fights and even personal attacks in these threads. It keep me thinking why. This may be an interesting point to discuss. It's better for China and India to be friends than enemies. I listed some views from both sides, although they may not be true or correct.

From Chinese view:

1) The majority of Chinese have very little idea about India. Most Chinese heard about India from an classic novel “Journey to the West” and the history textbook about East India Company which sold opium to China. Most Chinese even know nothing about the 1962 war. We might think these two large developing countries have at least normal relationship if not partners. However, most Chinese members like me would feel shocked when we realized that most Indian were considering China as their biggest threaten and potential enemy. No one likes to be treated as enemy and that's why Chinese members here dislike India as a natural reaction.

2) Big culture difference between China and India. Indian culture like bragging and boasting. Their most used words are "will" and "plan to". However Chinese culture appreciate humility. We do not like to talk unless something in hand. When the Chinese members laugh at Indian boasting, the Indian members fight back. These actions are considered shameless in Chinese culture. Then the argument will be endless.

3) Chinese think that most Indian are brainwashed by the western media or their radical Indian media.

4) In many Chinese view, Indian cities and streets are too dirty and chaotic. We think India is still very poor. Even the small cities or towns in China is much better than Indian capital or Mumbai. India is far behind China in almost very aspects. These kinds of facts make many Chinese members feel good and look down or even make fun on Indian.

From Indian View:

1) China invaded and defeated India in 1962 and China will invade again in future.
2) China support Pakistan to confront India.
3) Chinese are brainwashed by the CCP education and media.
4) China has a autocratic regime.

I listed some reasons why Chinese and Indian don't like each other. Indian side views are welcome!

I think both sides have some kinds of prejudices. Why not use the explanations instead of arguments and attacks. I wish Chinese and Indian can understand each other more and co-exist peacefully.
This is a decent summary of the current forum relations. :tup:

In reality, there are less tensions from our side anyway, because there is almost no threat perception from India. I don't know a single Chinese person who is threatened by India, or perceives India as capable of threatening us.

The Chinese who attack India here are mostly just counter-attacking against forum flaming.
Chinese view the World through the Western framework and hence don't possess their own Point of View.

The above "Chinese" view is nothing but "Western view of India".

There is not much to discuss unless China develops its own independent historical narrative and reassesses its historical relationship with India.

Heck, even China views its own history through Western prism. So no expectations, China will remain subverient to other World Powers.
I like or dislike member based on what he/she wrote. Being chinese has nothing to do with it. There are reason for Indian to hate chinese state, not chinese member here. We had a chinese mod too, am sure Indians respect his views.
I am a new member to PDF and I am a Chinese. Firstly I read from some news which declaimed that India would surpass China and become a superpower in the near future. I did not know a lot about India before. It made me curious about Indian economy, culture and military. I read a book about India history. I searched some blogs and videos about traveling in India.Then I searched for military forum and I found PDF. I learned a lot from all these materials.

I read some threads and find out it seems that Chinese and Indian in PDF don't like each other much. There are many fights and even personal attacks in these threads. It keep me thinking why. This may be an interesting point to discuss. It's better for China and India to be friends than enemies. I listed some views from both sides, although they may not be true or correct.

From Chinese view:

1) The majority of Chinese have very little idea about India. Most Chinese heard about India from an classic novel “Journey to the West” and the history textbook about East India Company which sold opium to China. Most Chinese even know nothing about the 1962 war. We might think these two large developing countries have at least normal relationship if not partners. However, most Chinese members like me would feel shocked when we realized that most Indian were considering China as their biggest threaten and potential enemy. No one likes to be treated as enemy and that's why Chinese members here dislike India as a natural reaction.

2) Big culture difference between China and India. Indian culture like bragging and boasting. Their most used words are "will" and "plan to". However Chinese culture appreciate humility. We do not like to talk unless something in hand. When the Chinese members laugh at Indian boasting, the Indian members fight back. These actions are considered shameless in Chinese culture. Then the argument will be endless.

3) Chinese think that most Indian are brainwashed by the western media or their radical Indian media.

4) In many Chinese view, Indian cities and streets are too dirty and chaotic. We think India is still very poor. Even the small cities or towns in China is much better than Indian capital or Mumbai. India is far behind China in almost very aspects. These kinds of facts make many Chinese members feel good and look down or even make fun on Indian.

From Indian View:

1) China invaded and defeated India in 1962 and China will invade again in future.
2) China support Pakistan to confront India.
3) Chinese are brainwashed by the CCP education and media.
4) China has a autocratic regime.

I listed some reasons why Chinese and Indian don't like each other. Indian side views are welcome!

I think both sides have some kinds of prejudices. Why not use the explanations instead of arguments and attacks. I wish Chinese and Indian can understand each other more and co-exist peacefully.

i'd like to comment on ur bragging point.there are two kind of braggings happen one kind is india will surpass china by 2020,india will reduce its poverty by x% so on.these are done by independent ngo s or mostly a foreign entity.indians know that they have problems and they have to do a lot to become better.
second type is our official govt reports that india will construct an aircraft carrier,india is working on slbm etc..these u may find bragging.but in india govt is responsible for people's money and it has to answer how govt is spending the money..sp they announce the projects before they start.thats for accountability to public.now some of them fail its not that everybody will be succesful for the first time.then chinese trolls come in and try to belittle india by their failures..ur saying that chinese govt is humble and it only discloses things after they are succesful.but what about the failed projects??does anybody know about them??there is a difference in viewing things for both.a chinese should not see indian with a chinese mind set..

second reason why indian and chinese relations are not very good in pdf is most often is that they tend to support pakistani members who insult india or troll indians.ofcouse things are mutual...some people on both sides try to maintain their calm as long as they can.but my advice to you is be neutral u need not troll.u need not reply to trolls.always present ur facts with credible figures or reports..

WELCOME to pdf :)
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
Chinese view the World through the Western framework and hence don't possess their own Point of View.

The above "Chinese" view is nothing but "Western view of India".

There is not much to discuss unless China develops its own independent historical narrative and reassesses its historical relationship with India.

Heck, even China views its own history through Western prism. So no expectations, China will remain subverient to other World Powers.

Case in point.

The Indians start flaming right away, and we counter flame.

It's just that we are better at counter-flaming, due to the simple fact that the Indian government has bungled up India's development and left them far behind. So they are left with very little to counter-flame with.
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
I am a new member to PDF and I am a Chinese. Firstly I read from some news which declaimed that India would surpass China and become a superpower in the near future. I did not know a lot about India before. It made me curious about Indian economy, culture and military. I read a book about India history. I searched some blogs and videos about traveling in India.Then I searched for military forum and I found PDF. I learned a lot from all these materials.

I read some threads and find out it seems that Chinese and Indian in PDF don't like each other much. There are many fights and even personal attacks in these threads. It keep me thinking why. This may be an interesting point to discuss. It's better for China and India to be friends than enemies. I listed some views from both sides, although they may not be true or correct.

From Chinese view:

1) The majority of Chinese have very little idea about India. Most Chinese heard about India from an classic novel “Journey to the West” and the history textbook about East India Company which sold opium to China. Most Chinese even know nothing about the 1962 war. We might think these two large developing countries have at least normal relationship if not partners. However, most Chinese members like me would feel shocked when we realized that most Indian were considering China as their biggest threaten and potential enemy. No one likes to be treated as enemy and that's why Chinese members here dislike India as a natural reaction.

2) Big culture difference between China and India. Indian culture like bragging and boasting. Their most used words are "will" and "plan to". However Chinese culture appreciate humility. We do not like to talk unless something in hand. When the Chinese members laugh at Indian boasting, the Indian members fight back. These actions are considered shameless in Chinese culture. Then the argument will be endless.

3) Chinese think that most Indian are brainwashed by the western media or their radical Indian media.

4) In many Chinese view, Indian cities and streets are too dirty and chaotic. We think India is still very poor. Even the small cities or towns in China is much better than Indian capital or Mumbai. India is far behind China in almost very aspects. These kinds of facts make many Chinese members feel good and look down or even make fun on Indian.

From Indian View:

1) China invaded and defeated India in 1962 and China will invade again in future.
2) China support Pakistan to confront India.
3) Chinese are brainwashed by the CCP education and media.
4) China has a autocratic regime.

I listed some reasons why Chinese and Indian don't like each other. Indian side views are welcome!

I think both sides have some kinds of prejudices. Why not use the explanations instead of arguments and attacks. I wish Chinese and Indian can understand each other more and co-exist peacefully.

4) In many Chinese view, Indian cities and streets are too dirty and chaotic. We think India is still very poor. Even the small cities or towns in China is much better than Indian capital or Mumbai. India is far behind China in almost very aspects. These kinds of facts make many Chinese members feel good and look down or even make fun on Indian.

In the second point you mentioned " Chinese culture appreciates humility" and in the 4th point you mentioned as captioned above.

I am sorry mate but either Chinese don't understand the meaning of humility or this is just some Chinese hypocrisy.

Since we are being brutally honest , I thought I might put it out there. You can't be humble and yet look down on people less materially successful than you.
This is a decent summary of the current forum relations. :tup:

In reality, there are less tensions from our side anyway, because there is almost no threat perception from India. I don't know a single Chinese person who is threatened by India, or perceives India as capable of threatening us.

The Chinese who attack India here are mostly just counter-attacking against forum flaming.

Come on CD, you know it better.. Some Chinese here think they know India better than us.. Just take a count on how many India bashing threads open here compared to China bashing threads?? The language some people use is very disgusting and no respect at all.. Its natural that they will get replied in the same tone.. Some guys here acting like they know all about India and using all kind of foul languages. Some of the members here replied with enough evidence and links to support his claims, then these people will start with IQ and PISA... Some even stick with the same argument in every thread irrespective of the topic.. You cannot blame Indians alone for it..
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
At least in forum there is must be no place for hate be it Chinese or Pakistan members but its emotional nationalism which get better and hate threads n discussion along with trolling astarts
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