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Why Can't Pakistan Shoot Down U.S. Drones?

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I prefer capturing the Drone unharmed, I have my reasons...
Pak welcomes US violations !!! LOL!!! So Indians thinking to borrow few american fighters when they attack...Those flights got monthly pass kinds deal with pak
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Pak welcomes US violations !!! LOL!!! So Indians thinking to borrow few american fighters when they attack...Those flights got monthly pass kinds deal with pak

Ha ha ha....damn funny.

Btw, Pakistan has nothing to worry as India will not attack the terror camps right now. As most terrorist mice would have holed up in their nanni's house out of fear of percision missiles strikes in their camps.

The camps would have been inhabitated with innocent people and children just to prove that Indians kill innocents.

Revenge is a dish, which tastes best when it is cold.
-Mario Puzo

But militarily speaking, we need to prepare the target before taking it out. Just like US campain about WMD's in iraq before taking out iraq.

India is slowly but steadly preparing/softening the target by changing the world opinion against Pakistan. US is also doing its part, and when India strikes pakistan will be left with no diplomatic support. Cos- no country will support state sponcers of terrorists.
RAW does not need any dictation from you. Rest assure, RAW folks are far more evil than you or as a matter of fact a comon indian.
You cant compare Pakistan-India relations to Pakistani-American relations...India would be the last country Pakistan would ever trust.

....and vice versa though for diff reasons.
Ha ha ha....damn funny.

Btw, Pakistan has nothing to worry as India will not attack the terror camps right now. As most terrorist mice would have holed up in their nanni's house out of fear of percision missiles strikes in their camps.

The camps would have been inhabitated with innocent people and children just to prove that Indians kill innocents.

Revenge is a dish, which tastes best when it is cold.
-Mario Puzo

But militarily speaking, we need to prepare the target before taking it out. Just like US campain about WMD's in iraq before taking out iraq.

India is slowly but steadly preparing/softening the target by changing the world opinion against Pakistan. US is also doing its part, and when India strikes pakistan will be left with no diplomatic support. Cos- no country will support state sponcers of terrorists.

Yes, you idiot. No country will be stupid enough to call Pakistan state sponsor of terrorists (due to the very fact that it is fighting against it). No country will be stupid enough to get into a fight which begins with the issue of Kashmir and ends with the issue of Kashmir. The whole world will watch each of us nuking each other. Get your underground ready. ;)
Yes, you idiot. No country will be stupid enough to call Pakistan state sponsor of terrorists (due to the very fact that it is fighting against it). No country will be stupid enough to get into a fight which begins with the issue of Kashmir and ends with the issue of Kashmir. The whole world will watch each of us nuking each other. Get your underground ready. ;)

Imagine Nuclear war over a evidence based on a letter written by some hindu religious cleric in indian foreign ministry on behalf of kasab! :lol:
Imagine their are bigger terrorists exposed within indian army and govt. who are undoubtedly responsible for massacre of samjhota express and Gujrat genocide.
Hindu fundamentalists were also exposed in recent killings of Christians in orrisa.
It is quite funny whole indian machinery is after an imaginary character named Dawood Ibrahim! and neither Zardari nor Sharif can produce him. ha ha ha.
Where as real characters are roaming and carrying out their activities freely in india as we speak.
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dnt forget about ISI smuggling fake Indian notes into India to destabilize its economy lol
This is a quote from a post that appeared on another forum today:-
---Start Quote ------------------
"From my post in Khyber Durra it appears that Pakistani nukes were confiscated (and all centrifuge and reprocessing plants frozen) by USA after 9/11 as punishment for ISI payment of money and logistics to Mohd Atta (PBUH) and his 19 heroes of 9-11 fame; surrender of Pakistani Nukes was one of the demands in the non-negotiable list of demands that was given to Gen. Musharraf when "You Are With Us or Against Us" seduction poetry read by GW Bush to join GOAT or be blown to stone age. When full nuclear stock was audited by USA it appears that Pakistan managed to slip and hide between 1-4 nukes. The understanding with USA was that this GUBO in private should not be made public, else the military will be overthrown (yes military nor Govt). And the Indians should remain convinced that their nukes remain potent (sic). But Yindus being Chankian got the wind (even our own N^3 figured it out) and established that the Hawa Mahal of Pakistani nuke is well .... Hawa Mahal onleeee. ( I heard the same from a senior afsar of Bhartiya Naabhikeeya Kaman).

It is believed that one of the slipped nuke has crossed into US borders and all US agencies have been running like headless chicken since then (2003) trying to locate the nuke.

Of the balance 1-3 nukes that could still be in the hands of TSP Army and stateless irregulars, the form factor does not allow mounting atop missile (again Unkill has reign of the missile launch key), so they can only be delivered to India via JDAM (Jihadi Delivered Ammunition) or aircraft. Both routes have high attrition rate and it is likely that at most likely only one of the 3 may explode in an Indian city. OTOH if they have only 1 left in some hidden caves in Northern Areas (Occupied Kashmir) the chances of it making across to Indian border is well .. . . very slim."
-------End Quote ------------------------------

If the above is true -- that the United States has control of almost all of Pakistan's nuclear warheads -- that would explain why Pakistan is not shooting down American drones. But since the threat from the drones is to the entire subcontinent, not just Pakistan, India ought to be helping to shoot them down, openly, though the real task is militarily ejecting the United States from Afghanistan which should also be India's and Pakistan's joint concern and is easier than might appear (the United States will not risk losing its largest cities to India's nuclear bombs for the sake of remaining in Afghanistan, besides the overwhelming advantage India & Pakistan will have against the United States and its NATO allies in operations with conventional weapons in Afghanistan).

Another point that needs to be made is the capacity of countries like India and Pakistan, with a low degree of urbanisation, to survive a full-fledged nuclear war against a country such as the United States which has a high degree of urbanisation. If both India and the United States launch 5,000 nuclear warheads at each other, targeting the 4,000 largest population centers in the other country (let us assume for simplicity that anti-missile systems are not a significant factor with such a large number of warheads, though, in fact, I have predicted India's anti-missile systems will be far more effective than the United States'), what percentage of India's population will be in its 4,000 largest population centers as compared to the percentage of the United States' population that will be in its 4,000 largest population centers? The fact of the matter is that even if 60% or 90% or 95% of India's population perishes in a full-scale nuclear war with the United States, the remaining population -- say 50 million -- will equal India's population in its classical period and India will survive, with a life-style comparable to that in its classical period. On the other hand, the United States cannot survive the destruction of its 4,000 largest population centers because of the high degree of urbanisation, technology intensive life-styles and other cultural factors. To put it another way, if India loses ALL its electricity permanently, it will survive; the United States cannot. I am predicting that the population of the United States that survives being killed immediately by the nuclear explosions will survive for a limited time period by people eating one another till no one remains alive.
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government probably had some inside deal or something
but in no way are we ever going to let the enemy even close to attacking us
Ha ha ha....damn funny.

Btw, Pakistan has nothing to worry as India will not attack the terror camps right now. As most terrorist mice would have holed up in their nanni's house out of fear of percision missiles strikes in their camps.

The camps would have been inhabitated with innocent people and children just to prove that Indians kill innocents.

Revenge is a dish, which tastes best when it is cold.
-Mario Puzo

But militarily speaking, we need to prepare the target before taking it out. Just like US campain about WMD's in iraq before taking out iraq.

India is slowly but steadly preparing/softening the target by changing the world opinion against Pakistan. US is also doing its part, and when India strikes pakistan will be left with no diplomatic support. Cos- no country will support state sponcers of terrorists.

I would want to tell all new indian posters and some existing ones coming on this and other pakistani forums with their biased and hate filled rubbish that the time of your arrogance to be dug in humiliation by pakistan is coming soon.

You should worry about your beloved india in the aftermath of foolish misadventure cause after any strikes the only massive massacre you will witness will be on indian soil by PAF. We will cripple your india, we will break your back and neck and legs forever. Don't underestimate pakistan, USA is soon about to find out too as zardari's ineffective government will be swiftly replaced. Our whole nation is united and gradually we have started to secure volatile areas like FATA, Bajaur,swat and balochistan. We know in all the regions mentioned above there is confirmed RAW,CIA and MOSSAD sponsorship to some misguided rebels.

With grace of ALLAH the majority pashtun have realised and pakistan army as come to understand the strategy of foreign intelligence agencies. Did you not hear about many rebels surrendering today in many tribals areas, i will post the link in my next post. Plus the situation which has improved in swat and bajaur. Balochistan to is beng handled better, american, indian and israel ****** nefarious designs are been beaten gradually and precisiely. What about the three indian agents of RAW caught today ? Don't worry we are pakistanis and unlike cunning and betraying indians we will present evidence transparently not hideously.
This is what ALLAH says in HOLY QURAN;

“They plot & plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah” (Al-Anfal:30)

Don't worry about USA..it's already a sinking financial, economical, welfare,social and moral power. WE will soon take care of both you ugly enemies..INSHALLAH..

Enough misery has occurred for muslims...now only good news is going to come and Pakistan is going to lead the muslim world. It will capture/conquer india and then israel . Pakistan has been created for a special purpose, whatever our difficulties domestically but thankfully unlike 1971 we are largely a united nation and our fate is not entirely in hands of corrupt thug zardari and his cronies or CIA< RAW and MOSSAD.

Remember “They plot & plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah” (Al-Anfal:30)


These Indians are only good at wet-dreaming when real time comes they would be wetting their dhotis.
“They plot & plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah” (Al-Anfal:30)
I do not want war with Pakistan. But if the situation comes I and my 160 muslims in India will Pray to Allah for Indian victory.
I do not want war with Pakistan. But if the situation comes I and my 160 muslims in India will Pray to Allah for Indian victory.

great, muslims fighting for polytheism to demolish a muslim nation
ya allah what has the world come to :tsk:
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This is from a post that appeared on another forum today:-

"From my post in Khyber Durra it appears that Pakistani nukes were confiscated (and all centrifuge and reprocessing plants frozen) by USA after 9/11 as punishment for ISI payment of money and logistics to Mohd Atta (PBUH) and his 19 heroes of 9-11 fame; surrender of Pakistani Nukes was one of the demands in the non-negotiable list of demands that was given to Gen. Musharraf when "You Are With Us or Against Us" seduction poetry read by GW Bush to join GOAT or be blown to stone age. When full nuclear stock was audited by USA it appears that Pakistan managed to slip and hide between 1-4 nukes. The understanding with USA was that this GUBO in private should not be made public, else the military will be overthrown (yes military nor Govt). And the Indians should remain convinced that their nukes remain potent (sic). But Yindus being Chankian got the wind (even our own N^3 figured it out) and established that the Hawa Mahal of Pakistani nuke is well .... Hawa Mahal onleeee. ( I heard the same from a senior afsar of Bhartiya Naabhikeeya Kaman).

It is believed that one of the slipped nuke has crossed into US borders and all US agencies have been running like headless chicken since then (2003) trying to locate the nuke.

Of the balance 1-3 nukes that could still be in the hands of TSP Army and stateless irregulars, the form factor does not allow mounting atop missile (again Unkill has reign of the missile launch key), so they can only be delivered to India via JDAM (Jihadi Delivered Ammunition) or aircraft. Both routes have high attrition rate and it is likely that at most likely only one of the 3 may explode in an Indian city. OTOH if they have only 1 left in some hidden caves in Northern Areas (Occupied Kashmir) the chances of it making across to Indian border is well .. . . very slim."

If the above is true -- that the United States has control of almost all of Pakistan's nuclear warheads -- that would explain why Pakistan is not shooting down American drones. But since the threat from the drones is to the entire subcontinent, not just Pakistan, India ought to be helping to shoot them down, openly, though the real task is militarily ejecting the United States from Afghanistan which should also be India's and Pakistan's joint concern and is easier than might appear (the United States will not risk losing its largest cities to India's nuclear bombs for the sake of remaining in Afghanistan, besides the overwhelming advantage India & Pakistan will have against the United States and its NATO allies in operations with conventional weapons in Afghanistan).

Another point that needs to be made is the capacity of countries like India and Pakistan, with a low degree of urbanisation, to survive a full-fledged nuclear war against a country such as the United States which has a high degree of urbanisation. If both India and the United States launch 5,000 nuclear warheads at each other, targeting the 4,000 largest population centers in the other country (let us assume for simplicity that anti-missile systems are not a significant factor with such a large number of warheads, though, in fact, I have predicted India's anti-missile systems will be far more effective than the United States'), what percentage of India's population will be in its 4,000 largest population centers as compared to the percentage of the United States' population that will be in its 4,000 largest population centers? The fact of the matter is that even if 60% or 90% or 95% of India's population perishes in a full-scale nuclear war with the United States, the remaining population -- say 50 million -- will equal India's population in its classical period and India will survive, with a life-style comparable to that in its classical period. On the other hand, the United States cannot survive the destruction of its 4,000 largest population centers because of the high degree of urbanisation, technology intensive life-styles and other cultural factors. To put it another way, if India loses ALL its electricity permanently, it will survive; the United States cannot. I am predicting that the population of the United States that survives being killed immediately by the nuclear explosions will survive for a limited time period by people eating one another till no one remains alive.

One word and an abbreviation to describe the above - Unsubstantiated BS.

Please do not cross post comments from such forums without credible sources to validate the point that is being made.
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