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Why Can't Pakistan Shoot Down U.S. Drones?

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Following my post # 44 above, a news report says Pakistan's army chief, Gen. Kayani, has demanded that U.S. drone attacks on Pakistan cease immediately as they are counterproductive in the war against extremism and terrorism. But in post #39 above I poined out that the U.S. government itself acknowledges that it is sponsoring extremism and terrorism in Pakistan through India's RAW:-

"Mitchell Shivers, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Asian & Pacific Security Affairs, gave the following testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 25 June 2008: ".... elements of extremism and terrorism are at work within Pakistan sponsored by the usa and India." (http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/...next-us-target )."

Following this post, the U.S. vice-president-elect, who was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to which the above testimony was made, came to Pakistan with $15 billion in aid. And India's government i) sent letters to governments worldwide not to give financial assistance to Pakistan and ii) gave a dossier of evidence to Pakistan's ambassador (also to U.S., UK, and China's ambassadors) about the Mumbai terror attacks and asked Pakistan to investigate further (earlier it was asking Pakistan not to invstigate but to ACT against the guilty individuals and organisations the U.S. and India had named). As I have been saying for a long time, the guilty parties are the C.I.A. and India's RAW and other intermediaries, in India, Pakistan and other countries, that the C.I.A. uses. The C.I.A. is the epicenter of worldwide terrorism and India's RAW is its most important instrument for terrorist acts (as well as a lot of other crimes) against India. But NO ONE is talking about C.I.A.-RAW being the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks or hundreds of other such acts against India -- not India's government, not India's Opposition parties, not Pakistan' government, not any country's media. Now Gen. Kayani is still talking of the drone attacks being 'counterproductive" in the "war against extremism and terrorism" and India's defence minister met India's service chiefs on Monday, according to press reports, and asked for "presentations" on the security situation. They all know the United States' crimes against India and Pakistan and they are all participating in them. The Indian participants in these crimes will be taken care of by the nuclear destruction of New Delhi; the United States will be taken care of by the ten thousand nuclear warheads and their means of delivery to the continental United States that will follow.
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I have said all the Mumbai terrorists are sons of India, partitioned by India’s enemies to make Indians fight Indians, that an attack by the firangis on Pakistan is an attack on India and occupation of Afghanistan by the firangis is occupation of India.

India’s partition was accepted by Nehru who was a life-long British agent as he admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith and he became India’s first prime minister and, thus, India’s partition had no legal validity as India’s current traitor government has no legal standing. British rule over India, both before and after 1857, was by an occupying power. Any Indians who fought with the British against India’s emperor in 1857 were insurgents.

Pakistan does not shoot down American drones because Pakistan is a creation of the firangis, an insurgency within India to serve the firangis’ purposes. Whereas the firangi-controlled insurgency that is Pakistan is overt, RAW is an instrument of the firangis within India that functions covertly. Both these instruments of the firangis engage in terrorism and warfare against India but RAW, through which the firangis control and operate India’s traitor-puppet government as well as media, does a lot more -- such as suppressing and sabotaging India’s defence research and development and participating in the firangis’ crimes against the greatest living Indian -- and is, by far, the more powerful and effective instrument in the firangis’ hands. The firangis and RAW try to keep India occupied with fighting Pakistan and divert attention from the real enemy -- the firangis -- and any mention of RAW as the firangis’ instrument against India is suppressed. Taking care of RAW and the traitor-puppet government by the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then of the United States by means of ten thousand nuclear warheads will take care of India’s problems. This includes the drone attacks which, as I have said, is the opening of a campaign by the Americans to occupy and recolonise the subcontinent.
they paid 10 billion for that ride why they be put down :usflag:
I have said all the Mumbai terrorists are sons of India, partitioned by India’s enemies to make Indians fight Indians, that an attack by the firangis on Pakistan is an attack on India and occupation of Afghanistan by the firangis is occupation of India.

India’s partition was accepted by Nehru who was a life-long British agent as he admitted to U.S. ambassador Galbraith and he became India’s first prime minister and, thus, India’s partition had no legal validity as India’s current traitor government has no legal standing. British rule over India, both before and after 1857, was by an occupying power. Any Indians who fought with the British against India’s emperor in 1857 were insurgents.

Pakistan does not shoot down American drones because Pakistan is a creation of the firangis, an insurgency within India to serve the firangis’ purposes. Whereas the firangi-controlled insurgency that is Pakistan is overt, RAW is an instrument of the firangis within India that functions covertly. Both these instruments of the firangis engage in terrorism and warfare against India but RAW, through which the firangis control and operate India’s traitor-puppet government as well as media, does a lot more -- such as suppressing and sabotaging India’s defence research and development and participating in the firangis’ crimes against the greatest living Indian -- and is, by far, the more powerful and effective instrument in the firangis’ hands. The firangis and RAW try to keep India occupied with fighting Pakistan and divert attention from the real enemy -- the firangis -- and any mention of RAW as the firangis’ instrument against India is suppressed. Taking care of RAW and the traitor-puppet government by the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then of the United States by means of ten thousand nuclear warheads will take care of India’s problems. This includes the drone attacks which, as I have said, is the opening of a campaign by the Americans to occupy and recolonise the subcontinent.

The sooner Indians stop with this expansionist BS, the sooner South Asia can move towards peace.

India's moral and legal violations on Kashmir stem from this very irredentism and arrogance, and India will continue to be a hurdle to peace so long as these attitudes, indeed lies, spoken or unspoken, exist in Indian minds.
We can not shoot down drones coz we are afraid of US, while for Indians we easily send our jets coz we are not afraid of Indians, simple.
Why is a nuclear power so afraid of another country that it not only does nothing about its twice weekly attacks on its territory but gives officials of the attacking country awards when they visit? Pakistan's population is more than the population of Russia. Its territory and natural resources are more than the territory and natural resources of Japan. Even without Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, it is not difficult to think of ways Pakistan could deliver half a dozen nuclear weapons to the United States' coastal cities such as New York and Washington, the prospect of which occurring will stop America and its drone attacks cold. Do you think Iran, militarily smaller than Pakistan in every way, would tolerate such attacks on its territory?
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Nor are Pakistanis more fearful than Americans as a people. There are many Pakistanis willing to blow themselves up in fighting against an aggressor; I don't think there are many Americans willing to do that.
Why is a nuclear power so afraid of another country that it not only does nothing about its twice weekly attacks on its territory but gives officials of the attacking country awards when they visit? Pakistan's population is more than the population of Russia. Its territory and natural resources are more than the territory and natural resources of Japan. Even without Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, it is not difficult to think of ways Pakistan could deliver half a dozen nuclear weapons to the United States' coastal cities such as New York and Washington, the prospect of which occurring will stop America and its drone attacks cold. Do you think Iran, militarily smaller than Pakistan in every way, would tolerate such attacks on its territory?

Pakistan is not afraid, it has no choice, and at the same time with secret agreements, they allow the drone attacks to be carried out as long as they deliver good results.
Yes Pakistans population is bigger then that of Russia, but Russia is far more developed and their productivity is much higher, so Pakistan has alot of catching up to do before their numbers actually matter.
As for being bigger then Japan regarding landmass and having more resources, it doesn't matter either, they are technologically superior to us in any way, perhaps even the U.S. on quite a few fronts.
Japan has developed in a fast pace after WWII.
Pakistan simply needs time aswell to develop, the country is facing alot of difficult issues that need to be dealt with, and with a neighbour like India constant trying to expand its will upon us, it's hard to focus only on economic development.
Also, Pakistani missiles do not have the range to hit any U.S. city, AND, a strike against U.S. wouldn't be feasible because we'd be bombed back to the stone ages.
Instead, we should co-operate with them and try and benefit as much as possible from this up and down relationship with the U.S.
I sometimes wish we wouldn't deal with the Americans myself because they simply cannot be trusted no matter what they say, they'll stab you in the back, and i'm talking about the U.S. government in particular, not the people.
Irans position and Pakistans position are totally different from eachother, the story is way different too, you cannot compare these 2 nations regarding the U.S. policies.
It's a cat and mouse game, we need to hold our own and at the same time try and improve our country with whatever seems to be possible with a stable relationship with the Americans.
We can not shoot down drones coz we are afraid of US, while for Indians we easily send our jets coz we are not afraid of Indians, simple.

Nice post, especially the bold part. :usflag:
Speaking of terror operations against the United States which is their excuse for the drone attacks, the Americans should be confronted with the fact that the jews have planted nuclear weapons in New York (and possibly other U.S. cities), to be exploded if necessary and U.S. presidents from at least Clinton onwards, as well as other Americans, have known about it but have done nothing. See

WEB SUBMISSION: Terrorism - Opinions
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Speaking of terror operations against the United States which is their excuse for the drone attacks, the Americans should be confronted with the fact that the jews have planted nuclear weapons in New York (and possibly other U.S. cities), to be exploded if necessary and U.S. presidents from at least Clinton onwards, as well as other Americans, have known about it but have done nothing. See

WEB SUBMISSION: Terrorism - Opinions

And with this peace of lunacy....I declare this thread closed!
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