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Why are so many black and Asian women desperate to be white?

Pakistani Man

May 3, 2010
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Why are so many black and Asian women desperate to be white?

By Yasmin Alibhai-brown

It's a shocking and rarely discussed phenomenon. But, according to one of our most respected Asian commentators, it's feeding a cynical industry of plastic surgery and skin-lightening cosmetics...

An acquaintance of mine, Umi, whose family is from India, has skin the colour of dark teak and big black eyes. We are having tea in a small cafe in London. She is agitated because her younger, fairer-skinned sister has had a good marriage proposal, while Umi, who's 28, is still waiting for her Mr Right.
'What did I do wrong in previous life?' she wails. 'I will do anything to change this horrible colour, the round nose.

'And look, just look at this fat, flat Indian face; no bone shape at all. Let's go to a plastic surgeon - if two of us go, maybe we can get a discount. Buy one, get one free!'

Two women facing each other

This is not some dippy woman with more money than sense. She is a primary school teacher in a large UK city.

So when she suggests this, do I hug her and laugh companionably, or challenge her grotesque desires and values? Where do they come from?

There is no doubt that, even in the 21st century, being white offers to all too many minds a stamp of supposed cultural superiority. But that only partly explains Umi's pathological self-mortification.

And she isn't alone. Gazing at the mirror at my age is always testing, since callous time etches and doodles on it relentlessly. But it is my face - uniquely mine - still able to attract the odd flirty bloke.
Unlike Umi, I don't recoil from my own image as an Asian woman, even though arbiters of beauty have forever judged women of colour to be aesthetically and biologically inferior to white females.
Coloured skin is considered a curse unless it is a fake tan, and so are those flat noses, thick lips (considered gorgeous on Scarlett Johansson but not on Whoopi Goldberg), short necks and legs, apple and plum shapes.
What a lot of uglies we are; unworthy; unfit to kiss the feet of Western fashion goddesses and Hollywood stars.
In glossy magazines and on billboards, models are mostly white. They daily remind us people of colour that we're not worth it.
Take Charlize Theron, advertising a perfume brand: golden hair, ivory skin, bright, radiant eyes, burnished lips, diffusing luminosity like a full moon. 'The incarnation of absolute femininity,' says the caption.
Charlize joins the galaxy of exquisite blondes, past and present - from Marilyn Monroe to Twiggy, and now to Sienna Miller, Nicole Kidman and Kate Hudson.

Radiant: Actress Charlize Theron has joined the Hollywood list of exquisite blondes

But dark-haired Audrey Hepburn, Catherine Zeta Jones, Julia Roberts and our own ubiquitous Cheryl Cole are also up there; white women whose beauty sets the standard and raises hopeless aspirations among many Caribbean, African, Chinese, Arab and Eastern women who want to shed (or shred) their racial features so they, too, can dazzle.
That, at least, is what they imagine, these brainwashed millions.
Dream-makers have always projected idealised and unattainable images of women - to create insecurities and stimulate desires.
That's what they do. And, sadly, countless non-white women can't resist their pernicious influence.
They believe that skin colour can make or break you. And that can even include what shade of brown or black your skin is.
Surveys in the U.S. have long shown that all things being equal, lighter-skinned black people get more job and life chances than do those with darker skins.
The combination of superb talent and honey skin make stars such as Halle Berry and Beyonce irresistible. Tracy Chapman, fine singer but 'too black', remains in the shadows.
Michael Jackson appeared to understand that reality and internalise the prejudice. He claimed his ever-lightening skin was the result of the skin condition vitiligo, but combined with his straightened hair and slimline nose, he became a dubious role model for black people unhappy in their own skin.
Similarly, Leona Lewis and Lewis Hamilton - both mixed race - are envied for their looks by many ambitious black Britons.
I overheard two young mixed-race girls this week agreeing that the wannabe singer Rachel Adedeji had to be dropped from X Factor because she was too dark for people to like her.

We have to accept that such sick and sad attitudes are fed by pressures within their own communities.
Rani Moorthy, a brilliant theatre actress and playwright, has written movingly on 'shade discrimination' in Asian communities, using her own searing experiences.
When she was only a child, her grandmother advised her to get some skills because no man would marry her.
'It was because I was dark-skinned. It was treated as a disease, and every Friday I would have oil baths in an attempt to lighten my skin,' she recalls.
My own mum, open-minded in every other way, put chickpea flour paste on my face for the same reason, and did not let me have coffee or tea for fear it would make me dark.
In the Eighties, I used to train teachers so they could deal confidently with multi-racial classes.

They were intensely worried about black and Asian children who stubbornly described themselves as white and sometimes used Brillo pads to rub off their 'bad' skin.
I thought we had moved on from those days. Evidently not.
More women than ever detest themselves and are desperately seeking to be more like the white movie stars and supermodels they idolise.

A study in America found that plastic surgery among minorities had quadrupled between 1997 and 2003.

Black or white? Michael Jackson claimed his ever-lightening skin was the result of the skin condition vitiligo

Here, too, the figure is shooting up. One prominent example is a British model named Jet, of Caribbean origin, who says she wants to look like a Barbie doll.
As demand increases for such transformations, so suppliers come forth. A new army of plastic surgeons has emerged, promising to make any race look more Caucasian, more gorgeous.
One of them, a slippery-smooth Dr Shailesh Vadodaria, claims they are, thereby, creating a new 'de-racialised' world: 'It's part of the globalisation process where ethnic differences are going to be narrower and narrower.'
They have charts and measurements, percentages and figures to show our faces are more brutish and less pleasing than those of Caucasians.

Some of these creepy people appeared last Tuesday on Bleach, Nip, Tuck: The White Beauty Myth on Channel 4.
There was Tahira, a likeable Bangladeshi woman who hates her toffee-coloured skin. She said: 'I dream about how to become white - how to look white and beautiful.
'Michael Jackson, I love his colour. I mean, I want to know what type of things he used to become that colour.'

So smiling broadly, a man named Dr Jacques Otto obliged and sold her stuff in a jar costing a fortune. Who knows if it will work. What we do know is that many whitening creams can cause irreversible damage.
Another Channel 4 programme featured a French doctor, Dr Jean-Marc Guichet, who extends the legs of oriental females - an excruciating process - to give them Jerry Hall pins. Or not. It is almost a kind of sinister racial cloning.
The international media has a large part to play in this. You have only to look at the television both here and in 'emerging' countries from India to Brazil to see that there is still no doubt which colour is the most alluring, and confers the most status. Indian actresses were once all shapes and colours. Now, top Bollywood female stars are pale and have green or light brown eyes (or contact lenses).
British women of Vietnamese or Chinese origin are having their eyes widened and breasts enlarged because their men like them better that way.
On Asian marriage sites, third generation British Asian men ask for 'wheaten' brides. Asian fashion magazines, meanwhile, regularly use dark-haired Eastern European models.
And in black communities, Western features are craved, hair is straightened, skin lightened for reasons which I find profoundly disturbing.

That Caribbean model, Jet, having bought herself a pointy long nose, now says she looks rich enough to shop in Waitrose.
This mass 'ethnic' psychosis is manifestly getting worse. And my teacher friend Umi proves my point.
She's made an appointment with a Harley Street doctor to begin her 'de-racialisation', starting with the nose and chin.

She hopes that after spending thousands of pounds, she will find a new face looking back at her in the mirror.
Her experience is backed up by several letters I've received from parents and teachers worried that a number of non-white children are rejecting their looks and identities.
One mother writes: 'My children are Afro-English. My older daughter was happy with her curly hair and lovely brown skin, but my younger daughter Betty, who's eight, says she hates her hair and her African dad.
'His own mother says Betty is too dark. She pulls her hair out and keeps scratching her arms as if she wants to tear off her skin.

'We are getting her psychological counselling and it is tearing us apart. I really thought we had beaten this.'
So did I. Back in the Sixties, the Black Is Beautiful movement in the U.S. spread across the world and made us proud to be who we were, even in Uganda, where I was growing up.
I stopped ironing my hair to try to make it look like Jean Shrimpton's, and my African college room-mates let their hair go naturally Afro again. No more burnt hair in the sink, and a new dawn, we thought.
For a few decades, yes. But now we have a world where American morality and media impose their standardised Western notions on every corner of the globe. And a surge in 'ethnic' self-loathing and self-mutilation has emerged in its wake.
What is different now is the absence of any political or social fightback against this. The message seems to be that race is dispensable, can be wiped out if you can pay for the privilege. Then what?
Do Jet and Umi and all those other young women think they will be good enough to please the bigots of the BNP?
When, oh when, will we stop being our own worst enemies?

YASMIN ALIBHAI-BROWN: Why are so many black and Asian women desperate to be white? | Mail Online
Modern India's complex connection with complexion

Modern India's complex connection with complexion
Special to The Globe and Mail

NEW DELHI -- The young woman with pretty eyes and flawless diction aspires to celebrity. But her skin is too brown. One day, her sister hands her a tube of Fair & Lovely skin-lightening cream.
Flash forward. She's decked out in heels and a pink sari, her hair is styled in willowy curls like a film star, and her dusky complexion is pale, nearly as white as her smile. She lands her dream job as a cricket commentator. Mom wipes a joyful tear.
The storyline of such television advertisements, packaged by turn in themes of love and career, has helped to propel a blossoming market for skin whiteners in South Asia. It exploits a deeply rooted but largely unchallenged reality: to the Indian gaze, dark skin is ugly.
"Racism has become a part of the Indian psyche," Pavan Varma, author of Being Indian, said in an e-mail. "The real irony is that a brown nation looks down on the dark."
India, home to one-sixth of humanity and birthplace of four major religions, is a country bursting with variety. Inhabitants speak more than 1,500 native tongues, cook from at least 35 regional cuisines and align with as many as 772 registered political parties. Comprised largely of sunny tropics and deserts, most of its people have coffee-coloured skin.
But the sirens of Indian cinema and fashion are with few exceptions tall, slender and honey-hued. It's a colour worn by Aishwarya Rai, the green-eyed former Miss World and paragon of Indian beauty, but possessed by a small fraction of the general population.
Each Sunday, the fair ideal is put on display in the marriage ads that run in Indian newspapers. Male suitors request slim bodies, expertise in household work and skin tones from within the narrow band of "fair" to "extremely fair."
At least 75 per cent of Indian women aspire to lighter skin, according to Hindustan Lever Ltd., maker of Fair & Lovely products.
Studies of southern Asian women in the United States and Canada have found that the darker their complexion the less pretty they feel.
"They believe they are like an onion -- that the inner part is much more shiny bright," says Delhi dermatologist Rishi Parashar, who often sees patients arrive with rashes after applying bleach to their skin. "These people will never be happy."
Indian anthropologists say the preference is ancient, carved into the culture by waves of light-skinned invaders, most recently the British, who left natives with the stubborn notion that they were inferior. The complex spans both city and village, where the majority reside, and afflicts women and men.
Women have invented a variety of tone-battling techniques. In the sunny summer months, they shield themselves with scarves, gloves and big-brimmed hats. They soak their bodies in combinations of milk, honey, lemon, cucumber and almond juice, eating the same during pregnancy with the hope of producing pearly-complexioned children.
With the rise of India's economy and birth of a 300-million-strong middle class, an appetite has risen for more modern strategies.
Western companies such as Avon, Estée Lauder and Revlon have responded with an armoury of new skin-lightening products, commonly containing bleaching agents like hydroquinone and Kojic acid. In the past five years, the fairness-cream market has grown by roughly two-thirds to more than $230-million (U.S.).
Ashok Venkatramani, a spokesman for Fair and Lovely, the leading brand, said in a statement the company does not promote fairness. Women's desire for lighter skin is equivalent to a desire for different hair colour, he said.
The cricket commentator ad, and others like it, he said, "does not condemn a woman who is not fair. It simply delivers the message that it is possible to change one's outlook towards life."
Some observers are careful to distinguish India's colour preference from the kind of racism practised elsewhere, such as apartheid-era South Africa, which involved systematic repression of those with darker skin.
But there are parallels. Tone is not just a measure of beauty in India; it is also a mark of caste. It's believed that caste occupations were originally decided by skin colour, with dark-skinned people assigned to the latrines and light-skinned people assigned to the Hindu clergy.
Thousands of years later, the colour-caste correlation is diluted, but still loosely in place. Aggressive affirmative-action programs have bettered the lives of many at the bottom but India is not nearly yet a land of equal opportunity.
"Caste may not be the same as race. But discrimination has gone on for thousands of years," says Uma Kant, a leading campaigner for Dalits, the so-called untouchables who continue to face cruelty, especially at the village level.
In recent years, some signs of resistance to the fair-skin ideal have surfaced. The portrayal of white privilege in Fair & Lovely ads prompted outcry from women's groups and intellectuals. Fashion bosses point to the success of dark-skinned model Ujjwala Raut, and edgy new Indian films have begun employing browner actors in leading roles.
Radhika Basu, a 24-year-old graduate student at the Indian Institute of Management, says she feels little pressure to whiten up.
"Friends used to tease," Ms. Basu said of her mahogany-toned skin. "Grandmothers too." The taunts would hurt her feelings. But no more, she said.
With her education and "because of the kind of person I am," she says she feels totally comfortable in her skin. "I am single, and if I went in for arranged marriage, I may come across people who would prefer a fair bride," she said. "But then I'd hate to marry into such a family anyway."

[TalkZEST] Modern India's complex connection with complexion
Its our bad luck that Indians are obsessed with us Pakistanis. We create this Pakistani forum and it gets flooded with Indians. Indian girls want to marry our men. India now wants to be in Afghanistan so they can be on the both sides of us. Everywhere we go its Indians who always looking at us Pakistanis. Just our bad luck.

Another thread about India's Pakistan obsession :)
Another thread about India's Pakistan obsession :)

he's being stupid lol, we are all the same i believe.

but these articles are very upsetting, what will the future be like this? i didn't know there was this much increase to this. shocking indeed. this is clear brainwashing. i was watching this show once, it showed an african girl who hated her skin and was calling herself bad names like **** and etc. it was very shocking. she said she wanted surgery to get away from this, her family was crying and other white people were too. she basically insulted her whole race. we are constantly being manipulated and put down in everything, equally by ourselves.

there are good and bad in every place, bad have more influence than the good ones unfortunately. i'm very selfconcious, but never would think of this, never. and the sad thing is it's happening everywhere. i know a few people myself who constantly talk about them being not light skinned. please don't bash me for my opinion, but i think this is certainly wrong. what are your guys views?
insecurity and the false ideal of beauty
the same reason why white people do tanning, they want to elevate themselves up the social ladder, since being tanned in Europe shows wealth and easy living
In the old days, elite Europeans used to powder themselves white as snow in order to differentiate themselves from people who actually had to work for a living, often in the fields all day under a scorching sun, giving them the dark tan and used look.
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Have you folks SEEN beyonce? or that Indian chick Bipasha Basu? or Halle Berry?

Chicks can look hot, when they're hot. Skin color is irrelevant for hotness.

good for you that you havent seen rakhi sawant without makeup
I never liked white color, and i kind of get irritated by this fact that every girl here has a lust to become white.. maybe because majority of people here are fond of western women but still seen alot of girls who look awesomely hot despite having black,brown or tan colour..having said that theres one major fact which i witnessed quite extensively is that .. All that hotness is not gold..and people in pursuit of hotness end up quite miserable...but its nature of men that they fall for the looks while ignoring the inner beauty which is very very VERY Rare in these times :)
The white Caucasian tribes from Eurasia conquered old civilizations in Egypt, Babylon, Persia and India nearly three thousand years ago. They created the myth of white superiority and still is around today. The Hindu caste system was established by white Aryans from modern Ukraine which enslaved the dark natives. Then Europe also moved ahead after end of its Dark Age and conquered and colonized most of the world. The white skin became sign superiority while the dark skin of inferiority.

Kim Kardashian is a Armenian-American with olive skin and dark hair has now became famous after her reality TV show and sex tape. The olive skin girls in America never faced flirty white males before and now they are a craze. The Armenian girls in US are complaining that white males expect them to be like Kardashian sisters. The Iranian, Pakistani, Indian and Arab girls are also often mistaken with Kardashian look and get flirty looks which they never got before as men only noticed white girls.

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In the Caribbean region they have a concept called 'browning' - apparently the craze is to lighten the black colour to a more 'acceptable' shade of brown.

This is a disease that affects most of us. No country in Asia - especially South Asia - is immune. :frown:

I don't really know what it is but I think that even conventionally accepted standards of 'beauty' are a function of cultural and economic dominance, the Caucasian standard of excellence finding expression in all spheres of life.
This disturbing trend is increasing rather than decreasing. It's the duty of media to discourage such obsession. But they are rather promoting it. In the past, fair and lovely creams were only used by women but now fairness creams for men are also available in the market.
While I was born fair, I hate people discriminating based on color. In my opinion they are sick people, since you can do very little to change the color.
in europe all the superstore shelves are fille with tanning creams n here they have whitening... in short women can never be satisfied with their looks, so just let em be!!!

personally i prefer the facial structure over ones skin color!!!
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