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Indians Seize NYC Terror To Peddle Anti-Pakistanism

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Apr 4, 2009
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Mr. Sadanand Dhume is a columnist for Wall Street Journal. Earlier this week, he wrote a column on the failed New York City terror attempt. He gave this provocative title to his column, 'Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists'.

His sub-heading was even more interesting. It read: Carved out of the Muslim-majority areas of British India in 1947, it was the world's first modern nation based solely on Islam.

My gut reaction was: What's that got to do with anything?

How typical. An event offers itself to malign Pakistan and Indians pop up everywhere to offer distortions on history and policy that - in an innocent coincident of course – overlap with long held Indian policy objectives. Most WSJ readers won't know this because most outsiders are not privy to the full history of Indian antagonism toward Pakistan since this small nation's rise in 1947 after an epic and peaceful struggle.

One of the official Indian objectives has always been to question directly and indirectly the rise of Pakistan as an independent nation. That's exactly what Mr. Dhume does here, innocently of course. In lamenting the rise of a Muslim-majority nation, he conveniently forgets that it was Hindu extremism in his country that pushed the ruling Muslim elites of the region - who were a distinct race and culture by all standards - to seek the right to shape their own destiny.

Pakistan is Muslim in the same way that Israel is the world's first and only nation created in the name of Judaism and in the same way that Ireland is Catholic and India is Hindu, even if it presents itself as secular.

Instead of obsessing over Pakistan and seizing opportunities to malign it, Mr. Dhume would do well to explain to us and the world how a secular democracy in India produced 21st century's first genocide against Christians [almost 600 killed in the summer of 2009] and Muslims [2,000 burned alive in 2002].

Pakistan, despite failures of governance and politics and a history of foreign meddling in its affairs by outside powers, remains immune to this rapid and violent deterioration in tolerance that has affected the world's largest democracy.

Why do US newspapers solicit insights on Pakistan from biased, agenda-driven Indians?

Even the US government does it. Recently, Washington sent an Indian to head the USAID office in Islamabad. This is a sign of prevalent anti-Pakistanism in some corners of US media and government.

Of course, WSJ doesn't hide its bias against Pakistan. It is not interested in offering a balanced perspective. Like most of the mainstream US news organizations, this publication has been at the forefront of demonizing Pakistan and spreading unsubstantiated rumors about Pakistan's nukes and the country's imminent breakup. To be fair to WSJ, most mainstream US news outlets have been peddling these theories as news for the past three years.

Now the US Embassy in Islamabad is recruiting Pakistanis from the media and academia [as consultants to USAID, to DoD, to CIA-linked think tanks, etc.] to beautify Washington's real face in the eyes of ordinary Pakistanis.

But Pakistanis are not stupid. They know how Washington has been treating Pakistan as a de facto enemy state and deceiving Pakistan for the past eight years.

This op-ed by Mr. Dhume is also a sobering reminder for Pakistanis that India remains the number one threat to Pakistan's long term security and stability. The Indians won't miss a chance to harm Pakistan, like they did in 1971 when they unilaterally invaded Pakistan when Pakistanis were busy in a post-election domestic squabble.

PakNationalists is a meeting point of Pakistani nationalists. We come from all backgrounds. We are proud of the great history of all Pakistanis, a people extracted from the great cultures of the Turks, Persians, Arabs and Aryans. And we are proud of modern Pakistan, a nation that rose against all odds. We believe in the oneness of the Pakistani nation and that it is destined to play its role in these challenging and interesting times. This pride affects how we approach Pakistan’s national and international policy issues. By Ahmed Quraishi

Source: Pakistan Ideology

They certainly are. Especially, influential people like Fareed Zakaria.

No doubt about it.

The New York city mayor just said any Anti-Pakistani bullying will not be tolerated. He knew this would be coming, but not only from Indians.
Very sad to see, but it appears to be true. The majority of Indians seem to be exploiting this opportunity. I am surprised when the question is asked on this forum, 'why do you consider us the enemy'... Since 1947, when India refused to give Pakistan its fair share of united india's resources, there has been one effort or the other to undermine or harm Pakistan. How can trust or a friendly sentiment survive when the genesis of the relationship is based on betrayal and theft?

That said, all power to people like Jaswant Singh who are trying to change things. It's a good goal to aim for, but not for a moment can we let our guard down...
Any wonder India is not a regional player, the reality is that due to their lack luster mindset and despite denials, Indians are Pakistan obsessed.
One just needs to look at the Shoib Sania thread, the initial reaction was as if Taj Mahal was being shifted to Pakistan. Once saw a video of this saffron brigade character delivering election speech, it wasn't about eliminating poverty or providing basics to the masses rather the rant was about teaching Pakistan a lesson. Seems history has taught him a lesson or two.
Try to be honest what does Pakistan does when fake Kashmir incidence happens?
Incidence after incidence terror attacks have been traced to Pakistan and you want world to believe all is well?
Very sad to see, but it appears to be true. The majority of Indians seem to be exploiting this opportunity. I am surprised when the question is asked on this forum, 'why do you consider us the enemy'... Since 1947, when India refused to give Pakistan its fair share of united india's resources, there has been one effort or the other to undermine or harm Pakistan. How can trust or a friendly sentiment survive when the genesis of the relationship is based on betrayal and theft?

That said, all power to people like Jaswant Singh who are trying to change things. It's a good goal to aim for, but not for a moment can we let our guard down...

ohh please like Pakistan does not leave a chance also. Dont make Pakistan look like a saint. Just the amount of threads here on Indian poverty, maoist etc etc shows how much you guys respect India. Its an obvious thing, when you give the enemy a chance he will use it. If an Indian had done this im sure you would have seen floods of articles calling India the new hum of terrorim etc etc. The rule of the game, dont give the enemy a chance, if you do then dont complain .
Very sad to see, but it appears to be true. The majority of Indians seem to be exploiting this opportunity. I am surprised when the question is asked on this forum, 'why do you consider us the enemy'... Since 1947, when India refused to give Pakistan its fair share of united india's resources, there has been one effort or the other to undermine or harm Pakistan. How can trust or a friendly sentiment survive when the genesis of the relationship is based on betrayal and theft?

That said, all power to people like Jaswant Singh who are trying to change things. It's a good goal to aim for, but not for a moment can we let our guard down...

yeah probably being a moderator ..you should start from Riazhaq.. who keeps on creating new threads on some rubbish from his blog degrading India with only intention to increase "traffic" to his blog.. how pathetic...

and frankly i dont know who this Sadanand Dhume is... but I definitely know about Ahmed Qureshi..
On this forum we talk about matters of the concerns and of defance.

But by talking in New york this Indian has and is trying to win browny points with Americans.

Do u see the differance, I do.

Both this forum and this Indfian media guy cannot be equated by fair minded people.
Well, come to think about it, I don't blame The Enemy for cashing every opportunity it gets to harm Pakistan in any way possible, which it has been doing since the very inception of our beloved homeland. That is what enemies are meant to do. Rather I blame Pakistanis for NOT doing what we are supposed to do. We are too naive and sentimental and our general population is so ignorant of how biased their eastern neighbor is; Its just beyond stupidity that we should expect any good from these idol worshipers, for they can't stand the very existence of Pakistan.

May ALLAH ALMIGHTY Protect us all from this worst of all neighbors (for they have nothing but hate and contempt for their neighbors)! Ameen
yeah probably being a moderator ..you should start from Riazhaq.. who keeps on creating new threads on some rubbish from his blog degrading India with only intention to increase "traffic" to his blog.. how pathetic...

and frankly i dont know who this Sadanand Dhume is... but I definitely know about Ahmed Qureshi..

Do riazhaq's threads predate india's refusal to give pakistan's share of resources at partition? The enmity between the two states post partition traces its origins to - among other things - indias clear signal that it would snatch pakistan's rightful resources and try to disadvantage the new country as much as possible. Why was Gandhi assassinated? Because he backtracked from the communal right wing position he had taken pre partition. Separate from the communal killings which were unecessary but for congress' refusal to agree to the cabinet mission plan, do remember that the first incident of religious terror in the post partition sub continent took place when Gandhi was killed by a religious extremist/terrorist. This person was not a Muslim, as you well know...
Its our bad luck that Indians are obsessed with us Pakistanis. We create this Pakistani forum and it gets flooded with Indians. Indian girls want to marry our men. India now wants to be in Afghanistan so they can be on the both sides of us. Everywhere we go its Indians who always looking at us Pakistanis. Just our bad luck.
Do riazhaq's threads predate india's refusal to give pakistan's share of resources at partition? The enmity between the two states post partition traces its origins to - among other things - indias clear signal that it would snatch pakistan's rightful resources and try to disadvantage the new country as much as possible. Why was Gandhi assassinated? Because he backtracked from the communal right wing position he had taken pre partition. Separate from the communal killings which were unecessary but for congress' refusal to agree to the cabinet mission plan, do remember that the first incident of religious terror in the post partition sub continent took place when Gandhi was killed by a religious extremist/terrorist. This person was not a Muslim, as you well know...

And how does India's Partition and India's "refusal" to give Pakistan's share relavant to Indian's "seizing" NYC terror to Peddle anti-Pakistanism?

Although OT to this thread.. Gandhi's demise though a blot on Independent India ..but it was a result of the numerous incidents just before and after partition which had a cascading effect and ended in his death... and his assassination by no means qualified to be called as a religious terror...
lol this article is written right after a man of Pakistani origin was arrested for trying to bomb times square after he underwent training in Pakistan. Talk about trying to divert the topic and being obsessed. Rather than being worried about whats going on in Pakistan, he is more obsessed with what India is saying. As i have said on other threads also, until and unless Pakistan does not get over its serious obsession with India and the blame India game, the country is only headed towards one direction.
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