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Why are so many black and Asian women desperate to be white?

^^ you are quite right! I wouldn't do with them because they are free spirit in nature may be pre-marital things/flings are fine but I have confessed infront of many white girls that I don't see them as life long prospect! In Indian culture getting divorced is like end of road for most! it is very hard to get re-married also if she leaves me when I am like 45 where will I go? I have a live example of Indian Prof in my previous univ divorced at 55 yro :O and he has no where to go! half of class time he used to waste on telling how wrecked his life is and circumstances which lead to his divorce!

I think for having fun with, no one can replace white ladies, I goto nightclubs in SF they are pretty high on things and totally inhibited its fun for the moment!
I'm an Indian girl and I'm going out with a Chinese dude.

And this is because (especially FOBs) Indian guys, (I'm not even counting Pakistani guys, they don't even think women are human) are chauvinistic pigs stuck in the 1850's where they expect the woman to be everything from personal sex slave to cook and housekeeper. **** that.
I'm an Indian girl and I'm going out with a Chinese dude.

And this is because (especially FOBs) Indian guys, (I'm not even counting Pakistani guys, they don't even think women are human) are chauvinistic pigs stuck in the 1850's where they expect the woman to be everything from personal sex slave to cook and housekeeper. **** that.

Nice....serve humanity :D most of the time it's how women treated in the family leads their daughters to lead a life differently. No need to generalize for all Indian men!! American women and other girls don't think of me in same regard!
Are you serious? All the non FOB guys are taken or ugly. 99.5% of fobs fit above description.
Are you serious? All the non FOB guys are taken or ugly. 99.5% of fobs fit above description.

nice...stop attacking me personally...you don't even know me!! sorry your parents were also one day immigrated from Punjab or watever using political asylum watever! atleast I came here for studies and never sought some DOB US citizen to get married to!! watever you do, hangout with Chinese or someone else...once some Aussie kid got high...you would be the one getting smashed and they won't even know who is FOB or who is not!! so STFU and goto McDonalds and make some fries you uneducated Aussie citizen!
^ see what I mean?

What are you trying to prove? Indian men are bad, Pakistani men are hardcore and that is the reason you fell for chinese!! ok sweetheart I am happy for you!! enjoy ur life with him!! we can't change sorry!! This is what you wanted to hear to satisfy your decision for hooking up with a Chinese boy?
I'm an Indian girl and I'm going out with a Chinese dude.

And this is because (especially FOBs) Indian guys, (I'm not even counting Pakistani guys, they don't even think women are human) are chauvinistic pigs stuck in the 1850's where they expect the woman to be everything from personal sex slave to cook and housekeeper. **** that.

Not all are like that, that is a very stereotypical thing to say. Different people, different attitude and outlook on life.
What are you trying to prove? Indian men are bad, Pakistani men are hardcore and that is the reason you fell for chinese!! ok sweetheart I am happy for you!! enjoy ur life with him!! we can't change sorry!! This is what you wanted to hear to satisfy your decision for hooking up with a Chinese boy?

Ohh boohoo go have a cry, you sound like you feel you have an entitlement to Indian girls.

If you can't change then you know the reason why you will remain a bachelor. Or maybe an arranged marriage with a girl back home who doesn't know what you're like until a few weeks into the marriage?
Ohh boohoo go have a cry, you sound like you feel you have an entitlement to Indian girls.

If you can't change then you know the reason why you will remain a bachelor. Or maybe an arranged marriage with a girl back home who doesn't know what you're like until a few weeks into the marriage?

I love you sweety :smitten::smitten: don't feel bad about what I wrote!! you will end up knowing so much abt ur dude before ur marriage that he will not marry you!! see u on shaadi.com :rofl::rofl::rofl: btw all highly educated Indian girls in US are mostly on student or work visa and they are also worthwhile to get married to!
I'm an Indian girl and I'm going out with a Chinese dude.

And this is because (especially FOBs) Indian guys, (I'm not even counting Pakistani guys, they don't even think women are human) are chauvinistic pigs stuck in the 1850's where they expect the woman to be everything from personal sex slave to cook and housekeeper. **** that.

We desperately want you in the army
Haha so untrue, my most white American friends consider Indian girls hottest but most are not golddiggers or sl**s like east asians who are extremely materialistic in nature! haha Asian guy and a white woman keep dreaming lol!!

Go anywhere in Asia and you'll see an old white man and a young chinese girl together. Its visible everywhere.

Don't fall for this racist tool's flaming.
who cares if someone is dark or not there plenty of dark skinned girls that are pretty get over this skin complex people and i don't get this fob thing coz someone born or lived in the west does that make them superior to someone born and raised in a south asian country ?
why so many desis are racists against themselves look at how they look down on them and use fob like an insult what wrong with being "fresh off boat" anyway ? these are fellow pakistanis/indians/bengalis etc being looked down upon by their own people just coz they're new to that country obviously your parents or grandparents were fobs too all immigrants were new to that country at some point.....
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