"I am an Indian with Asian race origin hence I do not face any racism or hate in other asian countries but unfortunately
i face lots of hate and racism in my own country in India, mainland people in India discriminating asian looking Indians as chinese, Nepali etc.
I feel like an alien when I travel to any mainland India in my own country, and i feel more native and comfortable traveling to any asian countries.
And coming back to your question as to why asian hates Indians. There are so many reasons i will list them out. And please note these are not my personal statement but the actual fact which I came to know from several asian friends I have. And because of the same asian look i have so they consider me more like their own people rather than considering me as a mainland Indian they are very open about this topic to me. As according to them as per their view Indians should be black or brown.
- Indians are dirty, smelly, their body stinks.
- Indians are black/brown skin. Hence this applies own asian race with darker skin.
- Indians over react alot for any small silly reason they create a huge fuss and drama. Airline employees specially air hostess doesn't like flying to India, guides doesn't deal with Indian tourist, shopkeepers in Thailand doesn't want to sell anything to Indians.
- Almost all Indian man are mentally dirty thinking only about sex and naked female body.
- Indians don't have any manners or discipline in public.
- Indians have the habit of staring people with big wide open eyes, making the other person feel very uncomfortable specially to a woman.
- Indians are dirty they mess up everything making everything dirty around while using toilets, throwing garbage anywhere they like, in other asian countries air hostess and bathroom house keeping in airports doesn't want to see the bathroom after an Indian used the bathroom.
- Indians lack courtesy.
- Indians don't respect people."
@CallSignMaverick @Chandragupt Maurya So it's not only Whites and Middle Easterners that see you as lower life form, East Asians too..