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Which one is your favorite Bengali cuisine?

I don't like Sheekh Kabab that much. I like Nut Kofta Kabab


What is that? Made of what? Amazing! I never heard.
Made of lots of Nuts, curry powder etc.


Btw, Do Kolkatans eat Beef? You said you ate beef. Isn't it forbidden for Hindus?

Yeah Kolkatans or you may say Bengali Hindus, young generations, many do eat beef. In fact many love them. There are many restaurants in Kolkata where they sell beef items. It's not strictly forbidden as such for Bengalis. Though Beef and Pork are not prepared at home. Bengali Hindu households only cook Chicken, Mutton, Fish.

If that is the case, we have to say non-veg is forbidden in Hinduism as many Indians don't eat non-veg. :D Hindu's worship cow because it gives us a number of useful products. But since they cannot sacrifice cow they sacrifice buffalo instead so it becomes all the same... right. In Kerala and West Bengal you'll find beef in many places. Even you'll get that in Karnataka.
@IamBengali .. how much is hilsa now.. per kg.. and how much is rohu..

Depends on demand. During Pohela Boishakh the demand for Hilsha reaches sky high. We can't celebrate Pohela Boishakh without Deep Hilsha fry. So during that time per kg Hilsha is found @ thousand Taka but other time per kg is 400 to 700 taka. Even we can get 1 kg Hilsha @ 150-200 taka but these are not very tasty Hilsha. The tasty Padma's Hilsha is not found that much due to export to India and Middle East. We can't get our Hilsha but we get our Hilsha in abroad.

I don't know the price of Rohu Fish (Rui). I don't like that fish. I like Ilish, Chingri, Koi. I don't like the taste of Rohu fish.
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Made of lots of Nuts, curry powder etc.

Btw, Do Kolkatans eat Beef? You said you ate beef. Isn't it forbidden for Hindus?
some bengalis and kerala hindus eat beef :pissed:
when we have hindu rule in India .. we will insert rod through these people and roast them.. :chilli:
Yeah Kolkatans or you may say Bengali Hindus, young generations, many do eat beef. In fact many love them. There are many restaurants in Kolkata where they sell beef items. It's not strictly forbidden as such for Bengalis. Though Beef and Pork are not prepared at home. Bengali Hindu households only cook Chicken, Mutton, Fish.

If that is the case, we have to say non-veg is forbidden in Hinduism as many Indians don't eat non-veg. :D Hindu's worship cow because it gives us a number of useful products. But since they cannot sacrifice cow they sacrifice buffalo instead so it becomes all the same... right. In Kerala and West Bengal you'll find beef in many places. Even you'll get that in Karnataka.

So bull meat is not forbidden?

Pork is strictly forbidden for us (Muslims) but Pork is the most consumed meat in the world. I thought Hindus eat Pork.
So bull meat is not forbidden?

Pork is strictly forbidden for us (Muslims) but Pork meant is the most consumed meat in the world. I thought Hindus eat Pork.

I think that forbidden part is a propaganda. Anyways not sure, so won't comment much on that forbidden rule or whatever ..... No Hindus eat more beef than pork. In Kolkata during Kali puja, lots of goat and buffalo sacrifices takes place in Temples.

Yeah I know Pork is strictly forbidden in Islam.

Our favorite Beef steak in a Kolkata restaurant..... It's just lovely!! :D

I think that forbidden part is a propaganda. Anyways not sure, so won't comment much on that forbidden rule or whatever ..... No Hindus eat more beef than pork. In Kolkata during Kali puja, lots of goat and buffalo sacrifices takes place in Temples.

Yeah I know Pork is strictly forbidden in Islam.

We sacrifice Cows, bulls, goats, Camel, Sheep etc during Eid and you guys sacrifice goat and buffalo during Kali puja.

In Islam killing animals in cruel way is haram. If any animal is slaughtered in cruel way the meat becomes automatically haram for us. There is a Quranic verse on it but I see in BD that all animals are cruelly slaughtered by binding them tightly. I feel very disturbed. I support the western way of slaughtering by making the animal senseless first. I don't get why its not considered halal way.
We sacrifice Cows, bulls, goats, Camel, Sheep etc during Eid and you guys sacrifice goat and buffalo during Kali puja.

In Islam killing animals in cruel way is haram. If any animal is slaughtered in cruel way the meat becomes automatically haram for us. There is a Quranic verse on it but I see in BD that all animals are cruelly slaughtered by binding them tightly. I feel very disturbed. I support the western way of slaughtering by making the animal senseless first. I don't get why its not considered Halal way.

Definitely, in our parts of the world, we slaughter very cruelly. You with 2.5 stroke, we with 1. In West they do it in a much civilized way by making them senseless. At least that's what I have heard.
some bengalis and kerala hindus eat beef :pissed:
when we have hindu rule in India .. we will insert rod through these people and roast them.. :chilli:

Beta abhi itna zor nahi tumhari maar me ke baal bhi baaka kar sako hamara. Khane pe pabandi lagao ge toh BoB me duba dunga.
I would like to try Bengali cuisine. But unfortunately, it is hard to find a Bengali restaurant. I couldn't find one bengali restaurant even in a melting pot like Bay Area.
I would like to try Bengali cuisine. But unfortunately, it is hard to find a Bengali restaurant. I couldn't find one bengali restaurant even in a melting pot like Bay Area.

You are in which state ?
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