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Indian news outlet mentions Bangladesh-origin MasterChef contestant Kishwar as ‘Indian’

Lmao We don't masquerade as Indians(No one in the UK wants to masquerade as an Indian).

We violate your dishes.
Big pot of gravy as the base for EVERY curry :D

Then simply 'Authentic Indian' to fool the white masses.

I'd say we improved it way beyond what Indian cuisine had originally.

There is no luxury in original Indian food with a bunch of veggies and no/low-quality protein (like Daal).

Mughals (and what is Bangladeshi and Pakistani cuisine currently) gave Indian cuisine the luxury stature that was needed.

Then Bangladesh folks (Punjabis too, to some extent) invented innovative UK variants like Balti dishes, Rogan josh, Dal Makhani and various restaurant specialties to please UK and EU palates.

Of course for sanatan dharmic bhakts, this is way too much to take or admit...
She's a bit of a drama queen fishing for compliments. But I still like her. She's good.

Bruh stuff is scripted ofc there’s drama
Is Kishwar of Bangladeshi or Indian heritage? Actually both
In her interview with Dhaka Tribune, Kishwar said: “I was born and bought up here in Australia. My father is from Bangladesh and was a freedom fighter, he came out here as a student after the Liberation War. He met my mother, who is from Kolkata, West Bengal and they married and settled here in Melbourne. I have a huge extended family here in Melbourne and Dhaka.”
Erm no.
I stayed in London for 5 long years. I have hardly seen a restaurant branding as Bangladeshi barring the Altgate area. But most of them are run by the Bangladeshis, if not the workers are invariably Bangladeshi. Outside it was mentioned Indian cuisine, very few cases Bengali cuisine was added.

When I asked the reply was it helps them to sell more and the customers are gora.
Truth. Same is in US I heard although the scene is changing in US as more restaurants brand themselves as Bangladeshi
She is 100% Bengali, though half Indian and half Bangladeshi.
Mate just because y’all got half of Bengal doesn’t mean you can slap india on everything with Bengali origin lol
her mother is from Kolkata, that makes her half-Indian. what are you on about?
Same comment as above. Just because y’all got half of Bengal during partition doesn’t mean you can slap Indian on everything that’s from Bengal
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I'd say we improved it way beyond what Indian cuisine had originally.

There is no luxury in original Indian food with a bunch of veggies and no/low-quality protein (like Daal).

Mughals (and what is Bangladeshi and Pakistani cuisine currently) gave Indian cuisine the luxury stature that was needed.

Then Bangladesh folks (Punjabis too, to some extent) invented innovative UK variants like Balti dishes, Rogan josh, Dal Makhani and various restaurant specialties to please UK and EU palates.

Of course for sanatan dharmic bhakts, this is way too much to take or admit...
I read up that Indians didn’t have a concept of a course meal and neither had desert. Bengali cuisine had multi course meals to finish it with desert long before anyone. The french leveled it up later on. Probably when they came to Bengal to trade.
Same comment as above. Just because y’all got half of Bengal during partition doesn’t mean you can slap Indian on everything that’s from Bengal
do you think India exists just from Rajasthan to Bihar? India has half of Punjab, and Punjabis from those parts are Indian. India also has part of Bengal, and Bengalis from that part are Indian, and identify as Indian. do you also think that Sri Lankan Tamils cannot be called Sri Lankan just because most of Tamil country is in India?
do you think India exists just from Rajasthan to Bihar? India has half of Punjab, and Punjabis from those parts are Indian. India also has part of Bengal, and Bengalis from that part are Indian, and identify as Indian. do you also think that Sri Lankan Tamils cannot be called Sri Lankan just because most of Tamil country is in India?
india is a pseudo construct of the british just like pakistan, where as bengal has been independent state with autonomy even under the mughals
india is a pseudo construct of the british just like pakistan, where as bengal has been independent state with autonomy even under the mughals
no one outside out of Pakistan and its sympathizers believes that. Republic of India has been strongly united together from Gujarat to Arunachal for more than 70 years and various under various entities in various geographies for more than 2000 years.
no one outside out of Pakistan and its sympathizers believes that. Republic of India has been strongly united together from Gujarat to Arunachal for more than 70 years and various under various entities in various geographies for more than 2000 years.
strongly united or strong armed. everyone knows how hyderabad was forced into india so was sikkim and many other states... lmao, the only place elbow grease didn't work was with pakistan and bangladesh...
Bruh stuff is scripted ofc there’s drama

Erm no.

Truth. Same is in US I heard although the scene is changing in US as more restaurants brand themselves as Bangladeshi

Mate just because y’all got half of Bengal doesn’t mean you can slap india on everything with Bengali origin lol

Same comment as above. Just because y’all got half of Bengal during partition doesn’t mean you can slap Indian on everything that’s from Bengal
Existence of Indian Bengal shouldn't be a point of conflict between our nations. Ethnicity and nationality need not go hand in hand. You have Punjabis in Pakistan and Pujabis in India, Sindhis in Pakistan and Sindhis in India, irish in Ireland, uk and the list goes on. None of the above undermines the cultural aspect or identity of any of the nation.
Existence of Indian Bengal shouldn't be a point of conflict between our nations. Ethnicity and nationality need not go hand in hand. You have Punjabis in Pakistan and Pujabis in India, Sindhis in Pakistan and Sindhis in India, irish in Ireland, uk and the list goes on. None of the above undermines the cultural aspect or identity of any of the nation.

Then why tf is Japan full of dam Japanese then ? Or Korea full of Koreans
no one outside out of Pakistan and its sympathizers believes that. Republic of India has been strongly united together from Gujarat to Arunachal for more than 70 years and various under various entities in various geographies for more than 2000 years.

India literally is a western term given by Westerners , a separate Bengal state makes sense anyways
Then why tf is Japan full of dam Japanese then ? Or Korea full of Koreans
Nothing wrong with having a state with a single ethnicity, just saying a multi ethnicity state doesn't impact or undermine anyone's identity.
her mother is from Kolkata, that makes her half-Indian. what are you on about?

Dada what we are on about is that although this Kishwar woman was born and brought up in Australia and her mother "Laila" - (get it?) happens to be from Kolkata (the only connection),

a) The food (and street food) that she cooks is heavily influenced by BANGLADESHI CUISINE (either formal or street fare), not half-veggie-a$$ impoverished down-in-the-dumps Kolkata cuisine (shukto, bora, ghugnee), and where one Hilsa is shared among like six different families and shopping bags are more micro-mini sized for shopping half KG of this or that. :lol:

b) Because her husband and in-laws (who gave her the inspiration to cook by the way) happen to be in Dhaka (not Kolkata),

c) therefore, she used to make four/five trips a year to Dhaka (not Kolkata) to get inspired for her creations.

I could go on and on and on.

Admit it, Kolkata restaurateurs can't make money in Kanjoosi Kolkata, so they have to come make money in Dhaka, where people appreciate and will spend good money for good cuisine, unlike Kolkata. I know several dozen restaurateurs like this in Dhaka...

The level, variety, representation and finesse of haute cuisine found in Dhaka will rival anything you have in India in either Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore or Delhi (forget just Kolkata).

There are half a dozen restaurants in Dhaka where celebrated Cordon Bleu chefs from France and Germany serve private patrons personally. And those are just French Haute Cuisine.

Stop with your Kanjoosi Kolkata garbage already.

Your pathetic attempt to connect anything worth value or repute to Kolkata somehow is well-noted...

This woman happens to be Muslim, whom your Sanghis would openly insult for cooking beef in India...
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I read up that Indians didn’t have a concept of a course meal and neither had desert. Bengali cuisine had multi course meals to finish it with desert long before anyone. The french leveled it up later on. Probably when they came to Bengal to trade.

Exactly. Most of India still knows that Eastern Bengal invented most of the celebrated sweets in India, even before the British arrived. That East Bengalis love to consume sweets is well known and our tradition of six courses are too.

East Bengal was always known as the granary of India (and rich as a result) prior to British rule, which is the reason for these cuisine luxuries. Punjab's agri-revolution came much later.
Nothing wrong with having a state with a single ethnicity, just saying a multi ethnicity state doesn't impact or undermine anyone's identity.

To that to the Indian bengalis that get beaten up in other states. North East Indians getting attacked in Mumbai for looking Chinese and being heavily discriminated against.

Tell that to people in kashmir.
Dada what we are on about is that although this Kishwar woman was born and brought up in Australia and her mother "Laila" - (get it?) happens to be from Kolkata (the only connection),

a) The food (and street food) that she cooks is heavily influenced by BANGLADESHI CUISINE (either formal or street fare), not half-veggie-a$$ impoverished down-in-the-dumps Kolkata cuisine (shukto, bora, ghugnee), and where one Hilsa is shared among like six different families and shopping bags are more micro-mini sized for shopping half KG of this or that. :lol:

b) Because her husband and in-laws (who gave her the inspiration to cook by the way) happen to be in Dhaka (not Kolkata),

c) therefore, she used to make four/five trips a year to Dhaka (not Kolkata) to get inspired for her creations.

I could go on and on and on.

Admit it, Kolkata restaurateurs can't make money in Kanjoosi Kolkata, so they have to come make money in Dhaka, where people appreciate and will spend good money for good cuisine, unlike Kolkata. I know several dozen restaurateurs like this in Dhaka...

The level, variety, representation and finesse of haute cuisine found in Dhaka will rival anything you have in India in either Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore or Delhi (forget just Kolkata).

There are half a dozen restaurants in Dhaka where celebrated Cordon Bleu chefs from France and Germany serve private patrons personally. And those are just French Haute Cuisine.

Stop with your Kanjoosi Kolkata garbage already.

Your pathetic attempt to connect anything worth value or repute to Kolkata somehow is well-noted...

This woman happens to be Muslim, whom your Sanghis would openly insult for cooking beef in India...

A Muslim bengali wouldn't last 2 seconds in India. These low life's still credit as Indian even though how they treat and refer to Muslim bengalis in India.
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