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Which arms could Iran Export when international embargo ends?

7) Iranian made helicopters
A) Shahed-278. Range 340 KM. Its able to carry a load of 770 Kg weight.




B) Saba. Range almost 1000 KM. It can carry a load of 800 Kg.



C) Homa. Capable of carrying a load of 1400 Kg. Shown in the background of First picture

Maybe collaborate with North Korea and help them develop their missiles. Iran also has a lot of air defense systems they can offer to strength North Korea. NK can also offer long range ballistic missile technology to Iran. They would do a lot better against SK, and Japan with long range cruise missile than Iran can offer to North Korea.

All iranian weapons are copies of russian. Ull need russian permission to export them and russia wont allow that. Be happy if u even get to buy any weapons.
Which Russian and Chinese products are the following "copied" from (from the list posted by OP):


Nasr Ashm:


Fateh Submarine:


"Ya Ali" ground launched cruise missiles:


That should be enough to get you started.


Ballistic missiles with pin point accuracy shown in practise, air defences that have downed stealthy drones from 90km away, Long range air defences, UAVs that penetrated air defence and caused havoc (Abqaiq attack), these systems that most nations on planet cannot hope to produce are apparently "obsolete".

only non-obsolete is cheelo kebab. Keep that focus.... sorry your claims are just hot smoke.... nothing in reality.
no way that we will give our advanced missiles to anybody. even the houthis and the palestinian armed factions use tech thats considerably lower than what iran uses. iranian missiles as demonstrated in the al assad airbase devastation is too powerful to sell it to anyone.
only non-obsolete is cheelo kebab. Keep that focus.... sorry your claims are just hot smoke.... nothing in reality.

Yes, it was "hot smokes nothing in reality".

American air base:




If Iranian systems are indeed hot air, that that makes most of the rest of the systems on the planet that are not tested in practise as non existent.
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All iranian weapons are copies of russian.

This assertion has been addressed already. Please refrain from trolling. I will give you the same challenge. Which Russian and Chinese products are the following "copied" from (from the list posted by OP):


Nasr Ashm:


Fateh Submarine:

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Potential buyers?
whoever facing bigger opponent or trying to establish some sort of deterrence against enemies. there are lots if Africa example Ethiopia now is facing a military threat from Egypt, they are far bigger with overwhelming military budget but there is almost no way for both countries to engage in direct war but an small skirmish might be. just buy several dozens of Iranian missiles and establish some deterrence with out burning money on a conventional weapons that you might not use it.
Egypt is just an example, nothing personal.
with due respect sir your all anti ship missiles are copy/reverse engineered from Chinese anti ship missile especially from their YJ series of anti ship missiles

Sorry friend, I had replied to you using the wrong comment initially, that comment was meant for someone else.

You are correct that many of Iran's anti-ship cruise missile can be traced back initially to some Chinese system, however to claim all are is not accurate. For example the Nasir below is an Iranian systems. By the way, note that many of these systems may be similar in the shell but internally they are different. For example, do you know that the Iranian "Noor" which people call the Chinese C-802 actually uses a completely different Iranian seeker and engine. Furthermore, Iranian supersonic designed Ash missile are on the way.

Here is the Nasir:

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