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Which arms could Iran Export when international embargo ends?

our air defense systems are better than any western air defenses
It is arguable that SAMP/T is better than Iranian systems but yeah generally the Russian/Chinese doctrine is more defensive than Euro/American doctrine. It is also impressive how the Buk platform was modified to allow such long range missiles compared to the other Buk systems.
Even if the arms embargo ends, we cant sell weapons because not only will US sanction anyone who buys our weapons, we cant even take payment because all our banks are sanctioned, and US will block any transactions.

I dont think it will be a problem, Indonesia-Iran trade is still going on despite UN and US sanction.
with due respect sir your all anti ship missiles are copy/reverse engineered from Chinese anti ship missile especially from their YJ series of anti ship missiles
For this specific item, Iran owns the right to produce and export them as it was Iran who co-funded the development program and delivered actual samples of Harpoon (obtained during the Shah era) and Exocet (obtained in limited numbers during the war with Iraq) to China. Iran has all the blueprints for C-801/802/803!
Assad is...because UAE is backing him financially. are you all set now?

He have to look after destroyed towns/provinces/country too, i don't think he have luxury to pay back Mullah right now even if UAE is backing him financially. Even he have as i said earlier, arming proxies is not called exports.
Assad is...because UAE is backing him financially. are you all set now?
I predict Iran will stop being the major enemy of Arab countries only if it can stop funding proxies in Yemen, and in Lebanon(probably becoming the next Yemen because of economy). Turkey is gearing up to be the new enemy of the Arabs and Iran may either sit back and do nothing or try to gain allies from former enemies.
@Indos I Remember once i Read some where that Indonesia imported radar from Iran. It was for civilian purpose. Most likely it was this radar, used in the airports.

Its called national radar with a range of 450 KM.
8) Radars
In this field Iran has a good experience. From short range, airborne to Long range and seaborne radars are all manufactured in Iran.
A) Kashef radar. This radar has a range of 200 KM. High survivability in windy situation is its specific capability.


B) MuF-1-2 (مطلع الفجر) radar. This radar is designed to Discover low RCS and stealthy targets. Range 200 to 480 KM in its early verions.



C) Alim (علیم). This Passive radar is designed to Discover low flying targets especially the cruise missiles. It has a range of 300 KM.

D) Tareq (طارق) radar. This radar is a Portable radar designed for Ground forces. Its a microstrip arrayed radar which can detect humans from 4 KM away and capable of detecting helicopters and land vehicles from 8km away.

Tareq in Syria

E) Basir-110 and GSR-110. Both these radars have same funcionality of Tareq and are designed for land forces.


F) Ofogh (افق) radar. An X-band seaborne radar. With a range of upto 150 KM.

G) Asr radar. A seaborne phased array radar with a range of 200 KM. S-band early warning radar

H) Thamen (ثامن) radar. This special radar is designed to detect the lowest RCS targets. Little is known about it, only a picture of it available on the Web. A VHF-band radar.



I) Kavosh radar. Its similar to Russian Kasta radar. Specifically designed to detect cruise missiles and low RCS targets.

J) L/S-band phased array Bashir (بشیر) radar. A 360 degree radar developed by IRGC. Little is known about it.

@Philip the Arab buddy, most of names are Arabic/Quranic so it wouldnt be hard for you to Read them.
@Philip the Arab buddy, most of names are Arabic/Quranic so it wouldnt be hard for you to Read them.
You know, Egypt just got into reverse engineering American radars and in a different reality the two countries could cooperate. Maybe its still possible, but not for some years but I'm not sure of Iranian relationship with Turkey, and if it will like Turkey interfering in its affairs possibly in the future.
Egypt is rulled by a guy whos mother is a jew.... and under jewish law, that makes him a jew too.
Egypt is rulled by a guy whos mother is a jew.... and under jewish law, that makes him a jew too.
His mother is not a jew dumbass, his caretaker was a Ethopian Jew and he considered her as a mother figure. Say, why are you anti-Semitic when many Jews are of Iranian descent?

You do realize before the 1979 revolution Arabs and Iranians didn't hold negative views of eachother as much as they do know? It is the governments in Iran's fault as well as other countries for sowing hate between eachother.
His mother is not a jew dumbass, his caretaker was a Ethopian Jew and he considered her as a mother figure. Say, why are you anti-Semitic when many Jews are of Iranian descent?

You do realize before the 1979 revolution Arabs and Iranians didn't hold negative views of eachother as much as they do know? It is the governments in Iran's fault as well as other countries for sowing hate between eachother.

Nasser-Shah relationship was war-like.
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