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@Windjammer ,

regarding https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/modis-yoga-therapy-ineffective.761790/#post-14241245

Kind of rich who showed no remorse in his verbal dihorea when a boat of immigrants sank the other day.

You must have understood by now what a dhimmi complex is (bhakts are a particularly virulent subset of it)....regarding the bottom of the heap kind of Indians stuck here (after the few decent ones with some dignity and worth have long left....largely on account of these dhimmi-roaches).

They need some vindication for having gotten all kind of abuse on their psyche and they strive to sustain and protract a virtual experience for it too.

Its actually pretty funny what some actually intelligent Indians that once posted here but have left (thanks to this cockroach type festering and stinking up the place tell me about this dhimmi bunch lol.

i.e Degenerate doesn't even start to describe these creatures.

No shame, no dignity....stick around eternally to get off on abuse of own country....and bring others to their level wherever possible.

Look at this @Skull and Bones one : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bang...ffers-a-new-alternative.761828/#post-14242367

No previous member in the thread brought up Pakistan, and the cretin feels the need to volunteer its dhimmitude anyway.

DARPA dhimmi I call that one....it has quite some funny delusions it has hissed over the years, obviously its psychological cope for its typical deformed look a considerable number of its stunted west bengal kind have.

The goggly eyes, pot bellied malnourished and typical protracted bad diet on top "look"....with the typical bad hygiene to follow it....that follows this class of bottom feeder psyche Indian to whichever shore it has scurried to.

I suppose it get bans now and then (nothing that sticks long like it ought to), scurries back, repeat and rinse and continue to do what it does here ad infinitum with the rest of them.

The rest of them will back pat, high five him and encourage him too at various times, while feigning disgust (when challenged about it) in other moments when challenged on it and having to grovel like only a dhimmi can.

So it takes out its sad miserable reality out here....given how people react viscerally to its lack of basic shame and everything other "taken for granted" thing one expects from an actual human being of some basic worth.

The current dhimmi list I have along with this guy and virus (who are the main two troll type....the rest are the more typical self hate type by encouraging these trolls and hanging around for their own dhimmi psyche social media addiction hit):

@kaykay , @MirageBlue , @Paitoo , @Cheepek @Raj-Hindustani

There are of course a lot more and even more spam fake accounts.

Any Indian of worth and honour (that used to post here) despises these PDF dhimmis for a reason....that have neither the inkling or basic intelligence to know where they are now... given they crave attention and some weird approval from Pakistanis as the full priority instead of even attempting a change of scenery to maybe leave both sides better off.

Sad this circus with deepset inferiority masochist complex is kept around after all they done and all their shamelessness indulged.

The forum is now stuck with this muck and no silver lining for it at all like there used to be to balance it.

This forum literally made the decision to trade each actual worthy Indian to have 100s of these self-hate dhimmi roaches with no basic dignity running around instead. Yuck.
@Windjammer ,

regarding https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/modis-yoga-therapy-ineffective.761790/#post-14241245

You must have understood by now what a dhimmi complex is (bhakts are a particularly virulent subset of it)....regarding the bottom of the heap kind of Indians stuck here (after the few decent ones with some dignity and worth have long left....largely on account of these dhimmi-roaches).

They need some vindication for having gotten all kind of abuse on their psyche and they strive to sustain and protract a virtual experience for it too.

Its actually pretty funny what some actually intelligent Indians that once posted here but have left (thanks to this cockroach type festering and stinking up the place tell me about this dhimmi bunch lol.

i.e Degenerate doesn't even start to describe these creatures.

No shame, no dignity....stick around eternally to get off on abuse of own country....and bring others to their level wherever possible.

Look at this @Skull and Bones one : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bang...ffers-a-new-alternative.761828/#post-14242367

No previous member in the thread brought up Pakistan, and the cretin feels the need to volunteer its dhimmitude anyway.

DARPA dhimmi I call that one....it has quite some funny delusions it has hissed over the years, obviously its psychological cope for its typical deformed look a considerable number of its stunted west bengal kind have.

The goggly eyes, pot bellied malnourished and typical protracted bad diet on top "look"....with the typical bad hygiene to follow it....that follows this class of bottom feeder psyche Indian to whichever shore it has scurried to.

I suppose it get bans now and then (nothing that sticks long like it ought to), scurries back, repeat and rinse and continue to do what it does here ad infinitum with the rest of them.

The rest of them will back pat, high five him and encourage him too at various times, while feigning disgust (when challenged about it) in other moments when challenged on it and having to grovel like only a dhimmi can.

So it takes out its sad miserable reality out here....given how people react viscerally to its lack of basic shame and everything other "taken for granted" thing one expects from an actual human being of some basic worth.

The current dhimmi list I have along with this guy and virus (who are the main two troll type....the rest are the more typical self hate type by encouraging these trolls and hanging around for their own dhimmi psyche social media addiction hit):

@kaykay , @MirageBlue , @Paitoo , @Cheepek @Raj-Hindustani

There are of course a lot more and even more spam fake accounts.

Any Indian of worth and honour (that used to post here) despises these PDF dhimmis for a reason....that have neither the inkling or basic intelligence to know where they are now... given they crave attention and some weird approval from Pakistanis as the full priority instead of even attempting a change of scenery to maybe leave both sides better off.

Sad this circus with deepset inferiority masochist complex is kept around after all they done and all their shamelessness indulged.

The forum is now stuck with this muck and no silver lining for it at all like there used to be to balance it.

This forum literally made the decision to trade each actual worthy Indian to have 100s of these self-hate dhimmi roaches with no basic dignity running around instead. Yuck.

Oh well. We have another incarnation of Gunga Din here. So eager to explain the miserable natives to the gora. At least Gunga Din was a British coolie. What is your excuse, a Bangladeshi, a citizen of an independent nation slobbering at Pakistani boots with psychobabble about Indians?

You claim to have been lurking in the forum and knowing all the good Indians who have disappeared (purged is the right word), did not join that time to engage with those noble souls but joined when it is infested with roaches like us. What are you? An insect swatter who has been called to exterminate us? Well you seem to be doing a very bad job, because being a chugalkhor in Whatever thread is not the best way of going about it. Next time you have a problem with a post of mine, wear your boxing gloves and come into the ring, quote me and fight me, convince me, humor me. Tagging Pakistanis and complaining about us isn't going to take you anywhere.

And cut the crap. It is very easy to see who you are. Your appearance on the forum miraculously coincides with the disappearance of another Bangladeshi who spouted the exact same stuff.
@Windjammer ,

regarding https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/modis-yoga-therapy-ineffective.761790/#post-14241245

You must have understood by now what a dhimmi complex is (bhakts are a particularly virulent subset of it)....regarding the bottom of the heap kind of Indians stuck here (after the few decent ones with some dignity and worth have long left....largely on account of these dhimmi-roaches).

They need some vindication for having gotten all kind of abuse on their psyche and they strive to sustain and protract a virtual experience for it too.

Its actually pretty funny what some actually intelligent Indians that once posted here but have left (thanks to this cockroach type festering and stinking up the place tell me about this dhimmi bunch lol.

i.e Degenerate doesn't even start to describe these creatures.

No shame, no dignity....stick around eternally to get off on abuse of own country....and bring others to their level wherever possible.

Look at this @Skull and Bones one : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bang...ffers-a-new-alternative.761828/#post-14242367

No previous member in the thread brought up Pakistan, and the cretin feels the need to volunteer its dhimmitude anyway.

DARPA dhimmi I call that one....it has quite some funny delusions it has hissed over the years, obviously its psychological cope for its typical deformed look a considerable number of its stunted west bengal kind have.

The goggly eyes, pot bellied malnourished and typical protracted bad diet on top "look"....with the typical bad hygiene to follow it....that follows this class of bottom feeder psyche Indian to whichever shore it has scurried to.

I suppose it get bans now and then (nothing that sticks long like it ought to), scurries back, repeat and rinse and continue to do what it does here ad infinitum with the rest of them.

The rest of them will back pat, high five him and encourage him too at various times, while feigning disgust (when challenged about it) in other moments when challenged on it and having to grovel like only a dhimmi can.

So it takes out its sad miserable reality out here....given how people react viscerally to its lack of basic shame and everything other "taken for granted" thing one expects from an actual human being of some basic worth.

The current dhimmi list I have along with this guy and virus (who are the main two troll type....the rest are the more typical self hate type by encouraging these trolls and hanging around for their own dhimmi psyche social media addiction hit):

@kaykay , @MirageBlue , @Paitoo , @Cheepek @Raj-Hindustani

There are of course a lot more and even more spam fake accounts.

Any Indian of worth and honour (that used to post here) despises these PDF dhimmis for a reason....that have neither the inkling or basic intelligence to know where they are now... given they crave attention and some weird approval from Pakistanis as the full priority instead of even attempting a change of scenery to maybe leave both sides better off.

Sad this circus with deepset inferiority masochist complex is kept around after all they done and all their shamelessness indulged.

The forum is now stuck with this muck and no silver lining for it at all like there used to be to balance it.

This forum literally made the decision to trade each actual worthy Indian to have 100s of these self-hate dhimmi roaches with no basic dignity running around instead. Yuck.
Must say you have hit the nail on the head. As I have said before, while the world kind of revolves around the principals of, if you can't beat them, then join them while the Indians fighting for spaces on rail tracks are have to survive and live with mindset that if you can't beat them then insult them. While one or two members you mentioned above are the old school and I do consider them as touched with sanity but I guess, they can't help it when their Indian genes starts crawling up the wrong passage.
Oh well. We have another incarnation of Gunga Din here. So eager to explain the miserable natives to the gora. At least Gunga Din was a British coolie. What is your excuse, a Bangladeshi, a citizen of an independent nation slobbering at Pakistani boots with psychobabble about Indians?

You claim to have been lurking in the forum and knowing all the good Indians who have disappeared (purged is the right word), did not join that time to engage with those noble souls but joined when it is infested with roaches like us. What are you? An insect swatter who has been called to exterminate us? Well you seem to be doing a very bad job, because being a chugalkhor in Whatever thread is not the best way of going about it. Next time you have a problem with a post of mine, wear your boxing gloves and come into the ring, quote me and fight me, convince me, humor me. Tagging Pakistanis and complaining about us isn't going to take you anywhere.

And cut the crap. It is very easy to see who you are. Your appearance on the forum miraculously coincides with the disappearance of another Bangladeshi who spouted the exact same stuff.

Heh how little you know (where folks of note here have long gathered outside of it)....from the "anyone heard from joe lately!?!?" clueless moron. But not surprising at all.

Anyway I do not plan on engaging with the miserable dhimmi clan here....not after what you lot have done here.

Including those in the clan that attempt to project some better veneer, but then quickly fist bump the more depraved troll types (often right after their deranged trolling in full view) when they think no one else is looking.....to keep doing what they do. Ad nauseum, ad infinitum...ugh.

Just telling you all at once what I think of your type in one fell swoop, and where it all arises from inside to everyone else that cares to read it here.

i.e Bhakts, bhakt-proxies and bhakt enablers.... same brown sanghi stuff, slightly different piles. The absolute revelry and promotion of abuse and self-hate connecting them all.

Same void to fill inside, same rank smell....same lack of class and basic dignity, same built up tolerance of filth, and needing to see it all spread to more.
Ohho... what did I ever do to you, Chute?

dr-lol (2).gif
Heh how little you know (where folks of note here have long gathered outside of it)....from the "anyone heard from joe lately!?!?" clueless moron. But not surprising at all.

Anyway I do not plan on engaging with the miserable dhimmi clan here....not after what you lot have done here.

Including those in the clan that attempt to project some better veneer, but then quickly fist bump the more depraved troll types (often right after their deranged trolling in full view) when they think no one else is looking.....to keep doing what they do. Ad nauseum, ad infinitum...ugh.

Just telling you all at once what I think of your type in one fell swoop, and where it all arises from inside to everyone else that cares to read it here.

i.e Bhakts, bhakt-proxies and bhakt enablers.... same brown sanghi stuff, slightly different piles. The absolute revelry and promotion of abuse and self-hate connecting them all.

Same void to fill inside, same rank smell....same lack of class and basic dignity, same built up tolerance of filth, and needing to see it all spread to more.
Dude, we surely could do with more members of your calibre to keep a check on the menace polluting this forum. No joy for these Indians on their echo chambers so they come in herds here, some even selling their Mothers and Adopting fake IDs just to appear here and gloat how they are God's gift to mankind.
As said earlier, there are some sane Indian members (were?) but you must understand, we often hear of Gangrape incidents in India, the end results become part of main Indian society and some even trickling down on these forums.
Oh well. We have another incarnation of Gunga Din here. So eager to explain the miserable natives to the gora. At least Gunga Din was a British coolie. What is your excuse, a Bangladeshi, a citizen of an independent nation slobbering at Pakistani boots with psychobabble about Indians?

You claim to have been lurking in the forum and knowing all the good Indians who have disappeared (purged is the right word), did not join that time to engage with those noble souls but joined when it is infested with roaches like us. What are you? An insect swatter who has been called to exterminate us? Well you seem to be doing a very bad job, because being a chugalkhor in Whatever thread is not the best way of going about it. Next time you have a problem with a post of mine, wear your boxing gloves and come into the ring, quote me and fight me, convince me, humor me. Tagging Pakistanis and complaining about us isn't going to take you anywhere.

And cut the crap. It is very easy to see who you are. Your appearance on the forum miraculously coincides with the disappearance of another Bangladeshi who spouted the exact same stuff.
Clue me in, bhai. Who do you think new guy Chut was in an earlier iteration ? The stench reminds me of Shantanu_Left, remember that guy ? He'd concocted a weird story about being half Muslim, half Bengali? or something and hated "sanghis" with a passion.

Or could he be the legendary @AfrazulMandal something aka @brumbyoz on twitter..

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