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Local beach, weather has cleared up nicely... lovely day today !
You are contradicting your own statement. In your previous comments you claimed that a Muslim by faith is a secular and liberal. but here you say totally opposite thing. Islam converts pagans into Muslims but Islam does not adopts their way of ideology in fact forces the pagans to leave their pagan ways behind and strictly follow Islamic way now. and if someone backtracks from Islam after accepting it than he/she will be branded as a Murtad.

I haven't contradicted, you are finding it hard to accept that being secular is being tolerant of other people and their beliefs. Isn't a Muslim supposed to act like that?

Accepting Sovereignty of ALLAH is a separate matter from above, both these are not mutually inclusive.
I haven't contradicted, you are finding it hard to accept that being secular is being tolerant of other people and their beliefs. Isn't a Muslim supposed to act like that?

Accepting Sovereignty of ALLAH is a separate matter from above, both these are not mutually inclusive.
and once again you have avoided to answer my question.
Imam HUSSAIN R.A never wanted a wa/fight in the first place. he never wanted to rule. he was the grandson of our beloved Prophet S.A.W. he never ever intended to rule. he wanted to go to Kufa on the invitation of the people of Kufa. That's why he took women and children with him to show the yazidi forces that his intentions are not confrontational. "it was the custom of arabs at that time that if someone is bringing children and women instead of fighting men with him than he is not coming to fight". but Yazid still saw him biggest threat and sent several of his generals to stop Imam Hussain from reaching Kufah at any cost but all those generals didn't wanted to have the blood of Ahl-e-Bait on their hands. even one of his general HURR left yazid and joined Imam Hussain R.A. eventually yazid sent ibn-e-ziyad who had a very bad reputation and he was able to stopped this caravan in kufah.
and as far as the marriage was concerned not all the Umayyads supported yazid in this matter.
At that time majority of Sahaba e Kabar had already left this world or living in remote places far from Madinah/Makkah to spread Islam.
The sons of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Abu Bakar and some other sahaba tried to stop or accompany Imam Hussain R.A but he refused and clearly told them that his intentions are not to fight with yazid as he did not wanted to spill Muslim blood.

This doesn't answer any single question that I has asked. I already have read this and multiple other narrations (more of live commentary types).

and once again you have avoided to answer my question.

Ask again what exactly is your question? You asked how Islam and Muslims are both liberal and secular, I gave you examples of that. So what is your question?
This doesn't answer any single question that I has asked. I already have read this and multiple other narrations (more of live commentary types).
why don't you tell me your version than. Did Karbala incident ever happened according to you??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
why don't you tell me your version than. Did Karbala incident ever happened according to you??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

There is a high chance that it never happened. However, if it ever happened, it was a short affair which resulted from confusion and ended within few minutes, if this was the case then determining who was on fault, you can argue about it but if you view it without any bias Hazrat Hussain realised his mistake and wanted to make amends (this is if this incident ever happened), the other possibility is that Hazrat Hussain was target assassinated like Hazrat Omer, Usman and Ali ......
There is a high chance that it never happened. However, if it ever happened, it was a short affair which resulted from confusion and ended within few minutes, if this was the case then determining who was on fault, you can argue about it but if you view it without any bias Hazrat Hussain realised his mistake and wanted to make amends (this is if this incident ever happened), the other possibility is that Hazrat Hussain was target assassinated like Hazrat Omer, Usman and Ali ......
and how did you came up with these amazing mind blowing revelations????
and how did you came up with these amazing mind blowing revelations????

Because I prefer using my own brain and searching for truth .......... unlike some who rely on neighborhood molvi sb for most of their information and think it would be a great sin to question what molvi sb said.

You seem like a child who has yet to learn and experience, I can only share one advice with you, not everything that looks like Islam is Islam e.g. look at the image below and without using google , see what is your first thought that comes to your mind about the religion of these women ....... and then search what actually is their religion ..... things are not that clear always, you have to search for truth if you want to know the truth. ALLAH Hafiz, and thanks for your time.

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilyhi rajioon
Arshad Sharif, you made Sharif brothers famous, they made example out of you.
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