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I think you will struggle and I don't entirely blame US police or American society. The problem you have is Blacks tend to, note "tend to" -

  • be larger then the average
  • be stronger than the average
  • be more aggressive than the average

this coupled with racism in society makes for a toxic mix. Every interaction with police could easily turn nasty [for the police or the individual] and this is at heart of the problem.

In the days of yore, this would have been a good discussion, but those days are sadly long gone.

Suffice to say that this is a multi-factorial problem (some of which you touch upon) that will take a few more decades - at least - to resolve significantly. Police reforms is a good place to concentrate upon for now, before other steps that would be needed to follow to reduce disparities in social development that quite often lay the foundations for the problems that we are seeing currently.

(I could go on, but these days I just prefer to read rather than post, which is far more peaceful. :D )
You will be alive and kicking to see the defeat of Muslims.


You sound like someone who fancies himself as some sort of a clairvoyant. A third rate Nostradamus wannabe.

I can't look into the future. I can't say who will win, if even fight if it comes to that. All I know is a society cannot sustain itself with such blatant hate for a large segment of it's population. We're talking 250-300 million. There are bound to be cracks.
You sound like someone who fancies himself as some sort of a clairvoyant. A third rate Nostradamus wannabe.

I can't look into the future. I can't say who will win, if even fight if it comes to that. All I know is a society cannot sustain itself with such blatant hate for a large segment of it's population. We're talking 250-300 million. There are bound to be cracks.
No dude. I am being humble. I am simply following the game. Shall I gloat of RAW's record?

@Bagheera India and it's Muslims are a very weird case. It's not like Sri Lanka and it's Tamils in the north east. It's not like East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan 1500 miles away.

The Indian Muslims are dispersed all over. A Marathi Muslim has nothing in common with a Bihari Muslim. It will be interesting to see how a civil war situation will break out, if it even will. Maybe the 250 million Muslims will resign themselves to living like second class citizens, like the Dalits. I wouldn't be surprised. The Dalits have been doing for 2 millenia.

@Bagheera what do you think will be in the future after the China India skirmish? Don't give me those Gaurav Arya-esque predictions. China is threatening India's hegemony in South Asia. What will be the after effects of this?
@Bagheera India and it's Muslims are a very weird case. It's not like Sri Lanka and it's Tamils in the north east. It's not like East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan 1500 miles away.

The Indian Muslims are dispersed all over. A Marathi Muslim has nothing in common with a Bihari Muslim. It will be interesting to see how a civil war situation will break out, if it even will. Maybe the 250 million Muslims will resign themselves to living like second class citizens, like the Dalits. I wouldn't be surprised. The Dalits have been doing for 2 millenia.

@Bagheera what do you think will be in the future after the China India skirmish? Don't give me those Gaurav Arya-esque predictions. China is threatening India's hegemony in South Asia. What will be the after effects of this?


Regardless of past history, India has remained united like never before!

1. Separatist militancy in Punjab and North East has been put down.
2. The one in Kashmir doesn't make any difference.
3. Naxalite insurgency seems to be under control.
4. The 1991 economic crises were so successfully dealt with that India emerged stronger after the crises.
5. Democracy is functional.
6. Far from disintegrating or losing territory except in 1962, the institution of India has been becoming stronger and has in fact along the way, annexed one strategically significant Himalayan state of Sikkim.

These are not signs of a country that would disintegrate.





It's a seven episode series.

Thanks, will watch each episode as and when I find time. :)

Also, the series' title reminds me of a ghost story film I watched long ago. A man arrives in a train at a certain station and some things happen which I don't remember now.

I will link you to a 90s Indian serial called Farmaan which was a story about one Hyderabadi nawabi family and a young woman called Aiman Shahab who joins that family as a general assistant to the matriarch of that family. Though I don't much care about royalty I find the serial good. This is the first episode. It is a 14 part series.

Please watch
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