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Misunderstood the context you were going for somewhat.
A worthy read, yes its all relative and can only truly be understood by people from the country/area itself...how to put relatively.

I just find it mostly odd to try compare across borders for just that very reason....because a 3/10 might register as a 7/10 in another place (as far as fairly subjective or even objective alarm intensity etc) with simply all the context etc put in by the local but not really accessible to a non-local at all in the same way.

I for example once thought things were mostly "won" (to use Joe lingo) here in north america in various things and ways I thought were resolved/settled/stabilized long ago, but I am being proven wrong increasingly.... and it may only register as largely trivial in the grand scheme of things in other places.

You have summarised better than I could, and more frankly than I could, the reasons for which I believe that peace, not war, is what is inevitable between our two countries. If I had said what you did, I would have been accused by citizens of both nations of sycophancy.

You have already gone through your ordeal by fire, and you have emerged well - battered and bruised but victorious.

Now it's our turn.

As the song's words go,

Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be shall be,
The future's not ours to see.

Within that, personally speaking - @jamahir and @Afrazul must answer for themselves - I believe that we will recover from the present sickness; it will leave scars and scar tissue; uniting our citizens will become that level more difficult due to the oppression of Muslims today, and the visible contempt for Dalits and 'lower' castes that is on display. Will there be further division? No, not unless some of the tribes and ethnicities in the north-east decide that they have had enough and try to break away strongly enough to succeed. However, the situation balances on a knife's edge.

It is sad that relations between ordinary people have deteriorated so much that you even felt it necessary to mention any notion of insult. What you asked was fair, and couched in most courteous language. These are questions that we should be asking ourselves constantly. Please feel free to ask any and every question, but beware of bhakts. Any of the persons you have tagged are bound to reply you politely, and with more information than I have.

Redefining political boundaries will avoid bloodshed, if executed properly.

Otherwise we are looking at a genocide of Muslims in India.

It may not even be wholesale murder of Muslims, but de-Islamisation of them. Faced with the prospect of death AND dishonor on one hand and the promise of life as a convert Hindu or at least some Bhakt approved Islam with dignity, many if not most of Indian Muslims will choose the latter. I would not fault the people in such impossible circumstances. Muslims have families, children, brothers and sisters. Most will choose life over death in camps. In any case, atrocities against Muslims do not matter anywhere in the world, India is no exception. So, realistically, I cannot expect a NATO alliance do a Serbia in India when the govt starts putting people in the camps. They will not care as long as the Indian market is open to them and it does not lead to a PR disaster.

Those with the means will leave, but the vast majority of India will be Muslimfrei or Islamfrei. Centuries of heritage will be wiped out, Muslim localities will be converted to plush malls, industries and the like and the history erased.

The only peaceful alternative is a partition that grants the right of Muslims to live. Survival seems to be a luxury now, if you are a Muslim in India.

Dear @Nilgiri , @Joe Shearer , @AfrazulMandal , @jamahir thanks for sharing your thoughts, but I think such a serious topic got lost in the discussion of culinary delights and "intellectual debate" about what key ingredients should or should not constitute a "Biryani", but I must confess that born, bred and raised as north punjabi, spending most of my life abroad and finding a Pashtun better half I am afraid I feel least competent discussing such an important topic on culinary preferences.:(

Sorry for the late reply, after two weeks of office my rotation "Work from Home" started which truly is PITA in my line of work and my kind of responsibilities.

But on the topic I think I'll start something in the indian forum to discuss more on the matter some time soon.
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Dear @Nilgiri , @Joe Shearer , @AfrazulMandal , @jamahir thanks for sharing your thoughts, but I thinks such a serious topic got lost in the discussion of culinary delights and "intellectual debate" about what key ingredients should or should not constitute a "Biryani", but I must confess that born, bred and raised as north punjabi, spending most of my life abroad and finding a Pashtun better half I am afraid I feel least competent discussing such an important topic on culinary preferences.:(

Sorry for the late reply, after two weeks of office my rotation "Work from Home" started which truly is PITA in my line of work and my kind of responsibilities.

But on the topic I think I'll start something in the indian forum to discuss more on the matter some time soon.

Personally, I will look forward to this. For far too long, serious and important issues have been abandoned to be worried over and torn between rival packs of fanboys, and avoided by concerned and worried citizens of the sober variety. Your initiative will, I hope, restore these issues in the renewed, rejuvenated PDF to consideration by those who are willing to do something other than make them footballs to kick around.
Hey @VCheng how is the rule of law going in USA?

Very well, actually. Thank you for your faux concerns. :D

Police reforms will take place according to due process now that things have been set in motion. The heat of the elections will make for turbulent times, but the systems of check and balances in place will deliver as they always do.

I have no doubts about that at all.
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So, tell me why did not deliver for Floyd despite the issue being there for centuries? This is hardly a new issue is it?

Good question. Are you aware of the history between the cop and George from prior to this interaction? All answers will be forthcoming soon enough. We need to the process to complete. (And the same for Rayshard Brooks.)
Redefining political boundaries will avoid bloodshed, if executed properly.

Otherwise we are looking at a genocide of Muslims in India.

It may not even be wholesale murder of Muslims, but de-Islamisation of them. Faced with the prospect of death AND dishonor on one hand and the promise of life as a convert Hindu or at least some Bhakt approved Islam with dignity, many if not most of Indian Muslims will choose the latter. I would not fault the people in such impossible circumstances. Muslims have families, children, brothers and sisters. Most will choose life over death in camps. In any case, atrocities against Muslims do not matter anywhere in the world, India is no exception. So, realistically, I cannot expect a NATO alliance do a Serbia in India when the govt starts putting people in the camps. They will not care as long as the Indian market is open to them and it does not lead to a PR disaster.

Those with the means will leave, but the vast majority of India will be Muslimfrei or Islamfrei. Centuries of heritage will be wiped out, Muslim localities will be converted to plush malls, industries and the like and the history erased.

The only peaceful alternative is a partition that grants the right of Muslims to live. Survival seems to be a luxury now, if you are a Muslim in India.

The Hindus will not grant you a partition. You will have to take it from them. They're still butthurt over 1947. They can't even let go of Kashmir.
Good question.
You did not answer rthe question. Finding solutions in past tense is no solution. It's like Taliban being questioned and they reply with "not to worry, will sort it out, work in progress, watch this space". Few years down. Same thing. Same reply.
Are you aware of the history between the cop and George from prior to this interaction?
Yes. Be that as it may it does not detract from the fact that there is a issue and it has been issue foe decades if not going back centuries.
You did not answer rthe question. Finding solutions in past tense is no solution. It's like Taliban being questioned and they reply with "not to worry, will sort it out, work in progress, watch this space". Few years down. Same thing. Same reply.
Yes. Be that as it may it does not detract from the fact that there is a issue and it has been issue foe decades if not going back centuries.

I agree with you there is a longstanding issue here, but I think you can also recognize that the overall situation is improving, specially in the last half century or so.
I agree with you there is a longstanding issue here, but I think you can also recognize that the overall situation is improving, specially in the last half century or so.
I think you will struggle and I don't entirely blame US police or American society. The problem you have is Blacks tend to, note "tend to" -

  • be larger then the average
  • be stronger than the average
  • be more aggressive than the average

this coupled with racism in society makes for a toxic mix. Every interaction with police could easily turn nasty [for the police or the individual] and this is at heart of the problem.
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