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About despot, why is it that every leader who stands up to the Western governments gets called despot or in the wording of Hindi news channels - tanashah ??
That's not true, whole of the non-alignment movement was not considered despots and many west-aligned state heads are considered despots too.
Search for photos of Gaddafi with Fidel Castro, Mandela and Hugo Chavez. All despots is it ??
Except Mandela all of them are; with Gaddafi taking the crown with Chavez and Castro coming second and third respectively. I say this because the effects they caused in their country, Venezuela suffers from high wealth inequality despite; Cuba's GDP shrunk continuously since communist takeover - they were living off on Soviet aid and after it's collapse on Venezuela's aid. For Gaddafi, I have already addressed in an above post.

And this is only economic impact, not to count the various human rights issue and chocking of the press.

That's not true, whole of the non-alignment movement was not considered despots

NAM leaders Nehru and Sukarno were not called despots mainly because they were not 'hard left'.

and many west-aligned state heads are considered despots too.

Like who ??

Except Mandela all of them are;

Then why was Mandela friendly with Gaddafi ?? I think I posted a short vid to you in which Mandela is replying to a hostile American talk show host on his friendship with Gaddafi.

with Gaddafi taking the crown with Chavez and Castro coming second and third respectively.

How ??

Venezuela suffers from high wealth inequality despite

We should remember that Venezuela has been the target of plots by the CIA for years. And it started with Chavez becoming President.

At present the American government and CIA supports in various ways Juan Guaido, the opponents of Chavez's successor, Maduro. Support in creating riots, support to food merchants to secretly hoard food so as to create an artificial famine ( food queues ), support by smuggling weapons into Venezuela from Columbia in food and "relief" trucks and of course political support headquartered in America.

Cuba's GDP shrunk continuously since communist takeover - they were living off on Soviet aid and after it's collapse on Venezuela's aid.

Cuba is generally self-sufficient through tourism industry, sugar plantation, nickel mining and other things.

I had once met the State Secretary for my state of the CPI-M and he told me that he once visited Cuba. He did not indicate to me of any experience that Cuba was doing badly.

and chocking of the press.

We see in India that most TV news channels, internet new websites and newspapers - national and regional - are propagating wrong and anti-social ideas. Only a few like NDTV, The Hindu, The Quint and one or two others are good. So how would you negate the wrong ones ??
NAM leaders Nehru and Sukarno were not called despots mainly because they were not 'hard left'.
Say 'Totalitarian left'.
Like who ??
Like Al-Sisi, Saddam before Gulf war, Bahrain etc.
Then why was Mandela friendly with Gaddafi ?? I think I posted a short vid to you in which Mandela is replying to a hostile American talk show host on his friendship with Gaddafi.
He made it clear in the video that he had relations with Gaddafi only because of his support towards his movement. Kind of opportunistic dealing.
Cuba was doing badly.
Their GDP shrunk continuously, it's a statistical fact. They're not doing badly because of the continuous aid they have been receiving and they did not slip in basic necessities proportionately to slip in their GDP.
We should remember that Venezuela has been the target of plots by the CIA for years. And it started with Chavez becoming President.

At present the American government and CIA supports in various ways Juan Guaido, the opponents of Chavez's successor, Maduro. Support in creating riots, support to food merchants to secretly hoard food so as to create an artificial famine ( food queues ), support by smuggling weapons into Venezuela from Columbia in food and "relief" trucks and of course political support headquartered in America.
I may agree to the sanctions having effects but even many left leaning scholars think that there were no structural reforms that could led Venezuela to "equality" or even unequal prosperity. His policies had the same fault as Gaddafi - what did they managed to export other than oil after all these years?
Moreover, even the sanctions suggests that socialism failed as world order.
We see in India that most TV news channels, internet new websites and newspapers - national and regional - are propagating wrong and anti-social ideas. Only a few like NDTV, The Hindu, The Quint and one or two others are good. So how would you negate the wrong ones ??
Press should be free from politician's influence, it's not their right to dictate what's wrong and what's right. This is the same problem which plagues both India and plagued Gaddafi's Libya.
Say 'Totalitarian left'.

Among those two, Sukarno was not "Totalitarian" according to Western powers for some time but when he began actively supporting the PKI ( Communist Party of Indonesia ) the American government / CIA had him replaced with their man, Suharto. The PKI until the mid-60s was the second largest Communist Party in the world. After Suharto took power, his military and right-wing mullah allies, in 1965, are said to have murdered up to a million confirmed communists, sympathizers and even those who had no connection to the PKI. This can be only called a genocide but its leader, Suharto, was neither called a totalitarian by Western powers nor was Indonesia invaded by "UN" army, air force and special forces to remove Suharto.

Let me give an example of another real totalitarian who wasn't castigated or replaced by Western governments during his reign of terror but was supported. Augusto Pinochet the former President of Chile. From the Wikipedia page about him :
Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the democratically elected socialist Unidad Popular government of President Salvador Allende and ended civilian rule. The support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.

And what his government did :
Following his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of from 1,200 to 3,200 people, the internment of as many as 80,000 people and the torture of tens of thousands. According to the Chilean government, the number of executions and forced disappearances was 3,095
According to Peter Kornbluh in The Pinochet File, "routine sadism was taken to extremes" in the prison camps. The rape of women was common, including sexual torture such as the insertion of rats into genitals and "unnatural acts involving dogs." Detainees were forcibly immersed in vats of urine and excrement, and were occasionally forced to ingest it. Beatings with gun butts, fists and chains were routine; one technique known as "the telephone" involved the torturer slamming "his open hands hard and rhythmically against the ears of the victim," leaving the person deaf. At Villa Grimaldi, prisoners were dragged into the parking lot and had the bones in their legs crushed as they were run over with trucks. Some died from torture; prisoners were beaten with chains and left to die from internal injuries. Following abuse and execution, corpses were interred in secret graves, dropped into rivers or the ocean, or just dumped on urban streets in the night. The body of the renowned Chilean singer, theatre director and academic Víctor Jara was found in a dirty canal "with his hands and face extremely disfigured" and with "forty-four bullet holes.
Images of Pinochet have been used in several internet memes with the caption "Pinochet's Free Helicopter Rides", referencing death flights which saw political dissidents being thrown from helicopters over the Pacific or the Andes during Pinochet's rule.
I am sure there are more tortures and murders that happened there.

Like Al-Sisi, Saddam before Gulf war, Bahrain etc.

Sisi replaced Morsi by the consent of Egyptians. It is worth noting that Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt was once banned during the time of Nasser's Presidency because it's members tried to assassinate him. But coming back to Sisi, from his Wikipedia page :
Mass demonstrations occurred on 30 June 2013 as tens of millions of Egyptians took to the streets to denounce Mohamed Morsi. Clashes took place around Egypt. Soon afterwards, the Egyptian Army issued a 48-hour ultimatum which aired on television that gave the country's political parties until 3 July to meet the demands of the anti-Morsi demonstrators. The Egyptian military also threatened to intervene if the dispute was not resolved by then

He made it clear in the video that he had relations with Gaddafi only because of his support towards his movement. Kind of opportunistic dealing.

It was not a simple opportunistic dealing but more a ideological solidarity. Mandela's ANC group was socialist and a freedom movement and Gaddafi's Libya also supported other such movements all over the world like FARC in Columbia.

Did the Western powers support ANC militarily and monitarily like Libya did ??

Their GDP shrunk continuously, it's a statistical fact. They're not doing badly because of the continuous aid they have been receiving and they did not slip in basic necessities proportionately to slip in their GDP.

Our in-house Indian doctor, @padamchen, can attest to the fact that Cuba still has a good medical system that is free for all Cuban citizens. They have kept this despite any troubles they might have in their economy.

I may agree to the sanctions having effects but even many left leaning scholars think that there were no structural reforms that could led Venezuela to "equality" or even unequal prosperity. His policies had the same fault as Gaddafi - what did they managed to export other than oil after all these years?

You should search for the current Venezuelan experiment in Direct Democracy Socialism which they adapted from the Libyan system ( Chavez being a friend of Gaddafi ). The Venezuelans call this as the the consejos comunales - communal councils. Before the recent troubles most of these councils were able to generate income at commune or neighborhood level, requiring less day-to-day financial support from the central government.

As for what they managed to export, well, Venezuela along with Bolivia and Cuba stand as a wall against Western imperialism and possibly Venezuela exports its Direct Democracy experimental data to people in other Latin American countries, and also general Progressive ideas to LatAm through the ALBA alliance.

Moreover, even the sanctions suggests that socialism failed as world order.

How ??
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Among those two, Sukarno was not "Totalitarian" according to Western powers for some time but when he began actively supporting the PKI ( Communist Party of Indonesia ) the American government / CIA had him replaced with their man, Sukarno. The PKI until the mid-60s was the second largest Communist Party in the world. After Suharto took power, his military and right-wing mullah allies, in 1965, are said to have murdered up to a million confirmed communists, sympathizers and even those who had no connection to the PKI. This can be only called a genocide but its leader, Suharto, was neither called a totalitarian by Western powers nor was Indonesia invaded by "UN" army, air force and special forces to remove Suharto.
My point was that a despot is a despot, no matter if it's west-backed or not, many leftists in the west criticised Indonesia and it's relationship with the U.S. like they opposes the Vietnam war, this is not possible under a despot. On Pinochet, I agree with you.
Sisi replaced Morsi by the consent of Egyptians. It is worth noting that Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt was once banned during the time of Nasser's Presidency because it's members tried to assassinate him. But coming back to Sisi, from his Wikipedia page :
It doesn't matter as despot replacing Islamist is no good news. Sisi remains a despot (look at the Wikipedia page itself) and no there was no consent in his coup and Sisi is west-backed too, Trump calls him "my favorite dictator".
Our in-house Indian doctor, @padamchen, can attest to the fact that Cuba still has a good medical system that is free for all Cuban citizens. They have kept this despite any troubles they might have in their economy.
That's the problem - the model is not replicable, it's needs a constant external aid to function. We may pick ideas from it but on a whole it's useless - if everyone receives aid in the world, then from where it will come?
As for what they managed to export, well, Venezuela along with Bolivia and Cuba stand as a wall against Western imperialism and possibly Venezuela exports its Direct Democracy experimental data to people in other Latin American countries, and also general Progressive ideas to LatAm through the ALBA alliance.
While I appreciate the anti-Imperialist character of it (socialism rose there because of Imperialism in Latin America in the first place), the model itself is neither sustainable nor replicable, how non-oil rich countries can survive with it?
They underperformed continuously compared to the capitalist world. Each and every communist state failed.

On another note, a controlled and balanced capitalism with social democracy (like Sweden, Germany etc) is a good model. Also, the miracles in the far-east economies (Asian Tigers) are replicable models for fast and sustainable development for non-oil rich countries.

It was not a simple opportunistic dealing but more a ideological solidarity. Mandela's ANC group was socialist and a freedom movement and Gaddafi's Libya also supported other such movements all over the world like FARC in Columbia.
It was opportunistic, at least on the words of Mandela itself "We chose our partners in relation how they support our struggle".
Did the Western powers support ANC militarily and monitarily like Libya did ??
That doesn't make Gaddafi a less of a despot; Saudi is also supporting many revolutions, did that make them any less despot? Iran supports Palestinian struggle, did that make Ayatollahs any less of a despot?
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Not bad buddy not bad, hate being stuck indoors more than usual...but I have adjusted.

How are you doing? Hope you are well. *Tom chugging tablets* :D
Some my future plans are disrupted as well deep to south , and Can’t saty at home longer then this lol
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